Texas Retreat Research

Helen and Joe took at day trip to Brenham. Partly to enjoy Texas Wildflowers at their best, and to do some research with regards creating “Texas Retreats” at Soma Ranch.

This was also as a last “farewell drive” in our SLK car. The open top drives through Texas countryside have been a blast and, in line with our drive towards downsizing, we are selling this vehicle.

Brenham has fabulous coffee shops, cafes, boutiques and galleries. AND they have many murals on the sides of buildlings. Fun photo shoot for our “farewell drive”

Thank you Special Guests Michele & Jez

Thank you Michele and Jez for visiting us at Soma Ranch. Michele is a fabulous Nia Teacher in the UK, who’s daughter now lives “up the road” from Soma Ranch in Austin. We had a lovely time showing them around Soma Ranch, also the local downtown Montgomery and a taste of Lake Conroe and the marina.

We had a giggle over breakfast when we both showed up with matching outfits (unprepared).

Soma News

Michele Kay from the UK visited us, with her husband. Unplanned we showed up to class with matching outfits! #ilovesynchronicity


This week Joe and Helen took a day trip to Brenham, (researching “TEXAS Retreats” here at Soma Ranch). This was also a “farewell” drive for our SLK car. We’ve enjoyed the open top rides and, as part of our downsizing, we’re now selling.

Thank you Michele and Jez for visiting us at Soma Ranch. Michele is a fabulous Nia Teacher in the UK, who’s daughter lives “up the road” from Soma Ranch in Austin.

We fixed the fountain in the pond, the donkeys and horses got their “nails done”, Joe cut grass for 10+ hours (yes, back in the season of green grass growing) and now we have “vacated the facility” to host Carbon Church Women’s Ministry who are enjoying a weekend retreat at Soma.

Prayers for Chris Disser, who is on her way to Mayo Clinic for her new Kidney

Continuing our April 30 day Movement challenge Erin is teaching Saturday morning with the Nia 5 Stages class “Chest” and the Nia Routine “Resilience”.

Next up is the Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 9). We went down memory lane with some lovely photos from a previous Blue Belt training. let us know if you’d like to join us either for the training, re-experience the course that focuses on Communication, Relationship and Intimacy or join us for a lovely retreat.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Prayers for Chris and her New Kidney

Chris Disser is one of the most regular attendees here at Soma Ranch. Particularly the Nia classes and our monthly Cuppa, where we have been praying for Chris, and her new kidney, for more than a year.

She got the call today, was on a flight by 8pm and will be surgery by 8am tomorrow (Saturday).

I’m incredibly inspired by Chris, she lives life fully (she can even waterskii barefoot!). She shows up, supports others, has a great outlook and oh my how she can now dance!

My understanding is Chris will be gone for at least 3 weeks. We’ll do our best to keep you in touch with her progress. Please include Chris in your prayers.

I am the oldest of an extended family consisting of six siblings plus spouses, plus children, plus their spouses, plus grandchildren for a total of 39 family members. One of my greatest joys is my family.
I have many hobbies and interests. I enjoy water sports (specifically water skiing), dancing (NIA), dogs, Yoga, cycling and reading. I am a member of a church community and I have volunteered there in many ways throughout the years. In addition to volunteering at church, I currently do pet therapy with two of my dogs.
I have had five friends and family members test for me but none have been the perfect match.
— Chris Disser

Why Chris Needs a Kidney

Chris’ family has an inherited disorder called Polycystic Kidney Disease in which clusters of cysts develop in the kidneys. The cysts in PKD are noncancerous sacs containing water-like fluid. They can grow very large. Most people with this condition have kidney failure by age 60. Four of her siblings have PKD and have been transplanted with live donor kidneys. The fifth sibling, who did not have PKD, donated her kidney to her brother who was the first to have kidney failure. She enjoys a very active lifestyle and has tried to follow a healthy diet and thus far have managed to keep her own kidneys in working shape to age 67. She is currently on the transplant list, we are hoping this kidney is a perfect match as she approaches renal failure.

Saturday Morning Resilience with Erin

Erin Curren 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

Saturday 4/20/24 Erin is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

With our April Challenge of Choices for Health + Happiness, Erin has curated 2 lovely experiences…

DAY 20: Choices for Health + Happiness

8:45am Nia 5 STAGES

FOCUS: The Chest

COMMENTS:  The chest is one of the most important parts of the human body. It houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs, which are responsible for maintaining our life.

10am Nia CLASS

FOCUS:  To physically, imaginatively, emotionally, and spiritually sense resonance

INTENT: Embody the majesty of trees, with felt sense of plant life on Earth

ROUTINE: Resilience

MUSIC: Nia Sounds Resilience

COMMENTS:  Resilience takes us on a journey into sensory exploration of body as tree: rooting our feet, sensing our core as dynamic channel/trunk, our upper extremities as branches, our hands as leaves… The music invites us to personalize the story of our own resilience while conditioning body and expressing emotions.

Resilience is a dance of life! We draw inspiration from the trees like sap is drawn out to create a reduction of sweet wonderment and nourishment for mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Trees inspire us, support us, breathe with us, provide for us, shelter us, help us reach new heights, protect us, shade us, and live alongside us.

What do trees mean to you? Do you have favorite trees? A favorite tree? A childhood memory of a tree or a treehouse? A tree you’ll never forget? A tree that makes you gasp in wonderment when you see it?

There is a tree in Erin’s neighborhood, a Black Ash, that has been dated to over 500 years old… and it is located right next to a paper mill!

When we open our imaginations up in the dance we gain new awareness of ourselves, our stories, and our bodies.

Listen to this conversation with one of the choreographers, Sarah Nickerson, that Erin recorded during the pandemic, right after the release of this Nia body of work:

The bones of the chest include
the sternum, the clavicles,
the 12 pairs of ribs,
and the thoracic spine.

These bones contain
and protect the vital organs,
including the heart.
— Nia 5 Stages

A Double HYBRID classes = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.


In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort. Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

Keep in mind,
a broken heart,
is an open heart
— Louise Hay

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. You can also find links for class at the top of our private Facebook Group, in “Featured": https://www.facebook.com/groups/helenterry

You are welcome to attend either class. And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

The chest is one of the most important parts of the human body. It houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs, which are responsible for maintaining our life.
— 5 Stages

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more


The chest is one of the most important parts of the human body. It houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs, which are responsible for maintaining our life. Strong chest muscles not only enhance the overall appearance of the body but also help in maintaining good posture and improving athletic performance. In addition to physical benefits, chest exercises have been associated with improved mental health and relieving stress. Incorporating exercises that engage the chest into your workout routine can go a long way in maintaining overall health and fitness.

The chest, also known as the thorax, is a crucial part of the body’s anatomy. It includes the ribcage, sternum, and other important structures that protect and support the vital organs within.


The ribcage is composed of 12 pairs of ribs that form a bony arch, making up the front and sides of the chest. These ribs attach to the spine at the back and curve around to meet the sternum at the front, providing stability and protection to the lungs and heart.


The sternum, also called the breastbone, is located at the center of the chest. It is a flat bone that connects the ribs, providing additional stability and protection to the internal organs.


The lungs are two large, spongy organs that fill most of the chest cavity. They are responsible for respiratory function, taking in oxygen from the air and releasing carbon dioxide from the body.


The heart is a muscular organ located in the center of the chest, behind the sternum. It is responsible for pumping blood to the rest of the body and is protected by the ribcage and sternum.


The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It plays an important role in breathing by contracting and relaxing to expand and contract the chest cavity, allowing air to enter and exit the lungs.

Overall, the chest anatomy is complex and vital, protecting and supporting important organs that allow for breathing and cardiovascular function.

Review of the Week

Thank you Shelley Rheams for sharing a lovely review about your experience with Soma Ranch (Check Out below). Shelley has been coming to Soma Ranch since 2011! We love how, although Shelley lives in New Orleans, she’s now able to attend classes online via Zoom.

Shelley has been a DAILY attendee of the 30 Day Challenge program since it began in January 2022! She finds a way to juggle her full time position teaching at a college (lots of planning, preparing and grading) to make the commitment to dance on a regular basis, Shelley always has a glowing smile and something encouraging to share with the group. Thank you for being a wonderful part of our community.

Love Soma ranch. Been going there since 2011. Helen and Joe are most excellent hosts. Been for the Men on Nia weekend, white belt training and individual classes over the years. Took my mom with me to dance. They also raise money for charity - St. Jude’s children’s hospital. It is a serene and beautiful piece of property. Health, wonderful Experiences and relationships are cultivated with care. Can’t say enough about them.
— Shelley Reams

Soma Retreat

Another wonderful healing, deep, meaningful, fun, revealing retreat at Soma Ranch. Thank you to all who attended, for the willingness, brilliance, light, vulnerability, love, kindness and more, you brought to the experience.

We danced, laughed, swam, plunged, played, talked, shared, listened, wrote, drew, grew, created, journaled, ate, (enjoyed Joe’s cooking and hospitality) relaxed, explored, walked and all in all had a grand time.

Soma News

We are loving this season of wild flowers at Soma Ranch, particularly the pink buttercups:

Pink evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa) blooms April to June across much of the state. The drought-tolerant flower opens at dusk in northern portions of Texas. Flowers wither each day, replaced by new blossoms each evening. Elsewhere in the state, blooms stay open all day. They’re also known as pink buttercup.



We thoroughly enjoyed our EASE (Embodied Authentic Solar Eclipse) retreat and feel incredibly thankful for many things, including how magically the clouds cleared at the perfect moment for us to enjoy the solar eclipse and then, right as the eclipse was complete the heavens opened and we had a most dramatic Texas downpour of rain for about an hour! it was like a massive applause from the universe!

Continuing our April 30 day Movement challenge Natasha is teaching Saturday morning with the Nia 5 Stages class “One by One” and the Nia Routine “Magic”.

Kudos to Elaine Dunphy (Soma Rock Star teacher) who taught her first ever Blue Monkey class this week.

Next up is the Nia Blue Belt (May 2 - 9), let us know if you’d like to join us either for the training, re-experience the course that focuses on Communication, Relationship and Intimacy or join us for a lovely retreat.

Here’s a great article about Texas Wildflowers

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Saturday Morning Magic One by One with Natasha

Saturday 4/13/24 Natasha is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

With our April Challenge of Choices for Health + Happiness, Natasha has curated 2 lovely experiences…

DAY 13: Choices for Health + Happiness

8:45am Nia 5 STAGES

FOCUS: One by One: Refining Technique

COMMENTS:  Focus on the details of each of the Nia 5 stages.  Focusing on detail and technique invites you to make adjustments to your movement in order to experience greater alignment and relaxation allowing for a deeper, more magical experience of the overall sensation and energy in each stage.

10am Nia CLASS

FOCUS:  Creating Magic for your Health and Happiness

INTENT:  Choose to be present, in your body, by paying attention to and honoring sensations. Listen to the music, and allow the music to inspire and feed your movement experience.  This is where the magic truly happens!

ROUTINE: Magic by Ann Christiansen

MUSIC: Magic

COMMENTS:  I invite you to personalize your Nia class experience and "play magician" by choosing something you'd like to have appear or disappear for greater health and happiness.  Perhaps it's an ache or pain or something on your heart or mind.  When we are truly in our body, moving to the music, magical things can happen!  Simply believe in magic!

Kin 175: Blue Rhythmic Eagle

Your Galactic Affirmation is:
I Organize in order to Create
Balancing Mind
I seal the Output of Vision
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

The round shape of Embryonic tells us that energy spirals and moves in a circular flow.
— Nia 5 Stages

Natasha Villeneuve 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

A Double HYBRID classes = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.


In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort. Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

In the linear shape of Creeping,
the body is split into quadrants:
left and right half;
upper and lower half.
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. You can also find links for class at the top of our private Facebook Group, in “Featured": https://www.facebook.com/groups/helenterry

You are welcome to attend either class. And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In Crawling, the hands and knees provide stability while the hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and spine are mobile.
— 5 Stages

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more


Soma Rock Star, Elaine Dunphy, Taught her 1st Blue Monkey Class

Enjoy this light conversation between our team about the first Blue Monkey Class that Elaine Dunphy taught this morning.

Within our 30 day movement challenge program we play with the theme "Fun Friday" at the end of the week. One of the several ways we bring fun is through a Blue Monkey Experience.

A Blue Monkey class is where the teacher has not prepared the moves to the music in advance, i.e. no choreography planning. The teacher is improvising "on the fly" bringing a fun, unique sparkle to the experience.

Most often the community are invited to bring song requests to the experience, then the teacher either puts the songs in order (which is what Elaine did today), or the songs are put on shuffle (taking the unknown to another level LOL). Either way, the class participants bring the music, the teacher brings the moves and together we co-create magic.

For more information about the 30 day program visit www.somaranch.com/booking/challenge

To keep in the "know" and receive weekly Soma News updates subscribe to our newsletter https://www.somaranch.com/subscribe

Thank you Monthly Cuppas for St Jude

Our monthly “Community Cuppa” was a wonderful time for connection, conversation and support. Thank you Cynthia, Chris, Becki, Diana, Susanna, Emily Jane, Kay, Peggy and welcome back Cece (you have been missed)

This event is a fundraiser for our ““Soma Charity Partner”. All donations collected go towards St. Jude, We celebrated how Helen ran the 13.1 mile distance and how we crossed the finish line together, exceeding our annual goal to raise a minimum of $5000 each year, with a Grand Total of $7087. We kicked off our 2024 fundraiser and we are 1% there with a total of $52!

2023 Fundraiser Campaign

2024 Fundraiser Campaign

Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, May 6th.


Every dollar donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital counts! Take a look at some of the possibilities that your effort could provide to the kids and families of St. Jude.

  • Infant Care Supplies for 10 Babies: $50
    These supplies help parents and nurses care for babies in treatment and include items like diapers, baby bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, footies and heel warmers.

  • Wagon: $70
    Wagons can make traveling through the halls of St. Jude easier for parents and more fun for a young child.

  • Parties to celebrate birthdays, holidays and "coming off chemo": $75
    St. Jude provides parties, decorations, cakes and more to keep spirits high during the holidays and to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and a child's completion of chemotherapy treatment.

  • Creative Toys: $100
    Play is an essential part of every child's life, and it's important for the children to have fun as often as possible. At St. Jude, colorful, toy-filled play areas are just as plentiful as exam rooms.

  • Delicious Meals: $210
    St. Jude provides meal cards so that patients and families can enjoy the comfort and convenience of good, nutritious meals in the Kay Kafe, our cafeteria.

  • One Day of Oxygen: $447
    Oxygen is key to keeping the immune system strong. A gift of oxygen can help a young body thrive and help fight cancer at the cellular level.

  • Child-sized Wheelchairs: $700
    These special wheelchairs help children move easily through St. Jude.

  • Airfare for a parent and child: $1,000 Average
    For a patient referred to St. Jude, the hospital covers the cost of airfare for a child and one parent or guardian.

Soma News

Thank you Megan and Kurt for visiting us this past weekend. Helen and Megan met 30+ years ago, when attending their Nia Blue Belt. Sharing Soma Ranch and the Montgomery area was an absolute delight. We hope you’ll return soon and longer next time :-)


Soma News is coming to you a little early this week. With our EASE (Embodied Authentic Solar Eclipse) retreat beginning on Friday we want to be sure you knew about some FABULOUS opportunities coming up.

Tomorrow, Thursday, we celebrating the life of Alan Davidson with his favorite routine, adapted from the Nia Routine Passion, set to the “Best of Donna Summer”. Saturday Helen is teaching 5 Stages Chakra Crystal Bowls and the Mask & Mirror experience. And we continue the joy with Soma Faith on Sunday and Enigma on Monday.

Now is a fabulous time to consider our April 30 day Movement challenge.

Thank you monthly community Cuppa attendees, we kicked off our annual St Jude fundraiser with $52, we are 1% towards our goal to raise $5000!

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

Celebrating Alan Davidson

In celebration of a dear friend Alan Davidson who left this world suddenly 3 years ago (and IMHO too soon), we will be dancing to one of his most favorite experiences tomorrow, Thursday morning at 10am Central....

"Fabulous" a moving experience to the best of Donna Summer. Get your disco on, be prepared to sparkle, dressing up is encouraged.

Whether you come in person to Soma Ranch or join us online via Zoom.... We'd love to dance with you, celebrate the day in a big way, and for those who knew Alan Davidson a fabulous way to celebrate the one, the only, the most amazingly fabulous Big Al.

FYI 10am doesn't work, let me know, there will be a 24HR replay available.

“He was humorous, speaking truth in a lighthearted way. He was a visionary, but entirely without ego. He was generous, but without intent or expectation.”
— Helen Terry

Embodied Authentic Solar Eclipse (EASE) Retreat



Submerse and EASE yourself in a 4 night, 5 day retreat journey, with the special opportunity to experience the full solar eclipse.

Explore self-guided movement exploration to dive deep beyond learned patterns into a journey with your Soma. Unleash creativity, spiritual insights and the potential for healing for your body, heart, mind and soul.

Through an embodied authentic healing process, including movement, drawing, and writing, you are provided the opportunity create, express and connect.

Curiosity and desire to attune to our inner world is all that is important. No experience is necessary.

When we allow the body to speak, our unique story can be heard. Insight into our true nature naturally emerges without interpretation.

When we share and witness together, each participant's experience will be treated with respect and not interpreted.

Together we learn to honor our own and other's unique personal, creative, and spiritual paths.

No experience is necessary.

  • This retreat is limited to 12 guests.

  • All participants are recommended to stay on site at Soma Ranch

  • A Closed retreat group; no extra visitors, guests, children or pets.

Monday 10am Dance "Enigma"

This Monday 10am, celebrating the Solar Eclipse, we will dance “Enigma”

The music is by Enigma, their second CD “Cross of Change” from beginning to end.

One of the cool things about this music is how most of the songs weave seamlessly from one to the next. This continuity brings a beautiful building energetic quality to both the music and the moves for a magical experience.


a person or thing
that is mysterious, puzzling,
or difficult to understand.
— Oxford Dictionary

Focus: Seamless Continuity Celebration with 5H’s: Heals, Hara, Heart, Head & Hands

Intent: to feel more Grounded, Relaxed, Aware, Centered with Energy.

Usual class rates apply

24 hour replay available upon request.

The words of these songs feel so relevant for today….

Lyrics for “Return To Innocence”

Love - Devotion

Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak

Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

If you want, then start to laugh

If you must, then start to cry

Be yourself don't hide

Just believe in destiny.

Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don't give up and use the chance

To return to innocence.

That's not the beginning of the end

That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

Lyrics for Cross of Change (the last song)

If you understand or if you don'tIf you believe or if you doubt

There's a universal justice

And the eyes of truthAre always watching you

Here’s a video clip with more information about adapting and creating choreography and also more about the creation/focus of Enigma. FYI tomorrow we dance the ORIGINAL MOVES TO ORIGINAL ENIGMA MUSIC (disregard my chat at the end about options LOL).

Thursday 10am "Fabulous" with Donna Summer

THURSDAY 10am Nia with Helen

An adapted Nia experience is where we take the original moves of a Nia routine and put it to new music. This Nia experience is adapted from the moves in original Nia routine Passion, adapted to the “Best of Donna Summer” Music

Feedback from class:

great high energy, fun sparkly experience

I love the music and find it brings out more of me

can we really have this much fun at 10am in the morning!

Focus: share what you sense, playing with “enough” concept - don’t give up
Intent: to be all in, jazzed, and ready.


No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) 4:48

I Feel Love (12” Version )8:15

This Time I Know It’s for Real 3:36

Could It Be Magic (Single Version) 3:54

She Works Hard for the Money (Single Version) 4:10

Hot Stuff (12” Version) 6:41

This Time I Know It’s for Real (12” Extended Remix) 7:22

Dream-a-Lot’s Theme (I Will Live for Love) [12” Extended Remix] 9:14

Last Dance (Single Version)3:19On the Radio 4:05

State of Independence (Single Version) 4:25

Songs from: The Journey: The Very Best Of Donna Summer

Look Inward | Shine Light Outward


This Saturday morning (4/6/2024) we'll be "Looking Inward” with the intent to Shine Joy + Light Outward

As part of our EASE retreat you are invited to join us for the Chakra Crystal Bowl Nia 5 Stages class experience. Yes! why not begin your weekend with healing energy and light. The 10am class compliments the theme of looking inwards to shine outwards with the movement experience to the album The Mask and Mirror by Loreena McKennitt.

Zoom Link is the same as usual, whenever you Sign Up for a class the link is sent to you automatically.

Hope you can join us on this journey with healing, movement and dance.

Stars were falling deep in the darkness
As prayers rose softly, petals at dawn
And as I listened, your voice seemed so clear
So calmly you were calling your god
Somewhere the sun rose, o’er dunes in the desert
Such was the stillness, I ne’er felt before
Was this the question, pulling, pulling, pulling you
In your heart, in your soul, did you find rest there?
Elsewhere a snowfall, the first in the winter
Covered the ground as the bells filled the air
You in your robes sang, calling, calling, calling him
In your heart, in your soul, did you find peace there?
— FULL CIRCLE, Loreena McKennitt

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. The link is the same each week.

Soma Faith Kaleidoscope

Sunday 04/07/24 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is leading a special Soma Faith Dance at 5pm Helen’s latest creation “Kaleidoscope”.

A fabulous class where we explore the relationship between the many parts of us (Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit), with the many parts of our body (Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Skin) to express movement from the inside out, heart to hands, earth to heaven, with the intent to feel relaxed, expressive and fulfilled.

a constantly changing pattern
or sequence of objects or elements.
”the dancers moved
in a kaleidoscope of color”
— Oxford Dictionary

This classes are Triple HYBRID, where you can choose:

  1. In Person at Soma Ranch

  2. LIVE Online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

Each time you look at a kaleidoscope, new beautiful arrangements appear magically. This figuratively suggests that one should approach the most difficult situations in life by changing one’s attitude to the circumstances because life is truly amazing. It also means there is so much to look forward to, regardless of the worst lows you might encounter. Things fall apart sometimes, but they can always be put back together even if in a different pattern, much like the stunning art in a kaleidoscope.

Sir David Brewster, the Scottish scientist, invented this wonderful instrument in 1816 when he experimented with light polarization. He mixed up a few Greek words that meant “observer of beautiful shapes” and succinctly came up with the word “kaleidoscope”.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

Soma Faith Class
from $5.00

Welcome to Soma Faith 5pm Sunday “Pop Ups” at Soma Ranch. These special Sunday events don’t happen every week. Please email helen@somaranch.com if you’d like to be including in the Soma Faith News List.


Online (Via Zoom), In Person (at Soma Ranch), or via 24HR recording, come Praise, Dance, Worship, Workout, Pray, Connect, Move and Sweat with us!

We're in for a GLORIOUS TIME singing, praising and dancing to Christian music.

All Faiths and Fitness Levels Welcome.

Helen Terry creates all inspiring Christian workout/worship experiences. They combine her passion for Christ, with her love for movement and fitness and Nia.

Helen brings more than 35 years experience with holistic fitness and wellness.

Receive zoom link for class and 24 HR replay by clicking “PURCHASE”

Classes are on a sliding scale, choose your price $5 - $100.

  • Pay for a class

  • Pay for the month

  • Pay as you go

  • Make a one time payment

The choice is yours.

We never want finances to get in the way of your opportunity to connect, move and be moved through our Soma Faith program. We appreciate your support and how you give.

We never want religion to get in the way of your opportunity. All beliefs and faiths are welcome. Helen will pray at the beginning and end of the experience, and the name Jesus will be mentioned. All are welcome.

50% of all funds collected go towards our Soma Charity: St Jude.

April Challenge of Choices for Health and Happiness 2024

Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Each month for 2024 we feature a New Fun Challenge (See full list below).

For the month of April welcome to our focus of "Choices for Health + Happiness"

Focus: 3 stages of practice: Learn, Move, Energize

Intent: Move to Heal and Condition Your Soma

Sign up: www.somaranch.com/booking/challenge

All 30 classes are provided online via Zoom.

The “challenge” will provide a variety of modalities including Nia, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, 52 Moves, Move IT, offered by a stellar team of teachers, Helen Terry + Rock Stars and Special Guests.

How to give gratitude for being able to move, feel vibrant, healthy and well, from an abundance of choice and variety.

Would you like to join us? Gain support and encouragement from a lovely welcoming community? Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement.


When you sign up for the April 30 day challenge by March 28th you can bring a friend for FREE!

Receive 30 classes that include: 30 mins, 60 mins, Nia, Nia 5 Stages, Feldenkrais, Fabulous Rock Stars and Saturday Special guests.

Program includes Support, Coaching, Education, Community, Connection and lots of laughs along the way.

All for $99.

30 Day “Journey with Movement”
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Join our ONLINE 30 day Soma class “Journey with Movement” for only $99

  • Receive a gift; 30 Day “Journey with Movement” with Helen & Friends, to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)

  • Receive LIVE classes + Enjoy 24 hour replays

  • 30 classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace)

  • 3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)

  • 1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class

  • Great Beginners Introduction to Nia

  • Feel supported and stay motivated

  • Learn more about Nia

  • Learn the 52 moves of Nia

  • Learn about Nia 5 stages

  • Experience Feldenkrais Method

  • Experience Ageless Grace

  • Receive information about anatomy

  • Develop a healthy regular practice

  • Meet people from all over the world!

  • Be part of a fabulous community

  • Connect, cheer and encourage

  • Supportive Private Facebook Group.

  • Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life

  • Learn about The Body’s Way

  • Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays

  • Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 30 days!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the 365 day journey with movement.

Congratulations Katherine and Justine

Congraultions Nia White Belt Graduates Katherine and Justine. These vibrant, conscious, energetic women are keen and ready to now prepare and develop the skills necessary to become Nia Teachers. They are both fortunate to have super mentorship and support (Justine is a student of Jane Francis’ classes) (Katherine is a student of Geri Timmins’ classes). Super to see these communities blossom, with fabulous support from within and amazing potential with these new graduates.