Soma News

Welcome to November!

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There’s a lot happening both in our immediate world and the world around us. We hope our updates help you. That you enjoy checking out our latest news, find inspiration through our posts and enjoy being entertained at least and receive healing at best. How great when both can happen simultaneously.

We’ve shifted gears and are excited to be listing Soma Ranch back up on Short Term Rental via AirBNB. With options for either book by the room or opt for the whole ranch. In celebration of our re-opening the 1st 10 bookings will receive fabulous rates (and you’ll be helping us regain our super host status).

This month our focus is Gratitude and enrollment for the November 30 days challenge is still open and we’d LOVE you to join us. 30 classes, 30 replays, for only $99, with talented teachers, with plenty of education, support and education. A whole month of Grateful Movements: Embracing Health + Appreciation

EVERYBODY who has signed up for any of the 30 day challenge over the past 35 months will receive a complimentary invitation to join our Thanksgiving Sunday Jam. We hope you can join us for this CELEBRATION moving movement experience. Where the entire teaching team will collectively teach a class online full of gratitude and heart; Save the date: Thanksgiving Sunday, November 26, 2:00pm

Helen is teaching both classes in the morning (Saturday) come LIVE or Request the 24HR replay, we are exploring the concept of Creating a Sacred Life with the concept of “Flounce”.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma