Run The Year 2024

Helen has achieved 2023 miles in 2023 with the most ease and the least injury. 2024 is Helen’s 9th year of “Running the year”, This year, the goal is to run/walk 2024 miles before the end of the year.

There are many ways to accomplish the “Run The Year” Challenge:

You can:

  • run all the miles (what Helen did the first year)

  • run/walk all the miles (what Helen has done most years)

  • use all your steps/distance each day

  • choose to share the mileage with a friend or 2! (My Mum did miles with me one year!

If you are wondering the math, let us help you… you need to average 2024/365= 5.54 miles a day. The fabulous tracker app, fun T shirts, great swag and facebook group support provide plenty of support. We are not affiliated, or receiving commission for this, we simply love the program, connection and support and would love to share the joy with you. Thank you Natasha Villeneuve for being with Helen for 2023, We’ve enjoyed checking your stats, seeing your progress and appreciated our connection, super excited you’re in it again for 2024.

This yearly "challenge" aligns well with our other important annual goal, to run a 1/2 marathon in Vegas as a St Jude Hero.

I’ve made the commitment to run the St. Jude Vegas 1/2 marathon, raising at least $5000 a year, every year, for as long as I/we can
— Helen Terry, Soma Ranch

For more information, and if you'd like to make a donation here's the link: