Soma News

Soma Ranch Co-Owners, Joe & Helen Terry

Howdy! We hope you've enjoyed a wonderful first week into 2024. This week Soma Ranch Co-Owners Joe and Helen Terry attended a wedding, explored some local hikes and kicked off the year with some great clearing/sorting.

Helen accomplished 2023 miles in 2023. She has stepped in for her 9th year of “Running the Year”, this program compliments our Annual St Jude Charity/Vegas 1/2 marathon pledge.

Joe and Helen have begun a project to explore and document the many hikes near to Soma Ranch.

Here at Soma Ranch we are preparing for some fabulous classes, events, retreats and trainings. Would you like to visit?

Here's some helpful links:

Brand New Day experience:

30 day challenge

Feldenkrais Workshop

Monthly Cuppa for St Jude

Rock Star Special Classes

Off the track Black Retreat

EASE Retreat

Nia immersive Training retreats

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We have become fascinated with the “new to us” nature opportunities. Over 2024 we hope to explore, map out and report back on these wonderful local hikes to share with guests at Soma Ranch.
— Soma Ranch Co-Owners, Helen & Joe Terry

Helen is kicking off year with the focus of joy. A lovely way to link from one year into the next, aware of connections move to move, thought to thought, day by day, month by month, year by year. Ring in the New Year with a celebration of the now, acknowledging the past and casting joy into the future.

Click here for details and full schedule for January Classes.

There is still time to sign up and save with Nia sales ($100-200 off Trainings) and Enrollment is open for Retreats in 2024 and/or Trainings with Helen .

Last call to sign up for January 30 day challenge and receive 50% off the January Feldenkrais workshop.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from Soma this week. We’ve enjoyed Helen’s completion of 2023 miles in 2023, attended a wedding and enjoyed time with friends in Dallas, explored some new local hikes and appreciated some fabulous Texas crisp sunshine.