
Saturday 11/25/23 Erin Curren is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Continuing our November Month of Giving Thanks and Gratitude ~ Celebrating how, through movement we find health: We will focus on Nerves for both 5 Stages and the 10am class, which will be a medley expression of gratitude and thanks.

5S Nerves: sensitive communicators — every part of you speaks

Nia EXPRESS: listen and express your gratitude for these amazing internal telegraphs

Intent thank you nerves!

In this class we are getting on our nerves in the best sense ;) diving into the inner world of fiber optic communication systems at work day and night

Your sensory nerves give you a language of sight,
hearing, taste, smell and touch.
The sensory nerves
influence the beat of your heart and your lungs
functioning, awake or asleep.
— Nia 5 Stages

Erin Curren 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.

Key concepts

Anatomy: Nerves, Electricity, Brain, Neuron, Dendrite, Autonomic, Central Nervous System (CNS), Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

YBW: Your Body’s Way “the current design and function of your body” (always changing/new)

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

To educate the body somatically,
we first become curious,
not through the mind
but by exploring sensation
for the sheer stimulation of it.
We notice and learn through the senses.
— Nia 5 Stages
The body is coded to keep us aware and safe.
Sensory information feeds that awareness
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Feedback about Soma 30 Day Challenge Program

Some participants of the 30 day challenge program, as they sign up for the TG Jam, are choosing to provide lovely feedback. We’re deeply touched by their shares:

“I originally signed up for a 30 Day Challenge -
I believe it was in January 2 years ago -
after completing Green Belt training with Helen,
and I wanted more of that connection with
a teacher who brings an abundance of joy and care to her teaching practice.

Did I ever get that and then some...
including a supportive and kind community of people
whose uplifting energy was an antidote to my blahs. :)
Fridays were my favorite days -
I’m in such awe of anyone who can craft choreography on the fly -
followed closely by Wednesdays
with Irene when I had my first experience of Feldenkrais
and its power to heal my body.

My participation in the 30 Day Challenge increased my understanding of my body’s needs,
as well as my confidence in teaching.
I can’t express enough how
the monthly 30 Day Challenges
changed my life,
in ways that I’m still discovering.”
— Kirsten B.
“Helen is a fantastic teacher.
I always learn something
every time I dance with her.”
— Christine D.
“Celebrating a month long focus of gratitude
has been fun and freeing.
Gleeful moments are around and abundant.
Even in the extraordinary world events going on.
Gratitude makes a way for
having HOPE and not despair.”
— Megan F.
“So inspiring and challenging,
and soul-feeding!
Being a full time teacher in Newfoundland, Canada as I am,

I could never catch the in-person classes
but I was so thankful for the recordings
that I could access when I was ready
and had time to devote!

Such amazing instructors
who clearly love what they do
and have such a passion for Nia.”
— Sarah C.
“It was the best I felt in my adult life.
My whole body is nourished through Nia movement.
My emotional health is
equally nourished with love and encouragement.
It’s a new way I live life now in my 70’s.
Through movement I find health❤️”
— Linda C.
“For three months I participated in Helen’s 30-Day challenge.
I couldn’t wait each morning to join the online community she has created and see what she had in store for us to dance to.
She makes every dance exciting and new.
She has such an extensive knowledge of the body and mind
and shares it wholly with her participants.

I love the team of beautiful spirited dancers
she has created to instruct various classes
throughout the month.
Such variety and joy!!”
— Mona Lisa B.
“It was via replay.
And was quite inspiring.
Loved the variety of rock stars
plus Helen.”
— Leigh L
“This is my first challenge experience
and I am LOVING this!
Thank you Helen and thank you team!
There is much more to be experienced...... 💛💛💛”
— Marghi McC.
“....I truly enjoyed the opportunity to dance for 30 days in a row!!”
— Peggy R
“I loved the variety of teachers and styles of teaching. The classes were so much fun.”
— Barbara C
“I’ve enjoyed the daily classes very much.”
— Stacy P

Sunday Thanksgiving Jam 11/26, Soma Team Chat

Enjoy our "get together", where we chat about our upcoming Community Thanksgiving Jam, Sunday, November 26, 1:00pm (Central Time).

  • All participants of the 30 day challenge for the past 3 years (35 months!) are invited to join us for Free.

  • The first 100 people to sign up can enjoy the class LIVE.

  • EveryBody who registers will receive the 24HR replay.

  • AnyOne who signs up for December, by November 25, can also join the jam.

As of Monday morning, here who has signed up:

Soma News

Helen & Liliana Greenlake, Seattle

Happy Friday!

Helen is enjoying quality time with daughter Liliana in Seattle, excited to attend the Lauren Daigle concert on Saturday with client/friend Emily Mockett; One of the great things about hosting retreats and trainings at Soma Ranch is how guests around the world can become great friends.

Joe is hosting 2 groups at Soma this weekend through AirBNB and enjoying the opportunity to be outside, tending to ranch maintenance in glorious Texas weather (we love this time of year in Texas). Check out (below) our little slide show of “Soma Photos of the Week”, wonderful sunsets, cool breezes, breath taking light and very happy donkeys!

The Nia HQ Black Friday sales continue, thank you everyone who’s signed up (and who plans to). Having folks register now for 2024 is helpful for us planning the year at Soma AND simply fun to have things and people to look forward to. We’ve included all the links/codes for the sales and explained the great “add on” benefits of signing up now for a 2024 Soma Ranch training or retreat.

This month’s foci of Gratitude has been deeply moving, beyond expectations. The creativity, and BIG HEART, of our team and community, is touching. A whole month of Grateful Movements: Embracing Health + Appreciation

EVERYBODY who has signed up for any of the 30 day challenge over the past 35 months will receive a complimentary invitation to join our Thanksgiving Sunday Jam. We hope you can join us for this CELEBRATION moving movement experience. Where the entire teaching team will collectively teach a class online full of gratitude and heart; Save the date: Thanksgiving Sunday, November 26, 1:00pm

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma

Saturday Special Guest Teachers

Fabulous Saturday Special Guest teachers Erin and Natasha share information about their wonderful classes coming up:

Natasha 11/23, Thursday 10am

Erin Saturday 11/25, Saturday 8:45am and 10:00am

Team Thanksgiving 11/26, Sunday Jam 1:00pm

Natasha and Paul Duet Surprise 11/28, Tuesday 8am

Other classes coming UP:

Peggy Renfroe 10am Monday 11/20

Paul 8am Tuesday 11/21 ABBA Mix!

Irene 8am Wednesday 11/22 Feldenkrais

Elaine 8am Friday 11/24 Fun Friday Improv’

More information about December 30 day "yes" Challenge***

***Everyone who signs up for December can participate in our thanksgiving team Jam Sunday November (As can ANYONE who has participated in ANY 30 day challenge over the past year)

Sign up for the monthly 30 day challenge:

Creating Self

Saturday 11/18/23 Soma Saturday Special Guest Teacher, Maria Whitley, returns to teach both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Continuing our November Month of Giving Thanks and Gratitude ~ Celebrating how, through movement we find health: We will focus on Creating Self, exploring choice and change with the intent to co-create a magical hour of self-healing followed by a dancing hour of celebration.

During the Nia 5 Stages class we traverse the concept of creating self through education and exploration, learning and sensing, with the methodology of Look, Listen, Imagine to bring a systemic grounded guided movement experience.

Classes with Maria Whitley 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

Looking forward to being back in the Zoom Room with you all this Saturday! Our focus for 5Stages is CREATING SELF (no biggie, right? 😅) and as always, the right lesson seems to come to me as I need it! We will explore choice and change and co-create a magical hour of self-healing followed by a Super Fun Jazz-inspired Nia class where we will CELEBRATE SELF! I hope you can join me LIVE!
— Maria Whitley
Nia 5 Stages provides an opportunity
to bear witness to the fact that
you create yourself.
You create yourself with your thoughts,
your choices, and with your movement.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.

Key concepts

Anatomy: The Body is designed to self-organize, reorganize and constantly seek homeostasis

YBW: Your Body’s Way “the current design and function of your body” (always changing/new)

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

The body is designed to self-organize,
to reorganize, constantly seeking balance or homeostasis.
It is designed to find places of
greater comfort, ease, and pleasure.
Change and adaptability
are The Body’s Way.
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

To educate the body somatically,
we first become curious,
not through the mind
but by exploring sensation
for the sheer stimulation of it.
We notice and learn through the senses.
— Nia 5 Stages

Thanksgiving Sunday Jam, 1pm Sunday 11/26/23

Thanksgiving Sunday Jam, 1pm Sunday 11/26/23

We are offering a Thanksgiving Sunday JAM gift for EveryBody who has participated in any of our 30 day Monthly Soma Challenges over the past 35 months!

All you need do is complete the following form to receive the link for class on Sunday 11/26/23.

No strings or attachments. We simply would LOVE to connect with you and say thank you for being part of this incredible journey.

  • All participants of the 30 day challenge for the past 3 years (35 months!) are invited to join us for Free.

  • The first 100 people to sign up can enjoy the class LIVE.

  • EveryBody who registers will receive the 24HR replay.

  • AnyOne who signs up for December, by November 25, can also join the jam.

Best ways to SAVE on Nia Trainings

There are some fabulous ways to SAVE on Nia Trainings. The 2 top recommendations are

  • utilize the “$100 off your next training coupon” with Nia membership

  • signing up for a training during the Nia Black Friday sales

Sales and/or promotions cannot be combined on any Nia training so you can always pick the best deal. Here’s details on the deals to help guide you through the process to choose what’s best for you.

  1. Nia Black Friday Sale for White Belt $399 off

  2. Nia Black Friday Sale for Blue, Brown, Black Belt $299 off.

  3. Nia Black Friday Sale for Green Belt $100 off.

  4. Nia Membership Credit $100

1. Nia Black Friday Sale for White Belt $399 off

This $399 off is the best deal of the year.

The White Belt training is the entry level course available for all.

This course is focused on personal development and discovery. Learn more about yourself, your body and how to move.

The White Belt is for EVERYBODY and is also the foundational prerequisite for those who want to teach.


2. Blue, Brown & Black Belt trainings $299 off.

This $299 off is the best deal of the year.

  • Blue focuses on Communication,

  • Brown focuses on Energy

  • Black belt focuses on Transformation

All these belts are suitable for personal development.

Although most folks go through these belts in the order above, Helen has found some folks do well with a different order, choice is yours!


3. Nia Black Friday Sale for Green Belt $100 off.

This year the Green Belt sale is $100, the same discount as the Nia Member $100 credit, this year. 

  • Nia members can receive the $100 off any time they register. SO LONG AS THEY DO THIS WITH 12 months of their previous belt.

  • Non Nia members can receive $100 off when they sign up any time Nov 23 - 29, 2024.


4. Nia Member Credit $100

Nia Member $100 Credit is for Nia Members who sign up within 12 months of graduating from their previous belt. They can contact for the unique code that will deduct $100 from their registration fee. This $100 credit can be applied to any belt training and excludes specialty trainings.

For Blue, Brown and Black trainings, during the Nia Black Friday Sale. using the $299 off is the better deal.


Soma Special savings

We love when folks can come to class, dance with Helen and get to know the community BEFORE they attend a Nia Training at Soma Ranch. This helps participants relax in anticipation of their experience and develop a sense of belonging before they even arrive.

The Advantages of “Pre-Training” Online Classes via Zoom

  • Convenience and Flexibility

  • Enhanced Preparedness and Engagement

  • Networking Opportunities

When guests sign up, by November 28th, for their accommodation for a 2024 Nia training or retreat at Soma Ranch they receive the choice of

OPTION 1: a complimentary Monthly 30 Day challenge (30 days, 30 classes) or

OPTION 2: $500 off the 365 day challenge (only $499 for a year of classes)

Possibilities for 2024

Our fabulous Soma Ranch Rock Star team provide me (Helen) with wonderful feedback and suggestions. I thoroughly enjoy their creativity and appreciate the opportunity to explore new possibilities that can help serve them, the wider Nia teaching circle and in general our 30 day and 365 Day Challenge community.

Their suggestions for Helen in 2024 include

  • Feature a vintage routine each month

  • Teach the Vintage Nia Routine Classic (original choreography)

  • Teach adapted versions of the Classic Routine, (examples below)

  • Provide “CraftShops” on HOW TO learn useful tricks of the trade

    • HOW TO adapt original routines with new music.

    • HOW TO adapt with simplification (simplify Routines)

    • HOW TO adapt with spontaneity (teaching on the fly)

    • HOW TO adapt with 52 moves (structure + shuffle)

    • HOW TO adapt with repetition (Helen’s kata formula)

    • HOW TO adapt with form + freedom (stimulate creativity)

    • HOW TO do the bars (music mapping)

    • HOW TO create and sustain focus

    • HOW TO bring 9 movements forms into any class.

  • Teach a Helen Original every month (see buffet of 52 below)

Helen “Originals” include:

A selection of Helen “Original” Movement Experiences

2024 365 Day Challengers receive 50% off all events and workshops in 2024.

30 Day Challenges receive 50% off all events and workshops during their registered month.

Soma News

Chris sharing PURE JOY with her puppies at Soma

Happy Friday!

The sun has been shining beautifully here at Soma, Texas weather at it’s best, and now, this evening, after rain and a temperature drop, we’re enjoying a cozy log fire!

We had a grand week with

Nia HQ have launched their Black Friday sales and we’ve done our best to explain, compliment and amplify the offerings.

Check out the following blogs for information on how to save and get excited about great things to look forward to in 2024.

This month our focus is Gratitude and enrollment for the November 30 days challenge is still open and we’d LOVE you to join us. 30 classes, 30 replays, for only $99, with talented teachers, with plenty of education, support and education. A whole month of Grateful Movements: Embracing Health + Appreciation

EVERYBODY who has signed up for any of the 30 day challenge over the past 35 months will receive a complimentary invitation to join our Thanksgiving Sunday Jam. We hope you can join us for this CELEBRATION moving movement experience. Where the entire teaching team will collectively teach a class online full of gratitude and heart; Save the date: Thanksgiving Sunday, November 26, 2:00pm

Helen is gleefully teaching both classes in the morning (Saturday). With only a few weeks left in 2023 we are finishing up our 52 5 stages lessons with some great ones. Tomorrow is 11/11 and the focus of Body and Life Transformation with Purpose, Potential and Possibilities is PERFECT. hope you can join us LIVE or via the 24HR replay.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma

Wheels of Educational Somatic Transformation

Saturday 11/11/23 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Continuing our November Month of Giving Thanks and Gratitude ~ Celebrating how, through movement we find health: We will focus on Wheels of Educational Somatic Transformation, a classic experience created by Helen called “Thanks”, inspired by the music of Karen Drucker. Her meaningful lyrics, sing-a-long mantras, soft melodies and gentle rhythms, come together to bring a wholistic moving experience for body, mind, emotion and spirit.

During the Nia 5 Stages class we explore the relationship between education and exploration, learning and sensing, with the methodology of Look, Listen, Imagine to bring a systemic grounded guided movement experience.

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Classes with Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.

Key concepts

Anatomy: Purpose, possibility, potential, Sacrum, Heart, Pelvis

YBW: Your Body’s Way “the current design and function of your body” (always changing/new)

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

To educate the body somatically,
we first become curious,
not through the mind
but by exploring sensation
for the sheer stimulation of it.
We notice and learn through the senses.
— Nia 5 Stages
The body is coded to keep us aware and safe.
Sensory information feeds that awareness
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

Continuing Education for an adult
is to go back to the non-thinking,
pre-verbal experience of being
curious and noticing in the senses,
“Does this feel better?”
“Does this feel comfortable?”
“Is this giving me Pleasure?”
— Nia 5 Stages

2 Favorite Class Options from the Playlist

Soma Ranch AirBNB Super 1st Week

Last week we relaunched our AirBNB listings here at Soma Ranch. The initial response has been fabulous. This week we hosted 3 groups, this coming weekend we have 3 more groups and Thanksgiving is already booked exclusively for a family’s private retreat.

We are providing special “re-opening rates” for the first 11 bookings. 4 more opportunities left.

Let us know if you are interested in booking a small personal get away, a family gathering and corporate retreat. You can now book by the room, by the building or the whole ranch. We love sharing this special place and getting to meet likeminded lovely people.

Check out the choices below, book direct through AirBNB and contact us if you have more questions.

For this “Special Re-Opening Celebration” we are offering overnight stays at Soma Ranch at ReDonkeylously Amazing Prices (can we hear a Hee Haw!!”).

  • Would you like a super opportunity to enjoy a stay at Soma Ranch?

  • Perhaps while attending the nearby Renaissance Festival?

  • Retreat away from the City (only 60 mins from Houston) Visiting local wineries?

  • Bring the family together for Thanksgiving or Christmas?

  • We’ll even host a wedding for up to 25 people!

We would love to celebrate this Soma Shift with you AND, in turn, you are also helping us regain our AirBNB Super Host Status, which elevates us back up to the top of searches and filters, while bringing benefits and bonuses.

Review: Soma Ranch Pool Side Casita

Review: Soma Ranch Private Room & Private Bathroom

Review: Soma Ranch Barndo Beauty

Soma Ranch Retreat House (BOOK THE WHOLE RANCH!)

Welcome home to our secluded 15 acre ranch retreat. Feel like a rock star and enjoy the whole ranch to yourselves. We're close to the Texas Ren Fest, only 2 miles from quaint Montgomery. Surrounded by beautiful countryside, enjoy a peaceful setting with the convenience of cafes, restaurants, wineries, boutiques, and grocery store (even Signature Krogers Grocery and 24 hour Walmart Super Center!) within minutes. Rent the house, and have the opportunity to add on Pool Side Casita and/or Barndo Beauty if you’d like more than 10 guests to stay.

Soma Ranch Sweet Suites

Enjoy the entire upstairs of the Soma Ranch House. Whether solo, couple, triple or quad you are guaranteed the entire upstairs suite exclusively to yourself. Enjoy Full Private bath. And take it easy at this unique and tranquil getaway. Downstairs is shared space with Helen & Joe, however you may find you have the whole place to yourself as we're often out working in the pastures or off enjoying all things fabulous in Montgomery, Texas

Soma Ranch ~ Pool Side Casita

At Soma Ranch, nestled in the picturesque countryside, awaits a charming private poolside casita tiny home, offering a delightful and tranquil stay for one person. This inviting space boasts a cozy interior, meticulously decorated with rustic yet modern touches. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a comfortable and inviting twin-sized daybed, perfect for a restful night's sleep after a day of exploration.

At Soma Ranch, nestled in the picturesque countryside, awaits a charming private poolside casita tiny home, offering a delightful and tranquil stay for one person. This inviting space boasts a cozy interior, meticulously decorated with rustic yet modern touches. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a comfortable and inviting twin-sized daybed, perfect for a restful night's sleep after a day of exploration. The casita features a kettle, selection of teas and coffee machine, allowing for convenient hot drink preparation, the mini fridge provides space for your chilled beverage and/or snacks food you choose to bring with you and a cozy sitting area where you can relax and unwind.

The true highlight of this tiny home is its private poolside location, inviting you to soak up the sun's rays or take a refreshing dip at your leisure. The sauna, hot tub and cold plunge are a welcoming triad of rejuvenation. Whether you're seeking solitude or looking to rejuvenate in the serene surroundings, this private poolside casita at Soma Ranch provides an idyllic retreat for a memorable stay.

Soma Ranch Barndo Beauty

Get away from it all when you stay under the stars in our cozy rustic barndominium that is like none other!

This spacious converted, fully insulated, barn, with excellent AC/heat system, ceiling fans and luxury thread counts, provides a unique haven for your romantic get away for 2 or a slumber party for up to 11! You get to choose.

Personal Retreat: Private Room & Bathroom

Indulge in a rock star experience at our magnificent 15-acre Ranch Retreat, where luxury and serenity meet. Unwind in your exclusive private room, boasting a charming wrap-around porch that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding beauty. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of our Olympic lap pool, or rejuvenate your body and soul in the tranquil embrace of the sauna and hot tub. And if connecting with nature is your thing, our friendly horses and donkeys eagerly await your company. Feel like royalty as you settle into the cozy downstairs Queen bed, complete with a private bathroom for your utmost convenience. Need some inspiration? Look no further than the desk adorned with two comfortable chairs, positioned perfectly near your window overlooking the lush pastures. At Soma Ranch, we aim to deliver an experience that will make you feel like a true rock star.

Book the Whole Ranch

Soma ranch house

Book By the Room

Personal Retreat: Private Room & Bathroom

Downstairs Private 1 Bedroom and Private 1 Bathroom: 1 Queen Bed, Desk & Chairs by Window

Soma Sweet Suites

Entire Upstairs Floor: 2 Bedrooms, 4 Double Beds, 1 - 4 guests, Private Full Bathroom

Soma Barndo Beauty

Exclusive Barndominium Booking: Large Bedroom. Queen Bed + 10 twins. 2 Full Bathrooms. Lounge, Kitchenette, Dinning Area

Soma Pool-Side Casita

Complete Privacy in Special Pool Side Casita Tiny Home: Twin Bed, Shower, Toilet, Sink, Sliding Glass doors to amaving poolside view. Porch area with complete privacy option with new Cabana Curtains

Thank you Soma Sista

There is a core group of fabulous women here at Soma Ranch who sign up for the year unlimited classes with Helen. Their commitment, regular attendance and support is appreciated and enjoyed immensely.

Often I seriously wonder if I would continue to teach classes if not for this amazing core group of women who show up, fill me up, support and sustain me.
— Helen Terry, Soma Ranch
I was smitten from the first experience

What I found is that “exercise” is for the body (and maybe for the mind) but that NIA is for my body, mind and spirit.
— Chris D

Thank you Chris for renewing in October. This is the 4th year Chris has chosen to commit to a year of 10am classes. Thank you for your continued support.

Chris shared this with regards why she is stepping into her 4th year of signing up for unlimited classes at Soma Ranch.

“Many years ago, a good friend invited me to a Nia class. I told her that I could not/did not dance and never took her up on the invite. I had a chance to take a class from Helen some time later at a yoga studio that I belonged to. I was smitten from the first experience. What I found is that “exercise” is for the body (and maybe for the mind) but that Nia is for my body, mind and spirit.

I believe that my SOMA (Nia) family members are deep, thoughtful, and not afraid of expressing themselves in word or dance. Our NIA community has always been supportive – especially when members experience hardship and loss. My life is richer because of Helen and my SOMA friends.

A bonus for me is that aerobic dancing is good for people with kidney disease.”

I believe that my SOMA (Nia) family members are deep, thoughtful, and not afraid of expressing themselves in word or dance. Our NIA community has always been supportive – especially when members experience hardship and loss.
— Chris D.

Thank you Soma Sistas

Amy, Becki, Bonnie

Cathey, Chris, Cynthia

Deana, Diana, Darlene

Kay, Jessica, Laura

Megan, Monica, Peggy

Soma Class Rates
from $20.00
  • $20 | 1 class

  • $75 | 5 class pass (3 month expiration) ($15 per class)

  • $130 | 10 class pass (3 month expiration) ($13 per class)

  • $99 | 30 Day Challenge, 30 Classes, ALL 8am + 10am ($3.30 per class)

  • $60 | Day Retreat (click for more Info)

  • $25 | Lunch or Dinner

  • $96 | 60 min massage

  • $145 | 90 min massage

30 Day Challenge Benefits:

  1. unlimited 10am + 8am Nia Classes for 30 days

  2. bring a “new to the challenge” friend to class for a month

  3. enjoy before and after class conversations and nuggets

  4. receive automatic 24HR replays via email

Whole Body Gratitude Knitted Together

Continuing our 30 day movement challenge of gratitude, we hope this verse brings you inspiration and motivation. No matter what our beliefs or religion, these words literally wrap up several concepts around gratitude, body gratitude and how to be in awe of this experience we call life.

In our movement classes, and community chats before and after class, we bring S.P.I.C.E.:

  • Systemic movement (Whole Body)

  • Promote and build self-care

  • Integrate Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit (Whole Soma)

  • Create the way the body is designed to move

  • Evolve from a place of love (movement, practice, community)

From whom
the whole body,
joined and knitted together
by every ligament
with which it is equipped,
as each part is working properly,
promotes the body’s growth
in building itself up
in love.
— Ephesians 4:16

Monthly Cuppa for St Jude

Dear Cynthia, Chris, Liliana, Peggy and Susannah.

Thank you for choosing to hang out after class on Monday for our “Monthly Cuppa”. We appreciate your generous donations to St Jude, today we raised $120. What a wonderful bonus to bring puppies to our experience, thank you Chris.

Being able to relax, sit down outside, enjoy the perfect Texas weather and delightful conversations was a treat. These monthly connections are very special times. The opportunity to connect, learn more about each other, laugh and support was much appreciated.

We raised $120 for St Jude (our annual fundraising campaign)

These monthly meetings are very important to me and other people in the group. I love and need the opportunity to connect and appreciate these special cuppas.
— Chris, Nia White Belt + regular Soma Student

Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, December 4th

Soma News

Welcome to November!

Thank you for signing up for our newsletter, showing an interest in Soma News and coming to visit (Past, Present, Future)

There’s a lot happening both in our immediate world and the world around us. We hope our updates help you. That you enjoy checking out our latest news, find inspiration through our posts and enjoy being entertained at least and receive healing at best. How great when both can happen simultaneously.

We’ve shifted gears and are excited to be listing Soma Ranch back up on Short Term Rental via AirBNB. With options for either book by the room or opt for the whole ranch. In celebration of our re-opening the 1st 10 bookings will receive fabulous rates (and you’ll be helping us regain our super host status).

This month our focus is Gratitude and enrollment for the November 30 days challenge is still open and we’d LOVE you to join us. 30 classes, 30 replays, for only $99, with talented teachers, with plenty of education, support and education. A whole month of Grateful Movements: Embracing Health + Appreciation

EVERYBODY who has signed up for any of the 30 day challenge over the past 35 months will receive a complimentary invitation to join our Thanksgiving Sunday Jam. We hope you can join us for this CELEBRATION moving movement experience. Where the entire teaching team will collectively teach a class online full of gratitude and heart; Save the date: Thanksgiving Sunday, November 26, 2:00pm

Helen is teaching both classes in the morning (Saturday) come LIVE or Request the 24HR replay, we are exploring the concept of Creating a Sacred Life with the concept of “Flounce”.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma

Create a Sacred Life + Flounce

Saturday 11/04/23 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Continuing our November Month of Giving Thanks and Gratitude ~ Celebrating how, through movement we find health: We will focus on Creating a Sacred Life and dance to A Classic Experience created by Helen called “Flounce”, with the music of Sade and moves that build “bounce” and “flow” into movement and a state of mind we fondly call “Flounce”. The smooth Voice of Sade with the strong rhythm and base is a perfect compliment to invoke a systemic, stimulating, invigorating, healing experience. One breath, one move, one song at a time.

During the Nia 5 Stages class we explore the relationship between our purpose, possibilities and potential in a systemic grounded movement experience.

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Classes with Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.

Key concepts

Anatomy: Heart, Hand, Body, Mind, Above, Below, In, Out

YBW: Your Body’s Way “the current design and function of your body” (always changing/new)

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

The form or shape of the body is determined by the framework of the bones. It is also determined by how we live in our body

– our thoughts, our feelings, our attitudes, the choices we make, the images we imagine, and particularly those things we say to ourselves.....

We want to team up with the listening of the cells to give the body messages that we desire. When we say, “Now I am self-healing, now I am self-healing,” your energy and your cells go, “Okay, now I know what to do. You got it, coming right up!
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

Monday Cuppa, 11am November 7

Our “Monthly Monday Community Cuppa” event is a fun and nourishing part of our “2024 race Fundraiser for St Jude”

We get together, celebrate, connect and boost each other as we also boost our fundraiser. both in a GRAND way.

Next “Cuppa” is Monday, November 7th.

Yes! our “Monthly Monday Cuppa” connections are WONDERFUL…

Every month, (most often) the first Monday, we meet up after 10am Nia class to connect, enjoy a cuppa and have a grand time.

Coffee, tea, kombucha, snacks and time to hang, get to know each other better, help and support.

This is one of our community events where 100% donations collected go towards St Jude, our “Soma Selected” charity of choice.

Our goal is to raise $8000 for St. Jude. We collect donations at our monthly “Monday Coffee Connection”, Soma Faith classes and Special Events throughout the year.

On Monday entertain 10am Nia Class, then connect with our lovely community with coffee, teas and snacks. We hope you can join us.

We have a great time listening to each other’s thoughts, challenges and successes. We provide support and offer prayers.

Consider enjoying a “double play” with

  • 10:00am Nia

  • 11:00am Monthly Monday Cuppa

AirBNB SUPER Opportunity

After a long pause, including many dancing dynamics through the pandemic, Soma Ranch Owners, Joe and Helen, are delighted to re-listed Soma Ranch on AirBNB short term rentals.

For this “Special Re-Opening Celebration” we are offering overnight stays at Soma Ranch at ReDonkeylously Amazing Prices (can we hear a Hee Haw!!”).

These special “family and friends” rates are available for the first 10 bookings.

  • Would you like a super opportunity to enjoy a stay at Soma Ranch?

  • Perhaps while attending the nearby Renaissance Festival?

  • Retreat away from the City (only 60 mins from Houston) Visiting local wineries?

  • Bring the family together for Thanksgiving or Christmas?

  • We’ll even host a wedding for up to 25 people!

We would love to celebrate this Soma Shift with you. AND in turn you are also helping us regain our AirBNB Super Host Status, which elevates us back up to the top of searches and filters, while bringing benefits and bonuses.

Private Retreat Center (BOOK THE WHOLE RANCH!)

Welcome home to our secluded 15 acre ranch retreat. Feel like a rock star and enjoy the whole ranch to yourselves. We're close to the Texas Ren Fest, only 2 miles from quaint Montgomery. Surrounded by beautiful countryside, enjoy a peaceful setting with the convenience of cafes, restaurants, wineries, boutiques, and grocery store (even Signature Krogers Grocery and 24 hour Walmart Super Center!) within minutes.

Soma Ranch Sweet Suites

Enjoy the entire upstairs of the Soma Ranch House. Whether solo, couple, triple or quad you are guaranteed the entire upstairs suite exclusively to yourself. Enjoy Full Private bath. And take it easy at this unique and tranquil getaway. Downstairs is shared space with Helen & Joe, however you may find you have the whole place to yourself as we're often out working in the pastures or off enjoying all things fabulous in Montgomery, Texas

Soma Ranch ~ Pool Side Casita

At Soma Ranch, nestled in the picturesque countryside, awaits a charming private poolside casita tiny home, offering a delightful and tranquil stay for one person. This inviting space boasts a cozy interior, meticulously decorated with rustic yet modern touches. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a comfortable and inviting twin-sized daybed, perfect for a restful night's sleep after a day of exploration.

At Soma Ranch, nestled in the picturesque countryside, awaits a charming private poolside casita tiny home, offering a delightful and tranquil stay for one person. This inviting space boasts a cozy interior, meticulously decorated with rustic yet modern touches. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a comfortable and inviting twin-sized daybed, perfect for a restful night's sleep after a day of exploration. The casita features a kettle, selection of teas and coffee machine, allowing for convenient hot drink preparation, the mini fridge provides space for your chilled beverage and/or snacks food you choose to bring with you and a cozy sitting area where you can relax and unwind.

The true highlight of this tiny home is its private poolside location, inviting you to soak up the sun's rays or take a refreshing dip at your leisure. The sauna, hot tub and cold plunge are a welcoming triad of rejuvenation. Whether you're seeking solitude or looking to rejuvenate in the serene surroundings, this private poolside casita at Soma Ranch provides an idyllic retreat for a memorable stay.

Soma Ranch Barndo Beauty

Get away from it all when you stay under the stars in our cozy rustic barndominium that is like none other! This spacious converted, fully insulated, barn, with excellent AC/heat system, ceiling fans and luxury thread counts, provides a unique haven for your romantic get away for 2 or a slumber party for up to 11! You get to choose.

Personal Retreat: Private Room & Bathroom

Indulge in a rock star experience at our magnificent 15-acre Ranch Retreat, where luxury and serenity meet. Unwind in your exclusive private room, boasting a charming wrap-around porch that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding beauty. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of our Olympic lap pool, or rejuvenate your body and soul in the tranquil embrace of the sauna and hot tub. And if connecting with nature is your thing, our friendly horses and donkeys eagerly await your company. Feel like royalty as you settle into the cozy downstairs Queen bed, complete with a private bathroom for your utmost convenience. Need some inspiration? Look no further than the desk adorned with two comfortable chairs, positioned perfectly near your window overlooking the lush pastures. At Soma Ranch, we aim to deliver an experience that will make you feel like a true rock star.

Book the Whole Ranch

Soma private Retreat Center

Book By the Room

Personal Retreat: Private Room & Bathroom

Downstairs Private 1 Bedroom and Private 1 Bathroom: 1 Queen Bed, Desk & Chairs by Window

Soma Sweet Suites

Entire Upstairs Floor: 2 Bedrooms, 4 Double Beds, 1 - 4 guests, Private Full Bathroom

Soma Barndo Beauty

Exclusive Barndominium Booking: Large Bedroom. Queen Bed + 10 twins. 2 Full Bathrooms. Lounge, Kitchenette, Dinning Area

Soma Pool-Side Casita

Complete Privacy in Special Pool Side Casita Tiny Home: Twin Bed, Shower, Toilet, Sink, Sliding Glass doors to amaving poolside view. Porch area with complete privacy option with new Cabana Curtains