This Saturday we explore the creativity of Bones with “Awareness of Bones” Nia 5 Stages, followed by SkyDancing Creative bones at 10am:
We explore:
Gift of Travel ~ Legs - Low Extremities
Gift of expression ~ Arms - Upper Extremities
Gift of connection ~ Core
This Saturday let’s come together to dance and sense creativity of bones. Every bone tells a story. Their shape and size indicate how they were designed to be used and moved. For example smaller bones are not designed to take as much weight as bigger bones. And more irregularly shaped bones are designed to offer more movement variety, compared to the more regularly shaped bones that bring more consistent movement.
“When you are born, you have about 300 bones that are made primarily of cartilage, which is a softer and flexible tissue. As you grow, the cartilage grows and it’s replaced - its composition, with the help of calcium, it turns into bone. As an adult, you have 206 bones”
FOCUS: Creativity with bones through Core + Extremities
INTENT: Step out lightly, inspired with a sense of spacious connection through your body and beyond.
ROUTINE: SkyDancing
MUSIC: Nia Sounds SkyDancing (Apple link below)
Driver 4:12
Clouds 6:33
Takshaka 10:42
Lung Fu 7:41
Come With Us 4:58
Maha Lakshmi 5:19
Denmark 5:07
Lavender Hill 4:31
Ascension 4:50
“Long arm and leg bones are like mechanical levers
– they can lift, reach, you can move them behind, across, etc.
Shorter bones are meant for articulation –
like the tiny bones of your spine, which are meant for intricate movement.”
In preparation for our classes tomorrow (Sky Dancing) I found this wonderful breakdown & visual display of a bones, their structure, design and more.
Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.
The 10am class will be “SkyDancing”, will be an experience led by Helen Terry that explores spirals in relationship with Core and Extremities.
Oh my! if you’d like to get a little geeky, or simply enjoy listening the this beautiful run of anatomy words with spiraling visuals. Check out this great video which provides a wonderful exploration about the bones of the body.
“Bones are not only strong, but they’re very, very light”
When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.
You are welcome to attend either class.
And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.
In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience
your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus
your mind can learn new and novel information,
your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down
your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more