Monthly Cuppa for St Jude

Dear Chris Peggy, Susannah, Emily, Diana, Kay, Becki, Lynda, JoAnn and Cynthia

Thank you for choosing to hang out after class on Monday for our “Monthly Cuppa”. We appreciate your generous donations to St Jude, today we raised $68. What a wonderful opportunity to welcome Lynda who attended both class and cuppa for the first time.

Being able to relax, sit down outside, enjoy the perfect Texas weather and delightful conversations was a treat. These monthly connections are very special times. The opportunity to connect, learn more about each other, laugh and support was much appreciated.

We raised $68 for St Jude (our annual fundraising campaign)

These monthly meetings are very important to me and other people in the group. I love and need the opportunity to connect and appreciate these special cuppas.
— Chris, Nia White Belt + regular Soma Student

Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, February 6th

Monday Classe Brand New Day

This past Saturday we had a technical challenge for the folks taking class on line. Good news is we will be offering a “redo” this Monday Jan 8 at 10am.

The “BND Event” has become an annual tradition for over 2 decades! And we’d love you to join us. Celebrate 2023 and a NEW BEGINNING as we move into 2024 in an invigorating, encouraging and inspiring way.

Enjoy a fabulous music, movement and magic experience, lead by Helen Terry. Come dance to the entire Sting Album “Brand New Day”. This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the January Challenge and receive the class as part of your package!

FOCUS: Seamless Continuity ~ sense connection from move to move and song to song.

INTENT: Your body will feel incredible; a mix of having had a great workout combined with the sense of relaxation gained from a healing massage.


Classes with Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID = 3 great choices:

  1. In Person at Soma Ranch

  2. Online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

Soma News

Soma Ranch Co-Owners, Joe & Helen Terry

Howdy! We hope you've enjoyed a wonderful first week into 2024. This week Soma Ranch Co-Owners Joe and Helen Terry attended a wedding, explored some local hikes and kicked off the year with some great clearing/sorting.

Helen accomplished 2023 miles in 2023. She has stepped in for her 9th year of “Running the Year”, this program compliments our Annual St Jude Charity/Vegas 1/2 marathon pledge.

Joe and Helen have begun a project to explore and document the many hikes near to Soma Ranch.

Here at Soma Ranch we are preparing for some fabulous classes, events, retreats and trainings. Would you like to visit?

Here's some helpful links:

Brand New Day experience:

30 day challenge

Feldenkrais Workshop

Monthly Cuppa for St Jude

Rock Star Special Classes

Off the track Black Retreat

EASE Retreat

Nia immersive Training retreats

Keep updates - subscribe to newsletter

We have become fascinated with the “new to us” nature opportunities. Over 2024 we hope to explore, map out and report back on these wonderful local hikes to share with guests at Soma Ranch.
— Soma Ranch Co-Owners, Helen & Joe Terry

Helen is kicking off year with the focus of joy. A lovely way to link from one year into the next, aware of connections move to move, thought to thought, day by day, month by month, year by year. Ring in the New Year with a celebration of the now, acknowledging the past and casting joy into the future.

Click here for details and full schedule for January Classes.

There is still time to sign up and save with Nia sales ($100-200 off Trainings) and Enrollment is open for Retreats in 2024 and/or Trainings with Helen .

Last call to sign up for January 30 day challenge and receive 50% off the January Feldenkrais workshop.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from Soma this week. We’ve enjoyed Helen’s completion of 2023 miles in 2023, attended a wedding and enjoyed time with friends in Dallas, explored some new local hikes and appreciated some fabulous Texas crisp sunshine.

Saturday Classes: Brand New Day

The “BND Event” has become an annual tradition for over 2 decades! And we’d love you to join us. Celebrate 2023 and a NEW BEGINNING as we move into 2024 in an invigorating, encouraging and inspiring way.

Saturday 1/6/24 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Enjoy a fabulous music, movement and magic experience, lead by Helen Terry. Come dance to the entire Sting Album “Brand New Day”. This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the January Challenge and receive the class as part of your package!

FOCUS: Seamless Continuity ~ sense connection from move to move and song to song.

INTENT: Your body will feel incredible; a mix of having had a great workout combined with the sense of relaxation gained from a healing massage.


Classes with Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID = 3 great choices:

  1. In Person at Soma Ranch

  2. Online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

Run The Year 2024

Helen has achieved 2023 miles in 2023 with the most ease and the least injury. 2024 is Helen’s 9th year of “Running the year”, This year, the goal is to run/walk 2024 miles before the end of the year.

There are many ways to accomplish the “Run The Year” Challenge:

You can:

  • run all the miles (what Helen did the first year)

  • run/walk all the miles (what Helen has done most years)

  • use all your steps/distance each day

  • choose to share the mileage with a friend or 2! (My Mum did miles with me one year!

If you are wondering the math, let us help you… you need to average 2024/365= 5.54 miles a day. The fabulous tracker app, fun T shirts, great swag and facebook group support provide plenty of support. We are not affiliated, or receiving commission for this, we simply love the program, connection and support and would love to share the joy with you. Thank you Natasha Villeneuve for being with Helen for 2023, We’ve enjoyed checking your stats, seeing your progress and appreciated our connection, super excited you’re in it again for 2024.

This yearly "challenge" aligns well with our other important annual goal, to run a 1/2 marathon in Vegas as a St Jude Hero.

I’ve made the commitment to run the St. Jude Vegas 1/2 marathon, raising at least $5000 a year, every year, for as long as I/we can
— Helen Terry, Soma Ranch

For more information, and if you'd like to make a donation here's the link:

January Feldenkrais Workshop

In every Feldenkrais class and workshop we work on preventing injury and moving with more grace and power.
This workshop will focus on the stability and mobility required to manage taking care of pets.
So if you walk a dog or bend over to feed or clean up after a pet, or want to feel more stable on your feet and able to respond to whatever situation comes up in your life, this is a great way to start the year more powerfully and safely.
— Irene Pasternack


Get up and down from the floor with ease and joy

It’s a new year, and the world is opening up! Make yourself more nimble so you can respond to the

possibilities! We’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.

Both December and January 30 day Challengers and ALL 2024 365 day Challengers receive 50% off this workshop when they sign up by January 8th, 2024.

Feldenkrais® Workshop Jan 14
from $60.00

It’s a new year, and the world is opening up!

Make yourself more nimble so you can respond to the possibilities! We’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.

Monday Cuppa, 11am January 8

Our “Monthly Monday Community Cuppa” event is a fun and nourishing part of our “2024 race Fundraiser for St Jude”

We get together, celebrate, connect and boost each other as we also boost our fundraiser. both in a GRAND way.

Next “Cuppa” is Monday, January 8th.

Yes! our “Monthly Monday Cuppa” connections are WONDERFUL…

Every month, (most often) the first Monday, we meet up after 10am Nia class to connect, enjoy a cuppa and have a grand time.

Coffee, tea, kombucha, snacks and time to hang, get to know each other better, help and support.

This is one of our community events where 100% donations collected go towards St Jude, our “Soma Selected” charity of choice.

Our goal is to raise $8000 for St. Jude. We collect donations at our monthly “Monday Coffee Connection”, Soma Faith classes and Special Events throughout the year.

On Monday entertain 10am Nia Class, then connect with our lovely community with coffee, teas and snacks. We hope you can join us.

We have a great time listening to each other’s thoughts, challenges and successes. We provide support and offer prayers.

Consider enjoying a “double play” with

  • 10:00am Nia

  • 11:00am Monthly Monday Cuppa

Soma Specials For Nia Trainees

Soma Specials

We love when folks can come to class, dance with Helen and get to know the community BEFORE they attend a Nia Training at Soma Ranch. This helps participants relax in anticipation of their experience and develop a sense of belonging before they even arrive.

Now is a super time to plan for 2024, you can save significantly when you follow these steps by December 31.

  1. sign up for a Nia training (save up to $200)

  2. book your accommodation at Soma

  3. secure your desired room at Soma Ranch

  4. receive bonus choices:

  • OPTION 1: 30 day movement challenge, 30 classes in 30 days, $99 value

  • OPTION 2: $500 off the 365 day challenge

Nia HQ Codes for Sale:

White Belt Training Code: SAVE200WB

Blue, Brown & Green Belt Trainings Code: SAVE100BELTS

Advantages of “Pre-Training” Online Classes with helen and the Soma team

In today's digital age, the ability to attend classes online has revolutionized the way we learn and prepare for events. Soma Ranch recognizes the value of offering online classes via Zoom to its guests before they arrive for training. This blog explores the benefits of attending online classes, ranging from convenience and flexibility to enhanced preparedness and engagement.

Convenience and Flexibility
One of the primary advantages of attending online classes via Zoom is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Guests who plan to attend training at Soma Ranch can access these classes from the comfort of their own homes. By providing the option to participate virtually, Soma Ranch ensures that guests can fit some preparing for their training effortlessly into their busy schedules.
Moreover, online classes via Zoom offer incredible flexibility. Whether it's early morning or late at night, with the 24HR replay, guests have the freedom to select the time that suits them best. This flexibility allows participants to enjoy the classes, take notes and learn from the experiences when they are most focused and receptive, preserving the quality of both their workout and learning experience.

Enhanced Preparedness and Engagement
Attending online classes prior to arriving at Soma Ranch allows guests to enter their training with a solid foundation of familiarity. These classes serve as an introduction to Helen, the community (in the Soma room and on Zoom) and quite possibly fellow trainees. By familiarizing themselves in advance, guests can optimize their time at Soma Ranch and capitalize on the opportunity to deepen their understanding and skills.
Furthermore, online classes via Zoom foster active engagement from the outset. Participants have the chance to connect with teachers, participants and fellow attendees virtually, enabling them to familiarize themselves with the friendly, supportive community before even setting foot on the ranch. Through interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative activities, guests can become actively involved in their pre-training journey, enhancing their overall learning experience.

Networking Opportunities
Another advantage of attending online classes is the networking opportunities it presents. Guests can interact with like-minded individuals who share a common interest in Somatic Movement. By engaging in online discussions and collaborating with the group and teachers, participants can forge connections and build relationships ahead of their arrival at Soma Ranch. This pre-training networking can contribute to a more enriching and supportive training experience, as guests can draw upon these connections for guidance and inspiration.

The availability of online classes via Zoom in the pre-training phase at Soma Ranch proves to be a mighty asset for its guests. By providing convenience, flexibility, enhanced preparedness, engagement, and networking opportunities, Soma Ranch ensures that guests make the most of their training experience. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of online classes will remain a valuable tool, seamlessly merging the convenience of remote learning with the transformative power of in-person training.

When guests sign up for their accommodation for a 2024 Nia training or retreat they receive a choice:

Option 1: complimentary Monthly 30 Day challenge (30 days, 30 classes) or

Option 2: a $500 discount off the 365 day challenge.

Soma News

Happy Friday!

Joe and Helen successfully achieved being relatively unproductive over the past week. An unusual accomplishment for the Terry Family!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this holiday season, Helen & Joe drove up to Dallas for Christmas day to connect with the Airhart family for a most beautiful, relaxing meaningful time with loved ones.

Here in Texas the weather has been crisp and sunny. Helen and Joe started exploring nearby hikes.

We have become fascinated with the “new to us” nature opportunities. Over 2024 we hope to explore, map out and report back on these wonderful local hikes to share with guests at Soma Ranch.
— Soma Ranch Co-Owners, Helen & Joe Terry

This Saturday 12/30/23 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Completing our December challenge of “yes we can” and taking the time to acknowledge the shift towards a New Year, We will learn and explore the Nia 5 Stages lessons of ligaments and tendons, then apply this foundation into experience created by Helen called “Mind the Gap”

During the Nia 5 Stages class we explore the relationship between education and exploration, learning and sensing, with the methodology of Look, Listen, Imagine to bring a systemic grounded guided movement experience. (as usual attend LIVE via Zoom or request 24HR replay)

Monday is New Years Day = no public class at Soma Ranch. enJOY your day with an ONLINE 30 minute 10am class with Helen. Usual class rates apply.

Thursday Helen leads the 10am class with our traditional beginning of the month “Deep Dive”, and next Saturday 1/6/24, is our traditional beginning of the year celebration with the “Brand New Day” experience. Come to Soma Ranch or enjoy ONLINE/24 HR replay options.

With all of these classes Helen will kick off year with the focus of joy. A lovely way to link from one year into the next, aware of connections move to move, thought to thought, day by day, month by month, year by year. Ring in the New Year with a celebration of the now, acknowledging the past and casting joy into the future.

Click here for details and full schedule for January Classes.

There is still time to sign up and save with Nia sales ($100-200 off Trainings) through December 31 and Enrollment is open for Retreats in 2024 and/or Trainings with Helen .

Last call to sign up for January 30 day challenge and bring a friend for free when you sign up by TODAY. Or sign up for the 365 day challenge and bring a friend for free every month of 2024. Sign up and receive 50% off the January Feldenkrais workshop.

And if you are looking at making a charitable donation before the end of the year, please consider our annual St Jude Fundraiser.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from Soma this week. We’ve enjoyed eating out, hiking around, fooling about and experienced some magical Moon moments and Sun sets.

Saturday Classes: Mind the Gap

Saturday 12/30/23 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Completing our December challenge of “yes we can” and taking the time to acknowledge the shift towards a New Year, We will learn and explore the Nia 5 Stages lessons of ligaments and tendons, then apply this foundation into experience created by Helen called “Mind the Gap”

During the Nia 5 Stages class we explore the relationship between education and exploration, learning and sensing, with the methodology of Look, Listen, Imagine to bring a systemic grounded guided movement experience.

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Classes with Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.

Key concepts

Anatomy: Ligaments, Tendons, Muscles, Connection

YBW: Your Body’s Way “the current design and function of your body” (always changing/new)

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

I am the voice of your ligaments. By design,
I am a dense and fibrous connective tissue
that connects bone to bone.
I work together with your muscles and tendons
to maintain greater stability.

My voice helps you determine a safe range of motion for
your muscles and joints.
What keeps me healthy is you listening
and responding to my voice and the command to,
“Stop, that’s far enough”
— Nia 5 Stages
I am the voice of your tendons. By design I attach muscle to bone. I work directly with muscles and ligaments to help you stabilize your movement in a passive but very effective way. My minimal elasticity creates a powerful positive pull on your contracting muscles that says,

“Slow down, change your position and find a more comfortable one, adjust and get ready to stop so you don’t hurt yourself.”

My function is to help you know how far you can go. I keep you from over-stretching. You find me where space is scarce and where power is needed, as in your foot, ankle, and leg.

Listen to me and you can learn to safely respond to intensity, range of motion and alignment changes. What keeps me healthy is aligning your bones and joints so your muscles can do the work of supporting you in balanced and harmonious ways
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

Continuing Education for an adult
is to go back to the non-thinking,
pre-verbal experience of being
curious and noticing in the senses,
“Does this feel better?”
“Does this feel comfortable?”
“Is this giving me Pleasure?”
— Nia 5 Stages


January Challenge of JOY

Our next 30 day challenge will be here before we know it? Would you like to gift somebody 30 days of Joy? Would you like to gift yourself the “Choose Joy” 30 day challenge?

BRING A FRIEND for FREE, when you sign up for the January challenge by December 28th.

Receive 30 classes that include: 30 mins, 60 mins, Nia, Nia 5 Stages, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, Fabulous Rock Stars and Saturday Special guests.

Each month for 2024 we feature a New Fun Challenge (See full list below).

For the month of January welcome to our focus of "Joy" (the first month of the year)

Focus: Joy “the thread that runs through everything”

Intent: Choose Sensation + Receive Joy

Key words: Choose, Sensation, Receive, Joy, Tweak, Universal

Sign up:

All 30 classes are provided online via Zoom.

The January Challenge “Joy!” is all about the choice, choosing sensation and exploring joy as the sensation of life force energy, i.e. the feeling of being alive and the ability to connect with the joy of this presence. Providing you with classes that provide exploration of

  1. What does “joy” mean for you?

  2. What is the felt sense of joy in your body

  3. How can we connect, sustain and even increase the somatic experience of joy

Some class Foci will explore the essentials of “Joy”, for example

  • Sense the joy of being alive

  • Choose sensation to receive Joy

  • Utilize tweak to return to the felt sense of joy.

Other classes will explore duality and contrast between core principles, for example.

  • Emotions in motion, sustaining joy.

  • Choose, sustain, increase.

  • Explore the different between enJoy (circumstance) and Joy (sustainable)

A month to help

  • improve your competence and confidence of your body’s way of moving.

  • explore the choice of living in a body through sensation

  • entertain where and how to bring more joy to our experience and life

  • feed your brain with new novel and fascinating information and experiences

  • stimulate health and well being throughout your body and life

  • provide balance and a holistic approach to fitness and movement

  • enhance your dance with safety, comfort and pleasure

The program includes Support, Coaching, Education, Community, Connection and lots of laughs along the way. Would you like to join us?

  • Gain support and encouragement from a lovely welcoming community?

  • Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement.

  • Receive 30 classes that include a variety of 30 & 60 minute classes.

The “challenge” provides a variety of modalities including Nia, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, 52 Moves, Move IT, offered by a stellar team of teachers, Helen Terry + Rock Stars and Special Guests.

All for $99.

Class lessons will include:

  • Joy

  • Sharing what you sense

  • Breath

  • Psoas + Sound

When you sign up for the January 30 day challenge by December 28th you can bring a friend for FREE!

30 Day “Journey with Movement”
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

When bringing a guest for free for the month, thank you for completing the following form.

365 Challenge 2024

If you are keen to receive support and motivation to keep on movin’ in 2024, consider investing in the whole year and receive great savings on the 365 day challenge.

$949 thru November 28 (save $240)

$999 thru December 30 (save $190)

$1099 after December 30 (save $90)

$499 thru December 31 when you sign up for a Nia Training or Soma Retreat

365 Day Movement Challenge 2024
from $499.00

Join our ONLINE 365 day Soma class “CHALLENGE”

$949 thru November 28

$999 thru December 20

$1099 after December 20

  • Receive a gift certificate; “30 Day Challenge with Helen & Friends” to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)

  • Receive LIVE classes + Enjoy 24 hour replays

  • 30 classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace)

  • 3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)

  • 1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class

  • Great Beginners Introduction to Nia

  • Feel supported and stay motivated

  • Learn more about Nia

  • Learn the 52 moves of Nia

  • Learn about Nia 5 stages

  • Experience Feldenkrais Method

  • Experience Ageless Grace

  • Receive information about anatomy

  • Develop a healthy regular practice

  • Meet people from all over the world!

  • Be part of a fabulous community

  • Connect, cheer and encourage

  • Supportive Private Facebook Group.

  • Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life

  • Learn about The Body’s Way

  • Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays

  • Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 30 days!

Soma News

Happy Friday!

Joe and Helen enjoyed a “Staycation” this week thanks to a fabulous team of teachers stepping in to provide all our daily classes.

Congratulations on latest/newest Nia Teacher to the team, Gigi. She provided 2 excellent classes in person at Soma Ranch. Teaching at the studio requires extra technological spaghetti with the “joy” of teaching both the people in the room and the folks on zoom (we fondly call them the wall of smiles, as we see them projected on to the Soma Ranch Studio wall, as big as a movie screen!)

This Saturday 12/23, Special Guest Teacher Kellie Chambers is leading both classes, with the Nia 5 stages lesson “FreeDance” and the Nia experience “Resonance”. A beautiful way to align with the season, solstice and chakras. Hopefully you’ll have sense of raising the vibration both in your body and the world around you by attending these classes (as usual attend LIVE via Zoom or request 24HR replay)

Monday is Christmas Day = no public class at Soma Ranch. enJOY your day.

Friday, 28th December Helen & fellow rock star teacher, Paul Duff are leading a special 30 minute online class to the music of Kelly Clarkson. Friday classes are usually exclusive to the 30 day challenge group. For this special gig we’re opening the doors to everyone! regular class rates apply.

Next Saturday 12/30 Helen will lead the final Saturday classes of the year with the focus of connecting the dots and minding the gap. A lovely way to link from one year into the next, aware of connections move to move, thought to thought, day by day, month by month, year by year. The Nia 5 Stages lesson is Ligaments and Tendons.

Click here for details and full schedule for December Saturday Classes.

There is still time to sign up and save with Nia sales ($100-200 off Trainings) through December 31 and Enrollment is open for Retreats in 2024 and/or Trainings with Helen .

Now is a great time to sign up for January 30 day challenge and bring a friend for free when you sign up by 12/28. Or sign up for the 365 day challenge and bring a friend for free every month of 2024. Sign up and receive 50% off the January Feldenkrais workshop. And if you are looking at making a charitable donation before the end of the year, please consider our annual St Jude Fundraiser.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from Soma this week.

Special Saturday Guest Teacher, Kellie Chambers

Enjoy 2 wonderful class opportunities with Fellow Nia Trainer, Kellie Chambers. Freedance & Resonance

The Nia 5 Stages class lesson explores how FreeDance helps us stimulate movement creativity for both our body and brain.

in the 10am Nia class Kellie will weave this lesson into a the Nia Routine Resonance.

Usual class rates apply

24 hour replay available upon request.

10am Nia Class

FOCUS: The 7 chakras

INTENT: To stimulate an interactive relationship with the physical body layers you can touch and see, and with the energetic and spiritual layers you cannot see but can sense and connect with.

EXPANDED INTENT : The intent of ResOnance is to use Nia movement, mindfulness to become aware of the location and personality of the 7 chakras and to use movement to stimulate an interactive relationship with your body and the human energy field composed of the physical body layer you can touch and see, and composed of energy, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers you cannot see but can sense, feel, and touch using a multi-sensory approach of hands-on, felt-sense, mindful intent, and imagination.

A great way to get immediate information is to change what you do or how you do it. That is why in FreeDance movement creativity is so powerful. It changes what you do. A little bit of shift and change brings more awareness to you, your body and to the Voice of the Body, which is sensation.

The central nervous system – the brain and spinal cord – is in charge of sending and receiving information. It is designed to process a lot of different information simultaneously and to keep our senses alert.
— Nia 5 Stages


Based on the Gaelic words, Saor meaning freedom and saoil meaning to imagine, the music of ResOnance , Saioule integrates the sound and resonance of the crystal bowls with the transformative voice of Shannon Day. Created in freedom and through her imagination, as a journey through the seven chakras, the music of Saioule takes you on a sound and sensory journey into a most magical environment of resonant sound healing. Saioule (sai – ool) is the perfect resonant landscape to inspire self-healing, health, wellness, and holistic conditioning.

Each song in ResOnance begins with the sound of the crystal bowls, the resonant sound of a chakra. It is followed by vocalist Shannon Day’s breath and voice, creating the perfect sonic landscape to experience listening, sensing, and dancing to the music with the 7 chakras. This integrative method of sound and voice encourages the physical liberation and vibration in your seven chakra energy centers, supporting sympathetic vibrations to empower and cleanse your emotional body to leave you feeling a stronger physical presence. While your ears will assist you in picking up vibrations, it is your entire body that will pick up vibrations and pulsations your ears cannot. As you listen and dance, consciously listen with your whole body.

The body’s intelligence creates a pathway so that once we do something, the body remembers. If we keep repeating what we do in the same way, then parts of our body that are designed to stay alert can get a little lazy.

Changing what we do can fool our body into thinking,
“We’ve never done this,”
and will keep those sensory parts of us awake and attentive
— Nia 5 Stages

Helen and Paul Jam with the Music of Kelly Clarkson

Helen Terry and Paul Duff have been “cookin’ up” the concept of a “duet Class” where they teach movement to the music of Kelly Clarkson for several months. Good news! we’ve made a date and would love you to join us. Usually the Friday 8am 30 min class is exclusively open to 30 day challengers only.

We’re making an exception for this fun Friday class, you can sign up for the month OR sign up for the class (regular class rates apply). We’d love to see you. Whether it be for a class, the month or for all of 2024, we would LOVE to share the joy with you.

Saturday December Schedule

We have been on a journey through the 52 lessons of Nia 5 Stages. Each Saturday the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages lesson most often then becomes the focus for the 10am Movement class. With only 4 weeks left in December we thought you might like to know what’s coming up (there’s some really juicy options!)

  1. Helen Terry is leading Brain Reflexive Voluntary this Saturday with ROCK OPERA (music playlist below)

  2. The following week Helen is Celebrating 30 years of teaching Nia with PsoasSound with her creation to the Music of Enigma.

  3. Then Kellie Chambers will lead FreeDance with Resonance.

  4. Finally, the last Saturday of the year, Helen will teaching Ligaments and Tendons, a perfect focus for looking at how to link from one day, one month, one year, to the next. As it is in the Body, so it is in life!

The Body’s Way looks at the design and form of the body.
This form tells us about function.
— Nia 5 Stages

Nia 5 Stages 8:45am + Movement 10:00am (CT)

These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

To educate the body somatically,
we first become curious,
not through the mind
but by exploring sensation
for the sheer stimulation of it.
We notice and learn through the senses.
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

30 years teaching Nia, come celebrate with Helen

Almost to the day I began my Nia journey 30 years ago. How I have survived and thrived is to be original, adaptive and creative. I giggle at how, in the 30 years of teaching Nia full time, I never received the “teacher of the year award”. I love how I have evolved to a point where I no longer need external awards, motivation, favors or support. I’ve found my way, my style and my brand.

I LOVE, and am super grateful, how there are folks who have been with me, attended my classes, for decades.

I’ve learned about 130 Nia routines (choreographed class experiences), I’ve adapted these into about another 100 experiences (new music adapted to the original music) and I’ve choreographed about 290 of my own creations. From all of these 520 experiences, tomorrow I choose Enigma for many reasons

  • one of the most popular/requested classes of all time

  • the music feels ageless and seamless

  • several therapeutic journeys over the past 30 years have weaved into the choreography

  • this was my dear friend, R.I.P. Alan Davidson’s all time favorite class

  • the words of these songs feel so relevant for today….**

We dance to Enigma’s second CD (Cross of Change) from beginning to end. A cool thing about this music is how most of the songs weave seamlessly from one to the next. This continuity brings a beautiful building energetic quality to both the music and the moves for a magical experience.

Focus: Seamless Continuity Celebration with 5H’s: Heals, Hara, Heart, Head & Hands

Intent: to feel more Grounded, Relaxed, Aware, Centered with Energy.

Usual class rates apply

24 hour replay available upon request.

The words of these songs feel so relevant for today….

Lyrics for “Return To Innocence”

Love - Devotion

Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak

Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

If you want, then start to laugh

If you must, then start to cry

Be yourself don't hide

Just believe in destiny.

Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don't give up and use the chance

To return to innocence.

That's not the beginning of the end

That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

Lyrics for Cross of Change (the last song)

If you understand or if you don'tIf you believe or if you doubt

There's a universal justice

And the eyes of truthAre always watching you

Here’s a video clip with more information about adapting and creating choreography and also more about the creation/focus of Enigma. FYI tomorrow we dance the ORIGINAL MOVES TO ORIGINAL ENIGMA MUSIC (disregard my chat at the end about options LOL).

Soma News

Happy Friday!

This week, as I listen to the rain on our tin roof, I’m reminded of my Nia White Belt in Portland 30 years ago. Little did I know then, what a ride I, and my family, would go on for the past 3 decades. The summary is these 30 years have been a true team effort with the Terry family, our parents and some amazing key friends along the way.

I got married (to Joe Terry) to stay in the country to take the Nia White Belt (fortunately that worked out beyond expectations). I began teaching Nia at St Luke’s hospital, Texas Medical Center, Houston, within a week of graduating from the course.

My “step in the door” opportunity, providing 2 programs (2 classes for cardiac rehab patients and 2 classes for staff and nurses) soon evolved into being offered a full time position as an exercise physiologist in Non Invasive Cardiology. I then was invited to spearhead a “limber for life” revolutionary community mind-body lifestyle outreach program for seniors, had a baby, got promoted then, due to a curious most bizarre technicality I could neither accept my new job nor retain my previous one. I was out of a job. Now I look back on this (like several other unique turns on my life path) with humor and deep appreciation.

I started teaching at the Downtown YMCA and built the program up to teaching 9 classes a week, expanded to additional classes at Fitness Exchange, Several Dancers Core, Motherhood Center, St Andrew’s Church and several others. Then subleased the Fitness Exchange Aerobics Room, moved away from YMCA and merged all classes to under one roof. Built the program to be able to take on a full lease of the facility then, when the owner died and the new owner gave 7 days notice, I moved to the 3rd floor of the same building to co-share a studio with the Houston #%$@&* Meditation Center. Another “scratch your head - soap opera” thing happened and our NiaMoves business was homeless for about 6 months, back to subleasing 6+ locations a week, at random days and times.

Fellow Nia teacher Kristie Bryant saved the day when she asked to come into business partnership with me, find a new location and incorporate the business. We leased space on Houston Avenue for a few years, then bought property, Joe came to the rescue with his carpentry skills and we created a studio on Pecore. Meanwhile Helen and Joe bought a ranch and co-created Soma Ranch retreat center. Kristie and Helen then sold the NiaMoves property and business. Kristie and family relocated to Austin, Helen and Joe moved to Montgomery.

During these twists and turns Joe quit his full time job as a general manager of Cafe Adobe restaurant and became full time “at home Dad”. He took care of “all things home” while I managed the studio and began to travel extensively as a Nia Teacher Trainer. Our daughter flipped from private to public to private and back to public school, before graduating with honors, and accepting a place at University of Texas in for a BA in Radio Television and Film. Liliana then flipped, somewhere in the middle, moved to Computer Science, and graduated with 2 degrees, BA in Linguistics and BS Computer Science. She now lives in Seattle with her husband Carter, where they both work for Facebook.

If you’ve made it this far congratulations! as you can see we the Terry family have twisted, turned, weaved, pivoted, been dropped and many other things. We’ve danced through all these ups and downs, navigated several set backs and have managed to creative a fabulous life full of laughs, joy and love.

This Saturday Helen is celebrating 30 years of Teaching at the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages Psoas and Sound and 10am ENIGMA Experience. We’d LOVE for you to join us whether it be in person at Soma Ranch, ONLINE via zoom or via the 24 Hour Replay.

Click here for details and full schedule for December Saturday Classes. Special Guest teacher, Kellie Chambers is leading NEXT Saturday’s classes with Resonance FreeDance. Finally Helen will be leading the last Saturday class of the year.

Now is a great time to Enrollment for Retreats in 2024 and/or trainings with Helen . And, if you are looking at making a charitable donation before the end of the year, please consider our annual St Jude Fundraiser.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma. And here’s some photos from Soma this week.