Body Awarness: Pain + Pleasure Resilience


We'd be thrilled if you'd like to join us ONLINE or via our 24HR recording this Saturday. We will connect with Pain, Pleasure and Resilience, to explore how to reduce (and thank) pain, increase Pleasure and enJoyment, with healing, movement, dance and wonderful community connection/conversation.

The Nia 5 Stages lesson at 8:45am CT is Body Awareness: Pain + Pleasure. We continue this lesson, as our focus, into an adapted “Resilience” Nia class experience at 10am CT. Helen will bring her “simple kata formula” to provide space for somatic, body centered movement, awareness and creativity

Key themes/concepts for these classes include:

  • The voice of the body is sensation.

  • The voice of pleasure is a sensation that says, “This feels good. This feels better!”

  • The voice of pain is a sensation that says, “This doesn’t feel good; let’s change what we’re doing.”

Zoom Link is the same as usual, whenever you Sign Up for a class the link is sent to you automatically.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. The link is the same each week.

Re Silence to Resilience

How would you define resilience?

I (Helen Terry) was recently asked this question in a fascinating 30 minute session with Nina Khoo. an amazing coach who specializes in guiding Sensitive Women Leaders. I appreciated the question and my time with Nina and feel inspired to share a little of my answer/process here… Welcome to a mini taster of the world inside my brain…..

Helen Terry “Welcome to a Taster of the World in my Brain”

My brain loves to break things down, build things up, turn stuff around, jumble words, even create new ones, read upside down and backwards!

I see Resilience as Re Silence.

When I am in a difficult situation, experiencing challenges, feeling threatened, in some kind of significant source of stress (and sometimes “all of the above”) one of my “go to” strategies is to return to silence.

That is I “Re Silence” myself and check in with my body and breath. The “Re Silence” begins the process of re-building discombobulated self to re-find equilibrium, sometimes bounce back (and other times hang out facedown in the arena - thank you Brene Brown), recover, navigate the setbacks to ultimately emerge stronger and more capable as a result of the process.

I name my felt sense of this centering process my “Re Silence” and, in the privacy of my own brain, often the whisper of my breath and sometimes the exclamation of my voice as I run, I pulse and repeat my code word “Re Silence” until I return to, and my code word shifts into, “resilience” as my mantra. I see my centered “i” return, the broken pieces mend and some how the fragmented parts of me come back together, stronger and wiser, back into “Resilience”

the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
”the remarkable resilience of so many institutions”
the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
”nylon is excellent in wearability and resilience”
— Oxford Dictionary

Helen Terry “look back with smiles and no regrets”

This poem aligns with my belief and attitude that, although there are many things beyond my control, like I can’t always prevent “bad” things from happening to me, what is within my control is how I deal with them, and to do my best to do so in a “good” way. At least a way that, I can look back without regrets, enhanced appreciation for growth and a sense of fulfillment towards my desire to bring integrity and kindness to the world.


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise …
— Rudyard Kipling

Meet Nina:

When I discovered I was an HSP, I felt as if I’d finally been given the right user manual for me.

Lightbulbs went off in my mind & everything started to make sense. Even though I had a degree in Psychology, spent years studying Neuro Linguistic Programming, Shamanism & other personal development modalities, I had intuitively felt there was something missing. Recognising I was an HSP was the missing piece of the puzzle.

I finally understood why:

  • years working in the technology department of a global investment bank left my soul feeling destroyed & nearly led to burn-out

  • the early years of becoming a mother were a blur of sleep deprivation & feelings of inadequacy

  • others sometimes struggled to see what I did

Saturday Morning Sensationally Bloom with Helen

Saturday 5/3/24 Helen Terry is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Introducing our May Challenge of “Dancing Through Life”. We will focus on Sensation Science, specifically exploring how the body works, communicated and co-operates. And how we can move our body’s way (the current design and function of our body): through systemic movement. After 5 stages lesson Helen will continue the focus into the 10:00am movement experience with one of the latest Nia Routines “Bloom”. Come experiment, express and evolve with us.


FOCUS: Sensation Scientist (Lesson B02)

10am Class: Bloom

FOCUS: The Body’s Way, Our Body’s Way

INTENT: To have a felt sense of exploration of body anatomy through movement.

ROUTINE: Helen Terry’s version of Bloom…

In this class, you will:

  • Sense your spine by integrating it with the movements

  • Develop strength and confidence from the inside out

  • Enhance your physical conditioning and self-healing by moving Your Body’s Way

This class is perfect for students of all levels and abilities - from beginners to beyond!

Becoming a Sensation Scientist means to use
sensation as a research tool – and what you’re
researching is how to live in your body and how to
live your life using sensation to enhance your well-
— 5 Stages

Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

Triple HYBRID classes = 3 great choices:

  1. In person at Soma Ranch

  2. Online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.


In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort. Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. You can also find links for class at the top of our private Facebook Group, in “Featured":

You are welcome to attend either class. And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Soma News

Look who came to Soma this week.

Tortoises are also known for their resilience, patience, and steady pace, which can remind us of the importance of taking things one step at a time.


Welcome to May, we hope you are safe and dry. Here in Montgomery we are experiencing historic floods. Yesterday morning our rain gage was over flowing! we received more than 5 inches of rain in a few hours! Fortunately all animals and buildings are fairing well and the trees and grass appear very happy

Please continue Prayers for Chris Disser, who received her new kidney at the Mayo Clinic 2 weeks ago.

Kicking off our May 30 day Movement challenge Irene taught the most AMAZING Feldenkrais class, I stepped in with very sore feet, I stepped out with lightness and ease!

Helen is teaching Saturday morning with the Nia 5 Stages class “Sensation Scientist” and the Nia Routine “Bloom” We will focus on Sensation Science, exploring how the body works, communicates and co-operates.

We have begun the Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 9). let us know if you’d like to pop in for a class, day retreat or join us for a lovely retreat.

Now’s a perfect time to sign up for our May 30 day “dance through life” challenge. And save the date, our next Cuppa is Monday, May 6, hope you can join us.

Be liquid, Stay dry

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Look who came to Soma this week

At the end of a meaningful call with someone who is needing healing, Helen stepped out and found this lovely guest…

Tortoises are also known for their resilience, patience, and steady pace, which can remind us of the importance of taking things one step at a time.
— Wiki

The tortoise is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and longevity, and can also represent water, the moon, the Earth, time, immortality, and fertility. Tortoises are also known for their resilience, patience, and steady pace, which can remind us of the importance of taking things one step at a time. Their ability to withdraw into their shell can also teach us about self-protection and boundaries, and the importance of finding solace within ourselves.

Smooth Blue Monkey Invitation

Helen Shares about our upcoming Fun Friday "Blue Monkey" class. This is where the class participants bring song requests. Helen creates the moves "on the fly" Together we co-create magic. The theme is Smooth. You're invited to provide a song request for the mix. email your song request. Make a request and you get to come to class for FREE!!

Welcome to May We Dance Through Life

As we begin another 30 day challenge our theme for the month is Somatic Awareness and how we May Dance Through Life. Here Helen introduces the month, provides an over view of the simple kata formulat, shares why this is beneficial for both someone new to movement and to an experienced mover/dancer. At the end of the clip Helen shares an invite to our Fun Friday Blue Monkey experience. You're invited to participate, let us know a song you like that has something to do with "smooth"

Feldenkrais® Intro Taster Class

I’m amazed by the transformative power of a 30-minute class of Feldenkrais with Irene. The simple act of lying on the floor and engaging in minimal movements with what seems like undetectable effort has brought about incredible healing and ease to my body. The subtle yet intentional practices taught in this short class have made a significant difference in how I feel physically and mentally. The focus on gentle movements and breath work has helped me release tension, improve my flexibility, and cultivate a sense of deep relaxation. The profound impact of such a brief session has truly impressed upon me the value of taking time for self-care and mindfulness.

Irene Pasternack kicked off our monthly challenge with the most perfect Feldenkrais class. You can enjoy the recording of this class when you sign up for our monthly challenge. Or click the link below to purchase the recording.

Feldenkrais® Intro Drop In Taster Class
Sale Price: $15.00 Original Price: $20.00

8am Feldenkrais Intro 30 Min Sample with Irene

This First Wednesday of the Month, (8am Central) we’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.

Once you have registered for the drop in class, check your email inbox. You will automatically be sent the Zoom Link for class.

May Challenge to "Dance Through Life"

Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Each month for 2024 we feature a New Fun Challenge (See full list below).

For the month of May welcome to our focus of "Awareness"

Focus: Pay Attention to Body (Somatic Consciousness)

Intent: “Dance Through Life”

Sign up:

All 30 classes are provided online via Zoom.

The “challenge” will provide a variety of modalities including Nia, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, 52 Moves, Move IT, offered by a stellar team of teachers, Helen Terry + Rock Stars and Special Guests.

How to be able to move, feel vibrant, healthy and well consciously, through paying attention to the language of our body, sensation and encouraged to dance through life (on and off the dance floor)

Would you like to join us? Gain support and encouragement from a lovely welcoming community? Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement.

When you sign up for the May 30 day challenge by April 28th you can bring a friend for FREE!

Receive 30 classes that include: 30 mins, 60 mins, Nia, Nia 5 Stages, Feldenkrais, Fabulous Rock Stars and Saturday Special guests.

Program includes Support, Coaching, Education, Community, Connection and lots of laughs along the way.

All for $99.

The May Challenge “Dancing Through Life” is all about conscious awareness of the body, through paying attention, particularly to the body through Sensation. Providing you with classes that provide exploration of

  1. Sensation ~ The Language of the Body

  2. Pay attention ~ investment to reap reward:

  3. Reduce Injury - Enhance Performance

  4. Dancing Through Life

  5. Living Meditation

  6. Life as Art

Some class Foci will explore the essentials of Body Somatic Awareness, for example

  • Sense the 3 layers of somatic awareness: Skin, Bones, Soft Connective Tissue

  • Sense the spaces in between

  • Sense temperature, texture and weight/pressure

Other classes will explore duality and contrast between core principles, for example.

  • sense the contrast of movement and stillness, steps and stances, with the intent to receive a felt sense of dancing through life and living meditation

  • Sense the relationship sensations in to out, out to in and within to within.

  • Sense the duality play between body awareness to reduce injury and enhance performance

30 Day “Journey with Movement”
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Join our ONLINE 30 day Soma class “Journey with Movement” for only $99

  • Receive a gift; 30 Day “Journey with Movement” with Helen & Friends, to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)

  • Receive LIVE classes + Enjoy 24 hour replays

  • 30 classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace)

  • 3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)

  • 1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class

  • Great Beginners Introduction to Nia

  • Feel supported and stay motivated

  • Learn more about Nia

  • Learn the 52 moves of Nia

  • Learn about Nia 5 stages

  • Experience Feldenkrais Method

  • Experience Ageless Grace

  • Receive information about anatomy

  • Develop a healthy regular practice

  • Meet people from all over the world!

  • Be part of a fabulous community

  • Connect, cheer and encourage

  • Supportive Private Facebook Group.

  • Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life

  • Learn about The Body’s Way

  • Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays

  • Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 30 days!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the 365 day journey with movement.

Welcome to Sensational May

Beautiful big blue skies at Soma Ranch. We’re thoroughly enjoying our wild flowers.

Howdy! Welcome to a Sensational Month

Our theme is Dancing Through Life. Class foci will include many creative ways to connect more deeply with your body, increase pleasure, decrease pain, enhance potential and reduce injury.

Wednesday we kick off the month with a very special invite: a sample taster of Feldenkrais with Irene at 8am, May 1, with a 3 day replay recording. (Usually these ONLINE Wednesday classes are exclusive to the 30 day challenge)

Helen is leading the Fun Friday “Blue Monkey” experience. Provide a song request and you get to experience the class for FREE!

We begin a Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 8). LAST CALL if you’d like to join us either for a day retreat, the training, re-experience the course that focuses on Communication, Relationship and Intimacy or join us for a lovely retreat.

Enjoy additional POP UP Classes on Sunday: 10am Selfless with Helen and 5:00pm Soma Faith with Helen.

Now’s a perfect time to sign up for our May 30 day “dance through life” challenge. Our next Cuppa is Monday, May 6, hope you can join us.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Nia 5 Stages for May

5 Stages are a wonderful compliment to our other movement classes, including Nia, Ageless Grace and Feldenkrais. There are 52 Nia 5 Stages lessons. Each year we cover the entire curriculum, one every Saturday at 8:45am. Here’s the schedule for May:

Here’s the schedule for class for all of 2024.

The Five Stages Training takes a focused look at Nia’s integrative movement practice based on 5 developmental stages of the human experience, from embryonic to walking. When incorporated, these five movement stages have the power to holistically facilitate optimal alignment as well as improve function and comfort in the body.
— Nia Technique

Nia Selfless Lyrics

Here’s a taste of the moves and the words from one of the Nia Routines “Selfless”. You can experience the whole class on line at NiaOnDemand, live in a class at Soma Ranch or use the Nia Finder to find a Nia Teacher in your local area.

In class we’ve been thoroughly enjoying singing along to these beautiful and powerful songs. We encourage you to connect your voice with your movements for a fully embodied, expressive experience. Here’s the lyrics to help you along. They can also be used as excellent meditations, read at the beginning or the end of class or used as part of setting the focus and intent for your Nia class experience. Be well ;-)


  • Thank you, I want to say thank you.

  • "Cause I'm so grateful, so grateful. etc.

  • Thank you for this day Spirit, Thank you for this day.

  • This healing, this healing, This healing day.

  • Thank you for this day Spirit, Thank you for this day.

  • This beautiful, this beautiful, This beautiful day.

  • Thank you for my friends Spirit, Thank you for my friends.

  • My wonderful, my wonderful, My wonderful friends.

  • I'm so grateful I want to just say "Thank you now, Thank you now……."

  • Each and ev'ry day I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say it. Say it Thank you, Thank you


  • I breathe in, I breathe out

  • I take in, I give out

  • I let love, I let go

  • I release, I know.....

  • I forgive, I receive

  • I can feel, I believe

  • I am healed, I am whole

  • I release, I know...

Chorus: Breathe, Breathe...

  • No need to push, no need to try

  • No need to worry or question why

  • Surrender, let go

  • Release, and I know...

Chorus: Breathe, Breathe….


  • I am healed whole and healthy

  • I relax and visualize

  • I am healed whole and healthy

  • I am well I am well (repeat)

  • I am healed whole and healthy

  • I accept and I receive

  • I am healed whole and healthy

  • I am well I am well (as above)

  • Angels are watching over me

    (as above)

  • I’ve got love surrounding me

  • all is well…..


(Chorus):These are the gifts of the Goddess

Love, joy and peace

Gifts of the Goddess

Are you ready to receive? (Repeat)

Love? Are you ready?

Joy? Are you ready?

Peace? Are you ready?

Are you ready to receive? (Chorus)

(Last line:) I am ready to receive

Repeat with “I am ready…..” (Chorus)

Compassion, are you ready? (I am ready)


  • You are the heart.

  • You are the hands.

  • You are the voice of Spirit on earth.

  • And who you are, and all you do, is a blessing to the world. (Repeat 3)

(repeat with “WE” x2) (instrumental plays verse) (repeat with “I” x3)

  • I am the heart. I am the hands. x2

  • You are the heart. You are the hands. x2

  • We are the heart. We are the hands. x2

Forgiveness, are you ready? (I am ready)

Laughter, are you ready?(I am ready)

I am ready to receive

Passion, are you ready? (I am ready)

Success, are you ready? (I am ready)

Abundance, are you ready? (Yes I am ready)

I am ready to receive (Chorus)



  • It's the power of women - United we stand

  • We're making a difference when we join hands

  • It's the power of women who will heal this world

  • The power of women – the power of women…

1. It's the Goddess, it's the matriarch, it's the maiden, it's the crone

Every color, every race through the ages it's been shown

That women have compassion women show the way

To a world that's filled with peace and love let me hear you say

2. As we stand in this circle feeling our connection

We can feel the power move as we state our intention

To bring peace to this world and right all the wrongs

Joining now in sisterhood we lift our voice in song and sing

Tag: We got the power to change the world so what are we gonna do?

First we have to realize that it's up to me and you

Every single day I'm gonna take the time to pray

And spread some loving kindness to each person along my way

Whatcha gonna do with your power?

We are women of power!


  • I was walkin' down the street I was feeling mighty fine

  • 'Till I caught a glimpse in a window of my behind

  • There was a jiggle and a wiggle that I'd never seen before

  • And as I looked a little closer Oh my God I found more!

  • I freaked out and I shrieked out "This has just ruined my day!"

  • Till I heard a voice inside me say….


  • 'Lighten Up - don't take it so seriously

  • 'Lighten up - trust the mystery

  • "Lighten doesn't matter anyway

  • "Just enjoy your life and get out of your way - Lighten Up!"

  • 2. So now I'm headed to a party to meet my friends

  • I've got an outfit that's to diet for - Honey I am just the living end!

  • But as i scope out the scene it's obvious to me

  • that the money at this party is simply obscene

  • They're talking about their mansions, their yachts, and dropping names

  • in an instant I feel unworthy, small and ashamed.

  • But as I try to make a beeline, slip out the back door

  • I hear a voice inside me saying once more


  • 3. So now I'm looking in the mirror a new wrinkle has appeared

  • Do I curse? Do I stress? It's the thing I most feared

  • But then I remember my new mantra and I soon realize

  • That I am perfect even with wrinkles and cellulite thighs

  • I don't have to change a thing, struggle or try

  • Cause my real beauty comes from deep inside…

Nia Routine Selfless Music


This Sunday 10am, at Soma Ranch, we’ll be enjoying the fabulous Nia routine “Selfless”.

Often great Nia playlists will have a selection of several different artists to provide a balanced landscape of sound from the variety of genres, keys and more. I enjoy how the Karen Drucker playlist is an exception to this rule.

Even though most of her music is “spiritual, faith based and uplifting” based, Karen Drucker provides excellent variations in tempo, style and genre. Karen’s splash of humor, with lines like “I’m am perfect even with wrinkles and cellulite thighs” in the jazzy song “Lighten up” provide surprise and delight to the sonic journey.

With the original playlist, from fellow Trainer Casey Bernstein, being a grand 16 song 1 hour and 11 minutes composition, to create a 60 minute Nia class some tracks needed to be eliminated and the playlist edited. Here’s my process:

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 9.37.45 AM.png
  1. eliminate some songs (I play with 3 strikes you’re out!) - after listening/dancing/playing with Trigger 3 times I choose to take it out. AND I hear from fellow Nia teachers some find this to be their favorite.

  2. identify strong YES! songs (Breath, Thank you, Lighten Up, Power of Women)

  3. mix up the playlist several classes in a row identify the “clicks” (Gifts, Healed, Blessing)

  4. leave the ones who didn’t make the “A list”, play them at them before and after classes (as participants arrive and leave, keep them unclicked yet available for special occasions (“Ho’oponopono” - a visiting Nia Belt’s favorite word, “Dropping Down” when facilitating a Nia Brown Belt training etc.)

Technical NOTES:

Know the length of selected songs within a long playlist:

  • Highlight the tracks within a playlist to get the length of selected songs

Playlist organization:

  • Folders NR = Nia Routine G=Group HT at end for a HT edited list:

Examples of playlist organization:

  1. NR/G/SelflessHT = Nia Routine, Group, Selfless HT version

  2. NR/D/Opal = Nia Routine, Debbie, Opal

  3. NR/C/ZAliveAO = Nia Routine, Carlos, “ZMix” Alive + AO

  4. NR/J/1910Blue = Nia Routine, Jam, Nia Blue Belts October 2019

Free Blue Monkey

Make a song request for our 1st Friday May Blue Monkey class and you get to come to class as our guest! that’s right.. all you need do is make a song suggestion around the theme “Smooth”.

  • Could be a song with the word smooth in the title or the song,

  • Could be a song that you think sounds smooth… really, the sky’s the limit!

For example Helen chose “American Honey”

A “Blue Monkey” class is where

  1. class participants bring the song requests.

  2. The teacher comes up with the moves “on the fly” and

  3. together we co-create a magical, very fun, experience.

We’d love you to join us for the LIVE ONLINE improvisational experience.

Email with your song request and you’ll receive the link for class.

Or join our 30 day challenge and you’ll receive all 30 classes!

Nia Blue Belt May 2 - 8


Dreams continue to come true at Soma Ranch with flourishing Nia trainings. This upcoming Nia Blue Belt will be no exception ;-). As part of Helen’s move towards Semi-Retirement this will be the last Nia Blue Belt she leads at Soma Ranch.

(Hope you love these photos from a previous Nia Blue Belt as much as us…)

We will create space, dance, eat and nap and learn fabulous things about Communication, Relationship and Intimacy!

We will be enjoying delightful opportunities to relax, reflect, chat and laugh around the pool. The weather is “Texas at it’s best” and the pool temperature perfect.

Experience precious moments in time like “Team Nia Jam”, fun classes, special sun sets (Joe calls “watch the big ball go down”) and Nia in the pool.

Soma News

Thank you Carbon Church Women’s Ministry for choosing to hold your annual retreat at Soma Ranch.


Wow! what a week, Joe and Helen “vacated the facility” to host Carbon Church Women’s Ministry who enjoyed a weekend retreat at Soma.

Prayers for Chris Disser, who received her new kidney at the Mayo Clinic this Monday.

Completing our April 30 day Movement challenge Helen is teaching Saturday morning with the Nia 5 Stages class “Connective Tissure” and the Nia Routine “Shine” with Simple Kata Formula.

Next up is the Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 9). We went down memory lane with some lovely photos from a previous Blue Belt training. let us know if you’d like to join us either for the training, re-experience the course that focuses on Communication, Relationship and Intimacy or join us for a lovely retreat.

Now’s a perfect time to sign up for our May 30 day “dance through life” challenge. When you sign up by the 28th you can bring a friend for free. And save the date, our next Cuppa is Monday, May 6, hope you can join us. Our cactus at the gate is blooming beautiful yellow flowers (one a day) and the climbing Jasmine that surrounds the Sauna house smells wonderful. (enjoy the photo slide show….)

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Saturday Morning Simple Shine with Helen

Saturday 4/27/24 Helen Terry is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Celebrating the conclusion of our April Challenge of Choice. We will focus on Connective Tissue, specifically exploring how soft connective tissue binds and invest our system and how we can hydrate this tissue through systemic movement. After 5 stages lesson Helen will continue the focus into the 10:00am movement experience with her simple Kata Formula to the latest Nia Routine “Shine”.


FOCUS: Connective Tissue (Lesson D06)

10am Class: Shine

FOCUS: Moving and sensing our soft connective tissue

INTENT: To have a felt sense of connection, hydration and ease.

ROUTINE: Helen Terry Simple Kata Version of Shine

In this class, you will:

  • Sense your spine by integrating it with the movements

  • Develop strength and confidence from the inside out

  • Enhance your physical conditioning and self-healing by moving Your Body’s Way

This class is perfect for students of all levels and abilities - from beginners to beyond!

Connective tissue is a substance that transmits information
and binds, or connects, things.
It comes in many forms.
Tendons and ligaments are connective tissue;
cartilage is connective tissue;
muscles are wrapped in connective tissue.
Even blood is a connective tissue.
— 5 Stages

Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

A HYBRID classes = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.


In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort. Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. You can also find links for class at the top of our private Facebook Group, in “Featured":

You are welcome to attend either class. And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Prayers for Chris and her New Kidney

Chris Disser, one of our most regular attendees here at Soma Ranch, received a new kidney this Monday at 8am! She is recovering at the Mayo Clinic for at least 3 weeks. We’ll do our best to keep you in touch with her progress. Please include Chris in your prayers.

I am the oldest of an extended family consisting of six siblings plus spouses, plus children, plus their spouses, plus grandchildren for a total of 39 family members. One of my greatest joys is my family.
I have many hobbies and interests. I enjoy water sports (specifically water skiing), dancing (NIA), dogs, Yoga, cycling and reading. I am a member of a church community and I have volunteered there in many ways throughout the years. In addition to volunteering at church, I currently do pet therapy with two of my dogs.
I have had five friends and family members test for me but none have been the perfect match.
— Chris Disser

Why Chris Needs a Kidney

Chris’ family has an inherited disorder called Polycystic Kidney Disease in which clusters of cysts develop in the kidneys. The cysts in PKD are noncancerous sacs containing water-like fluid. They can grow very large. Most people with this condition have kidney failure by age 60. Four of her siblings have PKD and have been transplanted with live donor kidneys. The fifth sibling, who did not have PKD, donated her kidney to her brother who was the first to have kidney failure. She enjoys a very active lifestyle and has tried to follow a healthy diet and thus far have managed to keep her own kidneys in working shape to age 67. She is currently on the transplant list, we are hoping this kidney is a perfect match as she approaches renal failure.

Kudos Natasha Villeneuve

The definition of Kudos is “praise and honor received for an achievement” Natasha certainly deserves this recognition. She recently taught her 3rd ever “Blue Monkey” Fun Friday class. This is an experience where the community make song requests and the teacher then teaches “on the fly”. We fondly like to say:

Community chooses the music,
Teacher brings the moves,
Together we co-create magic.
— Helen Terry

The playlist was amazing. One of the things that has evolved through this Fun Friday Theme class is excellent music requests, with a diversity of genres and more.

Gratitude from Natasha:

THANK y'all for joining me today for our Blue Monkey PJ party! Class was exciting and challenging, the playlist was terrific... I felt rather entertained. I had a blast dancing with you all and truly feel like you are all here with me! Huge thanks for all the love and support from all of you, the team and Helen. I wish I could share my POPcorn with you all!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Thank you Carbon Church Women's Ministry

Thank you Stacy Tassin, your wonderful Women’s Ministry team and the fabulous Women who came to retreat at Soma Ranch.

We thoroughly enjoyed hosting your group, cherished the opportunity to get to know your community a little and appreciated what wonderful care you took of the property.

Good job for how you scheduled plenty of “retreat’ time. When organizing a women’s retreat, over scheduling activities and sessions can be easily done. You appeared to find the perfect balance between time in and out of session, with plenty of social connection time, which is incredibly important.

With activities, arts and crafts, karaoke, quiz night and more, you provided fabulous opportunities for the women on the retreat to take safe risks, make new friends and have a good time. Helen was deeply touched to be able to provide a “moving” experience to your group. Y’all were incredibly bold to experiment with a “new to y’all” activity.

We loved hearing how your ladies enjoyed the sauna, hot tub, pool and even our newest addition the COLD PLUNGE!

We hosted our annual women’s retreat at Soma Ranch this past weekend. The moment our guests arrived they were surrounded by beauty from the fields of buttercups to the farm animals the property beckoned you to surrender to relaxation. Helen & Joe made sure that we had everything we needed and went above & beyond by providing assistance during our stay. We added on the yoga experience with Helen which was a true delight. Highly recommend Soma Ranch for a large group gathering or for a family getaway.
— Stacy Tassin, Carbon Church, Google Review