Oh what a night!

Over the past couple of weeks Joe Terry and Janet Chandler made this really cool table chart thing for a very special wedding… anyone in class at Soma Ranch for the past 2 weeks now you can see it in full glory.

Oh what a night! having known Jenna since she was 2, Soma Ranch Co-Owners, Joe and Helen, felt honored to witness her getting married and delighted to join in the celebrations.

Wonderful to catch up with the Chandler family, a lovely surprise to be sitting with neighbors who we haven’t seen in more than 10 years, and to make some new fabulous friends too.

One of our favorite moments was seeing the “Jenna with brothers dance”. One at a time, from oldest to youngest, the 4 brothers came up to dance with Jenna. Precious to see each of their personalities, the different ways of dancing and a window into each unique special relationship. = priceless.

At Soma Ranch, we’ve been selling “toys” (boat, RV, truck, car) to create more space in the barn for Joe to play and create. This recent project was certainly a taste of possibilities to come for Joe. As a very creative artist, we hope soon Joe will have both more time and space to explore arts and crafts.

Soma Ranch receives frequent enquiries about hosting weddings. So far we have chosen to provide accommodation for the wedding party, while they attend one of the 30+ venues in our area.

Jenna’s wedding, and also the wedding of our own daughter, has inspired us to rethink the possibility of offering special unique boutique bespoke intimate weddings for up to 18 guests at Soma Ranch. If you are interested, or have experienced such a wedding, or know of someone who is already offering this kind of service, please let us know.

Soma News

Joe burns off the worms’ web to let the birds get in there and help naturally descend the population.

Howdy from Soma Ranch!

This week we are in full preparation for our upcoming Nia Brown Belt Retreat week AND taking care of many outdoor tasks. Here’s a photo of one of Joe’s bright ideas. Our recent run of historic floods have created the perfect conditions for Web Worms. These little white worms cluster together and create protection by weaving a web like tent around them. Rather than using chemicals Joe created a curious contraption (pool pole, duck tape and a propane torch “BURNER”) he’s been burning off the webs to expose the worms, leaving the birds to “to get in there and help naturally descend population” READ MORE from Houston Chronicle

Our June 30 day Movement challenge continues, we still have folks signing up and would love for you to join us for a month of inspiration and encouragement:

Focus: Freedom in Movement through choice and variety.

Intent: Stimulate Body Centered Creativity

Helen is continuing the creativity theme this Saturday with 8:45am Nia 5 Stages Awareness of Bones into 10:00am SkyDancing. Then an extra special Monday 10am class where Helen adapts the choreography from SkyDancing to the music of Afro Celt III “Further into Time”.

Our Next Nia Training retreat at Soma Ranch is Nia Brown Belt (June 20 - 26). there’s still time (and room) to join us. Come for the training, a retake, a 7 day retreat, or drop in for sessions (if you’re a Brown Belt). Everyone is encouraged to attend classes (ONLINE or in person), or entertain a day retreats.

The July Nia White Belt is also filling up nicely. With 8 people already registered, we’ve decided to gift everybody who signs up for the course with the June 30 day challenge. A perfect way to bring ease, connection and joyful anticipation of our time together. Would you like to join us?

FYI we’re making plans for our Budapest Retreat in November during the Nia Blue Belt, with a fabulous lead on a large house where 10 participants can stay for a retreat, enjoy daily public classes with Helen, with the option to take/retake the course, or tour the most beautiful city of Budapest. Be sure to email helen@somaranch.com if you are curious to learn more.

Thank you Monthly Cuppa Community, we raised $45 towards St. Jude.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Thank you Monthly Cuppas for St Jude

Our monthly “Community Cuppa” was a wonderful time for connection, conversation and support. Thank you Susanna, Kay, Peggy and Chris. We LOVED Celebrating Chris’ return with her new kidney and enjoyed checking in with all that this new season is bringing .

This event is a fundraiser for our ““Soma Charity Partner”. All donations collected go towards St. Jude. We raised $45 for our 2024 fundraiser and we are 12% there with a total of $597!

2024 Fundraiser Campaign

Please continue your prayers for Chris (most front, center) she has returned from Mayo Clinic with a new kidney.

Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, July 8th.


Every dollar donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital counts! Take a look at some of the possibilities that your effort could provide to the kids and families of St. Jude.

  • Infant Care Supplies for 10 Babies: $50
    These supplies help parents and nurses care for babies in treatment and include items like diapers, baby bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, footies and heel warmers.

  • Wagon: $70
    Wagons can make traveling through the halls of St. Jude easier for parents and more fun for a young child.

  • Parties to celebrate birthdays, holidays and "coming off chemo": $75
    St. Jude provides parties, decorations, cakes and more to keep spirits high during the holidays and to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and a child's completion of chemotherapy treatment.

  • Creative Toys: $100
    Play is an essential part of every child's life, and it's important for the children to have fun as often as possible. At St. Jude, colorful, toy-filled play areas are just as plentiful as exam rooms.

  • Delicious Meals: $210
    St. Jude provides meal cards so that patients and families can enjoy the comfort and convenience of good, nutritious meals in the Kay Kafe, our cafeteria.

  • One Day of Oxygen: $447
    Oxygen is key to keeping the immune system strong. A gift of oxygen can help a young body thrive and help fight cancer at the cellular level.

  • Child-sized Wheelchairs: $700
    These special wheelchairs help children move easily through St. Jude.

  • Airfare for a parent and child: $1,000 Average
    For a patient referred to St. Jude, the hospital covers the cost of airfare for a child and one parent or guardian.

2023 Fundraiser Campaign

Afro Celt Creativity, Monday 10am Class

Super excited to be sharing this special Monday, June 10, 10am Class in Person, via Zoom or through 24HR replay. Adapted from an original Nia routine “SkyDancing” by Carlos Aya Rosas. The AfroCelt Experience leads us through a journey of discovery, with the Core and Extremities (Legs and Arms).

We explore:

  • Gift of Travel ~ Legs - Low Extremities

  • Gift of expression ~ Arms - Upper Extremities

  • Gift of connection ~ Core

I LOVE this routine. It’s a well refined vertical routine that transcends me to a different time, takes me to a fitness level that I love to reach and I think carries the class along with me! I love the look on participants faces. when we are in the peak of get moving, the expression says something like “wow! how did I get here!”
— Helen Terry

This Monday let’s come together to dance and explore creativity.

FOCUS: Celebrate Expressive Creativity through Core + Extremities

INTENT: Connect the dots physically and energetically.

ROUTINE: Afro-Celt

MUSIC:  Afro-Celt III “Further in Time”

An Album like “Further in Time”, with a band like Afro Celt Sound System, creates a fun, fabulous and expansive sound back drop from which to choreograph moves. The result being a magical experience.
A routine inspired from the SkyDancing routine designed by Carlos Aya Rosas.

oh MY!! in preparation for our adapted version of Sky Dancing called Afro Celt, I found this wonderful breakdown & visual display of a song (by Afro Celt)... how cool is this...

The whole universe is based on rhythms.
Everything happens in circles, in spirals.
— John Hartford

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

Creativity of Bones SkyDancing

This Saturday we explore the creativity of Bones with “Awareness of Bones” Nia 5 Stages, followed by SkyDancing Creative bones at 10am:

We explore:

  • Gift of Travel ~ Legs - Low Extremities

  • Gift of expression ~ Arms - Upper Extremities

  • Gift of connection ~ Core


This Saturday let’s come together to dance and sense creativity of bones. Every bone tells a story. Their shape and size indicate how they were designed to be used and moved. For example smaller bones are not designed to take as much weight as bigger bones. And more irregularly shaped bones are designed to offer more movement variety, compared to the more regularly shaped bones that bring more consistent movement.

When you are born, you have about 300 bones that are made primarily of cartilage, which is a softer and flexible tissue. As you grow, the cartilage grows and it’s replaced - its composition, with the help of calcium, it turns into bone. As an adult, you have 206 bones
— Nia 5 Stages

FOCUS: Creativity with bones through Core + Extremities

INTENT: Step out lightly, inspired with a sense of spacious connection through your body and beyond.

ROUTINE: SkyDancing

MUSIC:  Nia Sounds SkyDancing (Apple link below)

Driver 4:12

Clouds 6:33

Takshaka 10:42

Lung Fu 7:41

Come With Us 4:58

Maha Lakshmi 5:19

Denmark 5:07

Lavender Hill 4:31

Ascension 4:50

Long arm and leg bones are like mechanical levers
– they can lift, reach, you can move them behind, across, etc.
Shorter bones are meant for articulation –
like the tiny bones of your spine, which are meant for intricate movement.
— Nia 5 Stages

In preparation for our classes tomorrow (Sky Dancing) I found this wonderful breakdown & visual display of a bones, their structure, design and more.

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

The 10am class will be “SkyDancing”, will be an experience led by Helen Terry that explores spirals in relationship with Core and Extremities.

Oh my! if you’d like to get a little geeky, or simply enjoy listening the this beautiful run of anatomy words with spiraling visuals. Check out this great video which provides a wonderful exploration about the bones of the body.

Bones are not only strong, but they’re very, very light
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

JUNE Challenge of Freedom in Movement 2024

Each month for 2024 we feature a New Fun Challenge (See full list below).

For the month of June welcome to our focus of "Freedom"

Focus: Freedom in Movement through choice and variety.

Intent: Stimulate Body Centered Creativity

Sign up: www.somaranch.com/booking/challenge

All 30 classes are provided online via Zoom.

Originally we called the June Challenge “FreeDance”, then we realized you might think we were FreeDancing through the entire 30 classes, which we are not! Thus the choice to tweak the name to “Freedom in Movement”. Throughout the 30 classes in June, we will be drawing from the wisdom of the 8 stages of FreeDance in the Nia technique. There will be a variety of physical, mental, emotional and spirit foci. Some classes will explore the benefits of polarity, for example bringing emotions to your motion through both acting out and the real you (not necessarily at the same time LOL)

A month to help

  • nudge you out of habit

  • feed your brain with new novel and fascinating information and experiences

  • stimulate health and well being throughout your body and life

  • authenticity ~ explore you doing what you do

  • discover your authentic, creative self

The “challenge” will provide a variety of modalities including Nia, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, 52 Moves, Move IT, offered by a stellar team of teachers, Helen Terry + Rock Stars and Special Guests. How to give gratitude for being able to move, feel vibrant, healthy and well, from an abundance of choice and variety.

Duality Foci will include:

tight | loose

found | lost

get it | don’t get it

silence | sound

stillness | motion

doing | non-doing

Would you like to join us? Gain support and encouragement from a lovely welcoming community? Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement.


When you sign up for the June 30 day challenge by May 28th you can bring a friend for FREE!

Receive 30 classes that include: 30 mins, 60 mins, Nia, Nia 5 Stages, Feldenkrais, Fabulous Rock Stars and Saturday Special guests.

Program includes Support, Coaching, Education, Community, Connection and lots of laughs along the way.

All for $99.

The Nia Creativity Circuit includes 8 stages:

  1. FreeDance

  2. Art of Listening

  3. Feelings + Emotions

  4. Creative Source

  5. Authentic Movement

  6. Witness

  7. Accidental Click

  8. Body Centered

30 Day “Journey with Movement”
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Join our ONLINE 30 day Soma class “Journey with Movement” for only $99

  • Receive a gift; 30 Day “Journey with Movement” with Helen & Friends, to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)

  • Receive LIVE classes + Enjoy 24 hour replays

  • 30 classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace)

  • 3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)

  • 1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class

  • Great Beginners Introduction to Nia

  • Feel supported and stay motivated

  • Learn more about Nia

  • Learn the 52 moves of Nia

  • Learn about Nia 5 stages

  • Experience Feldenkrais Method

  • Experience Ageless Grace

  • Receive information about anatomy

  • Develop a healthy regular practice

  • Meet people from all over the world!

  • Be part of a fabulous community

  • Connect, cheer and encourage

  • Supportive Private Facebook Group.

  • Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life

  • Learn about The Body’s Way

  • Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays

  • Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 30 days!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the 365 day journey with movement.

When bringing a guest for free for the month thank you for completing the following form. The only information required is your Name and Email address, your Guest’s Name and Email address, and confirmation that your guest is new to the 30 day challenge. The other information is optional (helpful when available). Then scroll to the bottom and click submit.

Class Price Adjustment

We are implementing a price increase across all our class offerings at Soma Ranch. This adjustment is necessary to account for rising operational costs and to continue providing you with the exceptional experience you have come to expect from us. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

All current class passes will be honored.

Soma Class Rates

  • $20 | 1 class

  • $75 | 5 class pass (3 month expiration) ($15 per class)

  • $130 | 10 class pass (3 month expiration) ($13 per class)

  • $99 | 30 Day Challenge, 30 Classes, ALL 8am + 10am ($3.30 per class)

  • $45 | Day Retreat (click for more Info)

  • $25 | Lunch or Dinner

  • $96 | 60 min massage

  • $145 | 90 min massage

30 Day Challenge Benefits:

  1. unlimited 10am + 8am Nia Classes for 30 days

  2. bring a “new to the challenge” friend to class for a month

  3. enjoy before and after class conversations and nuggets

  4. receive automatic 24HR replays via email

Budapest Retreat

I’ve been traveling to Budapest and providing trainings, workshops and classes for 15+ years. This city is like none other. I feel safe, I feel inspired and I feel at home as I walk through the streets, run in the park, explore new cafes and of course dance, laugh and have a grand time with the local community at The Shift Studio.

This November I return to offer a Nia Blue Belt. Kinga Brezina (studio owner and hostess of the mostest) is helping us secure fabulous accommodation downtown Budapest, close the the studio for 10 guests. Would you like to join me? have the opportunity to explore this beautiful city AND enjoy daily morning and/or evening classes? Taking or re-taking the Nia Blue belt is a fabulous option to consider.

Email helen@somaranch.com if you’d like more information.

Here’s a taste of my morning run through the city and park…

Monthly Cuppa for St Jude

Our monthly “Community Cuppa” is a super time to visit Soma Ranch. Please join us for this lovely local community get together, on June 3 at 11am after class. This event is a fundraiser for our ““Soma Charity Partner”. All donations collected go towards St. Jude. We will be celebrating how Chris has returned to classes with her new kidney and checking in with everyone as we head into Summer Vacations.

Enjoy Coffee or Tea, Health snacks, Fabulous conversation, and Great Company. This month we’ll be celebrating the grand finale of our annual fundraiser.

You’ll get to meet some fabulous local ladies (and sometimes men) who love to dance and leave feeling inspired. You’re welcome, and encouraged, to bring friends!

Entertain coming early to enjoy a “double scoop!” Dance at the 10am Nia Class before Cuppa at 11am.

If you prefer to dip your toe rather than dive in, you are welcome to sit and watch the Nia Class..

After reading about the
monthly community cuppa,
and seeing the photos,
in the newsletter for years
I had a surreal experience,
to be attending in person
— Caroline, Nia Brown Belt

Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, June 3, 2025.


Soma News

Sad Good Bye Truck + Happy Birthday Joe

Howdy from Soma Ranch!

This week has been quite an emotional one for Joe who sold his “faithful” truck. With over 300K Miles, now was the time to find a new owner, however still sad to say goodbye. (We also enjoyed celebrating Joe’s birthday)

Our June 30 day Movement challenge begins tomorrow, June 1 and we’d love you to join us for a month of inspiration and encouragement:

Focus: Freedom in Movement through choice and variety.

Intent: Stimulate Body Centered Creativity

Helen is kicking off the month with 8:45am Nia 5 Stages introduction to FreeDance followed by a 10:00am FreeDance Sampler.

Our Next Nia Training retreat at Soma Ranch is Nia Brown Belt (June 20 - 26). there’s still time (and room) to join us. Come for the training, a retake, a 7 day retreat, or drop in for sessions (if you’re a Brown Belt). Everyone is encouraged to attend classes (ONLINE or in person), or entertain a day retreats. The July Nia White Belt is also filling up nicely. With 7 people already registered, we’ve decided to gift everybody who signs up for the course with the June 30 day challenge. A perfect way to bring ease, connection and joyful anticipation of our time together. Would you like to join us?

For the first time since we opened Soma Ranch in 2009, we are implementing a price increase across our class offerings at Soma Ranch. This adjustment is necessary to account for rising operational costs and to continue providing you with the exceptional experience you have come to expect from us. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

FYI we’ve had a couple of folks already show an interest in our Budapest Retreat in November during the Nia Blue Belt. We’ve also got a fabulous lead on a large house where 10 participants can stay for a retreat, enjoy daily public classes, with the option to take/retake the course. Be sure to email helen@somaranch.com.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Freedom, Creativity and FreeDance Sampler


We'd be thrilled if you'd like to join us ONLINE or via our 24HR recording this Saturday. We will connect with FreeDance in Nia 5 Stages, then enjoy a FreeDance Sampler at the 10am class. Explore how to stimulate movement creativity, bring emotions into motion and have a grand “dance party” time.

Key themes/concepts for these classes include:

  • Moshe Feldenkrais taught that we have access tosensation in all parts of our body all the time. By staying connected to sensation, we get immediate information.

  • Another way to get immediate information is to change what you do or how you do it. That is why in FreeDance movement creativity is so powerful. It changes what you do.

  • A little bit of shift and change brings more awareness to you, your body and to theV oice of the Body, which is sensation.

  • The central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – is in charge of sending and receiving information. It is designed to process a lot of different information simultaneously and to keep our senses alert

Zoom Link is the same as usual, whenever you Sign Up for a class the link is sent to you automatically.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. The link is the same each week.

Helen is teaching Memorial Day

In observance of Memorial Day, Helen will be leading a special 30-minute online Nia class on May 27th. The “zoom doors” open at 9:45am and class will begin 10:00 am. The class will provide a unique chance to pay tribute to the holiday through a rejuvenating and energizing session.

Memorial Day is observed in the United States on the last Monday of May each year. This day serves as a time to remember and honor the military personnel who have died in the line of duty while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The origins of Memorial Day can be traced back to the years following the American Civil War when various communities began holding ceremonies to honor those who had made the ultimate sacrifice during the conflict. Over time, these observances evolved and eventually led to the establishment of Memorial Day as a federal holiday in 1971. Today, people across the country commemorate Memorial Day by participating in parades, visiting cemeteries, and holding events to pay tribute to the brave individuals who gave their lives in service to their country.

Beautiful Budapest

I’m on my way home after a fabulous trip visiting parents and providing a Nia Brown Belt training and 10 master classes in Budapest, Hungary. The community is wonderful and the city is certainly my “happy place”. I love getting up early, running through the streets of Budapest, around “my” island and over bridges. My days are filled with super focus (leading the training) 8:45am - 7:15pm. My evenings include walks, massage, exploring local restaurants, often evening chamomile tea at the InterContinental Hotel. Click HERE for photos and more information. I’m back in November for the Nia Blue Belt and am looking at finding a large house where 10 participants can stay for a retreat, enjoy daily public classes, with the option to take/retake the course.

Soma News

Love is the Smile of 2 Hearts

l'amour est le sourire de deux coeurs

Emily Jane at Cuppa, now returning to her “home” State.

Howdy from Heathrow Airport!

I’m on my way home after a fabulous trip visiting parents and providing a Nia Brown Belt training and 10 master classes in Budapest, Hungary. The community is wonderful and the city is certainly my “happy place”. I love getting up early, running through the streets of Budapest, around “my” island and over bridges. My days are filled with super focus (leading the training) 8:45am - 7:15pm. My evenings include walks, massage, exploring local restaurants, often evening chamomile tea at the InterContinental Hotel. Click HERE for photos and more information. I’m back in November for the Nia Blue Belt and am looking at finding a large house where 10 participants can stay for a retreat, enjoy daily public classes, with the option to take/retake the course.

I’m teaching a special ONLINE 30 min class at 10am tomorrow, Monday.

Please continue Prayers for Chris Disser, who has returned home with her new kidney and is already back taking classes!

Our June 30 day Movement challenge is coming up soon and we’d love you to join us for a month of inspiration and encouragement, with the

Focus: Freedom in Movement through choice and variety.

Intent: Stimulate Body Centered Creativity

Our Next Nia Training retreat at Soma Ranch is Nia Brown Belt (June 20 - 26). there’s still time (and room) to join us. Come for the training, a retake, a 7 day retreat, or drop in for sessions (if you’re a Brown Belt). Everyone is encouraged to attend classes (ONLINE or in person), or entertain a day retreats.

Celebrate your freedom and give thanks for those who serve and help take care of us.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Soma News

Love is the Smile of 2 Hearts

l'amour est le sourire de deux coeurs

Emily Jane at Cuppa, now returning to her “home” State.


Here in Montgomery we survived historic floods last week. Our prayers go out to our many, less fortunate, neighbors, who are navigating recovery from their flooded. homes

Please continue Prayers for Chris Disser, who has returned home with her new kidney today after being at Mayo Clinic for 3 weeks.

Our May 30 day Movement challenge is full of creativity and community. We love how this program continues to flourish.

Helen is teaching Saturday morning with the Nia 5 Stages class “Pain & Pleasure” and Helen’s “simple kata formula” with the Nia Routine “Resilience” We will focus on messages from the body through pain and pleasure and how to build, develop and celebrate Resilience. We successfully complete our Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 9). thank you everyone who dropped in for classes, day retreats and dropping in for some sessions.

Our Monday, May 6 Cuppa was especially emotional in many ways, celebrating the Good News of Chis’ return, welcoming a team of local real estate agents and saying Farewell (NOT!) to Emily Jane (who has danced with Helen for 26 years).

Be liquid, Stay dry

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

5 Star Review from FireFly Yoga

Thank you FireFly Yoga for the fabulous 5 Star Google Review. Ratings and reviews are an important integral part of a businesses success these days, we really appreciate how you took time to share. AND how very deeply touching for Helen and Joe for you to take the time to personalize and share how you feel

Soma is our FAVORITE retreat spot in Texas. The location is perfect, rooms fit a variety of needs and budgets, you couldn’t ask for better amenities, and good luck finding a better yoga space at a retreat center in Texas with everything I just mentioned.


The absolute best part of this location are the hosts, Helen and Joe. The hospitality is first class. From Joe’s delicious, healthy cuisine to Helen’s attention to detail on all the things. And on top of all of that, they are such just genuinely good people. Everyone in our community just loves them and can’t wait to get back and hang out with them.

We rented Soma Ranch the first time thinking it would be a nice little spot for a yoga retreat, but we just booked it for the third time because these two make everything so easy and amazing! If you’re thinking about hosting a retreat here, booking a little family trip, a girls weekend or attending one of the events held there… I would HIGHLY recommend. Five stars isn’t enough.
— FireFly Yoga ~ Central Texas https://firefly-yoga-studio.com

Pumpkin decoration workshop at Soma Ranch Studio during FireFly Yoga Fall Retreat

Day Retreat at Soma Ranch

Thank you Michelle Carruthers for bringing your Real Estate Team to Soma Ranch for a Day retreat. We loved sharing the amenities with you and appreciate how you joined us us for our monthly Community Cuppa.

We enjoyed getting to know you. Appreciate how you joined us for lunch and shared how Soma was exactly the “medicine” and retreat you needed after a fabulous yet “full on” Realtor’s conference. We are also in gratitude for what you do to keep the pace of helping people find homes of their dreams.

Great to see how y’all hung out in the pool, enjoyed the sauna and even “all y’all” took the plunge (literally) with our Cold Plunge GOOD JOB!!!

You are a wonderful reminder for us (and hopefully those reading this blog) of the importance to escape, retreat, experience something new and to simply get together as a team outside of the usual work environment.

Farewell Emily Jane

Helen and Emily Jane: Acknowledging a fabulous life long friendship…. To Be Continued…

I don’t know where to start with regards Emily Jane.

  • How do I describe a special relationship I’ve had with someone for 26 years.

  • How can i express my gratitude for someone who has shown up in my classes (Houston and then Montgomery Texas) and in my life, for 26 years?

  • How would I begin to describe Emily Jane’s integral part in our Monthly Cuppa Community gatherings at Soma Ranch?

One of the things I adore about Emily Jane is her presence at our monthly St Jude Cuppas. She has a gift for wrapping up our meaningful shares, connections and conversations with the most warm, nourishing and inclusive group prayers (open to all, no matter what their religion = a gift)

A fond memory I have is when Emily asked me to hold space for an event to honor her deceased mother. This was in my early days, one of the first ever “hold space” for something way beyond a regular Nia Fitness Class. I think this is the moment when I realized

  1. my relationship with Emily is way more than “a student who comes to class” and

  2. my profession is “way more than teaching a Nia mind-body fitness class”

I’m in awe of this wonderful women who has been in my life, through her marriage, the birth of her 3 children, her moving from Houston to Prague to Woodlands and now to Carolina. And how we have, and will, keep in touch no matter what.

I love you Emily Jane to the moon and back. Maybe we are finally both at a place in our lives where we can plan a hiking vacation together staying in a beautiful cabin. Hey! how about “hikers cabin in the foot hills of the Olympic National Park”! (yes, we already have this plan in the works)

Beyond this, for now, I am in deep gratitude and lost for words.

Thank you Monthly Cuppas for St Jude

Our monthly “Community Cuppa” was a wonderful time for connection, conversation and support. Thank you Cynthia, Diana, Susanna, Emily Jane, Kay, Peggy, JoAnn, Kellie, Ann, Kathy and Real Estate Team Michelle Caruthers, Laura Abokhair, Shawn Millhausen and Windy Kerr from Premier Home & Land Group

This was a bitter sweet gathering:

  • celebrating good news: Chris (regular attendee) will be coming home to Montgomery with her new kidney on Friday

  • welcoming Michelle and her team to Soma and our monthly cuppa

  • saying fair well to Emily Jane (who has attended monthly cuppa almost every month for several years) who is returning to her roots in South Carolina.

This event is a fundraiser for our ““Soma Charity Partner”. All donations collected go towards St. Jude. We raised $35 and even (4.50 Euro!) our 2024 fundraiser and we are 11% there with a total of $592!

2024 Fundraiser Campaign

Please continue your prayers for Chris (most front, center) she is returning from Mayo Clinic with a new kidney this weekend. We look forward to hopefully posting our next cuppa with her upfront and center (wrapped by us) in the June Cuppa photo….

Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, June 3rd.


Every dollar donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital counts! Take a look at some of the possibilities that your effort could provide to the kids and families of St. Jude.

  • Infant Care Supplies for 10 Babies: $50
    These supplies help parents and nurses care for babies in treatment and include items like diapers, baby bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, footies and heel warmers.

  • Wagon: $70
    Wagons can make traveling through the halls of St. Jude easier for parents and more fun for a young child.

  • Parties to celebrate birthdays, holidays and "coming off chemo": $75
    St. Jude provides parties, decorations, cakes and more to keep spirits high during the holidays and to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and a child's completion of chemotherapy treatment.

  • Creative Toys: $100
    Play is an essential part of every child's life, and it's important for the children to have fun as often as possible. At St. Jude, colorful, toy-filled play areas are just as plentiful as exam rooms.

  • Delicious Meals: $210
    St. Jude provides meal cards so that patients and families can enjoy the comfort and convenience of good, nutritious meals in the Kay Kafe, our cafeteria.

  • One Day of Oxygen: $447
    Oxygen is key to keeping the immune system strong. A gift of oxygen can help a young body thrive and help fight cancer at the cellular level.

  • Child-sized Wheelchairs: $700
    These special wheelchairs help children move easily through St. Jude.

  • Airfare for a parent and child: $1,000 Average
    For a patient referred to St. Jude, the hospital covers the cost of airfare for a child and one parent or guardian.

2023 Fundraiser Campaign

Congratulations Nia Blue Belts

Wow! what an amazing week at Soma Ranch with 3 wonderful women from around the country (and Canada!), plus, someone who attended via zoom! We came together and co- created magic.

We danced, explored, learned, shared, laughed AND LAUGHED a lot! A lovely reminder of how when we stay light, engaged and curious deep work and self discovery can evolve with minimum frustration/pain and maximum fascination/pleasure.

Folks arrived safely, Wednesday afternoon, despite the epic floods in our area!

Something wonderfully confirming sings inside of me when I set up the studio for the first night “yes! this is why we’re here!”. Sitting around the Soma Dining Room table on the first night, hearing where folks are from and learning a little more about each other, is a lovely way to get to know each other.

The studio “community social” room (fondly called the LOVE room) lends itself well to some of the Nia Blue Belt Sessions (like the Power of 2 ~ Communication). The studio “dance” room (fondly called the JOY room) bring wonderful light, awesome sound and sparkling sprung birch wood floor.

As Joe says “people eat with their eyes” we had some lovely food as art. May 5th was celebrated with a “Mexican Fiesta” meal, including decorations, hats, music and dessert to compliment the feast with a theme.

There were many meaningful conversations and great giggles experienced. Lovely memories created as we enjoyed the breeze, perfect temperature and beautiful nature sounds, undercover outdoors.

We enjoyed conversations around the dining table and HYBRID (simultaneous in person and online) Nia Classes. Kelly visited from Fort Worth and Peggy popped over from The Woodlands. We love how folks who return to revisit a Nia Belt training bring a wonderful added layer that enhances the experience for all.

Teaching “Fun Friday” (where the class brings the moves, I, Helen, bring the moves and together we co-create magical experience) was extra special with all the Nia Blue Belt participants dancing with me in the studio! Our Graduation lunch party was fun with Joe creating food with the Nia and Soma Ranch logo, sparkling (non alcoholic) fizzy bubbly in our “wedding flutes”.