Soma Specials
We love when folks can come to class, dance with Helen and get to know the community BEFORE they attend a Nia Training at Soma Ranch. This helps participants relax in anticipation of their experience and develop a sense of belonging before they even arrive.
Now is a super time to plan for 2024, you can save significantly when you follow these steps by November 28th.
sign up for a Nia training (save up to $399)
book your accommodation at Soma
secure your desired room at Soma Ranch
receive bonus choices:
OPTION 1: 30 day movement challenge, 30 classes in 30 days, $99 value
OPTION 2: $500 off the 365 day challenge
Nia HQ Codes for Sale:
White Belt Training Code: SAVE399WB
Blue, Brown & Black Belt Trainings Code: SAVE299BELTS
Green Belt Training Code: SAVE100GREEN
Specialty Training Code: SAVE99SPECIALTY
Advantages of “Pre-Training” Online Classes with helen and the Soma team
In today's digital age, the ability to attend classes online has revolutionized the way we learn and prepare for events. Soma Ranch recognizes the value of offering online classes via Zoom to its guests before they arrive for training. This blog explores the benefits of attending online classes, ranging from convenience and flexibility to enhanced preparedness and engagement.
Convenience and Flexibility
One of the primary advantages of attending online classes via Zoom is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Guests who plan to attend training at Soma Ranch can access these classes from the comfort of their own homes. By providing the option to participate virtually, Soma Ranch ensures that guests can fit some preparing for their training effortlessly into their busy schedules.
Moreover, online classes via Zoom offer incredible flexibility. Whether it's early morning or late at night, with the 24HR replay, guests have the freedom to select the time that suits them best. This flexibility allows participants to enjoy the classes, take notes and learn from the experiences when they are most focused and receptive, preserving the quality of both their workout and learning experience.
Enhanced Preparedness and Engagement
Attending online classes prior to arriving at Soma Ranch allows guests to enter their training with a solid foundation of familiarity. These classes serve as an introduction to Helen, the community (in the Soma room and on Zoom) and quite possibly fellow trainees. By familiarizing themselves in advance, guests can optimize their time at Soma Ranch and capitalize on the opportunity to deepen their understanding and skills.
Furthermore, online classes via Zoom foster active engagement from the outset. Participants have the chance to connect with teachers, participants and fellow attendees virtually, enabling them to familiarize themselves with the friendly, supportive community before even setting foot on the ranch. Through interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and collaborative activities, guests can become actively involved in their pre-training journey, enhancing their overall learning experience.
Networking Opportunities
Another advantage of attending online classes is the networking opportunities it presents. Guests can interact with like-minded individuals who share a common interest in Somatic Movement. By engaging in online discussions and collaborating with the group and teachers, participants can forge connections and build relationships ahead of their arrival at Soma Ranch. This pre-training networking can contribute to a more enriching and supportive training experience, as guests can draw upon these connections for guidance and inspiration.
The availability of online classes via Zoom in the pre-training phase at Soma Ranch proves to be a mighty asset for its guests. By providing convenience, flexibility, enhanced preparedness, engagement, and networking opportunities, Soma Ranch ensures that guests make the most of their training experience. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of online classes will remain a valuable tool, seamlessly merging the convenience of remote learning with the transformative power of in-person training.
When guests sign up, by November 28th, for their accommodation for a 2024 Nia training or retreat they receive a complimentary Monthly 30 Day challenge (30 days, 30 classes) or a $500 discount off the 365 day challenge.