Freedom, Creativity and FreeDance Sampler


We'd be thrilled if you'd like to join us ONLINE or via our 24HR recording this Saturday. We will connect with FreeDance in Nia 5 Stages, then enjoy a FreeDance Sampler at the 10am class. Explore how to stimulate movement creativity, bring emotions into motion and have a grand “dance party” time.

Key themes/concepts for these classes include:

  • Moshe Feldenkrais taught that we have access tosensation in all parts of our body all the time. By staying connected to sensation, we get immediate information.

  • Another way to get immediate information is to change what you do or how you do it. That is why in FreeDance movement creativity is so powerful. It changes what you do.

  • A little bit of shift and change brings more awareness to you, your body and to theV oice of the Body, which is sensation.

  • The central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – is in charge of sending and receiving information. It is designed to process a lot of different information simultaneously and to keep our senses alert

Zoom Link is the same as usual, whenever you Sign Up for a class the link is sent to you automatically.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. The link is the same each week.