Recently a photo popped up on Facebook. Fun to remember where Soma Ranch was 11 years ago and to see a side by side photo (about the only thing “consistent” is the hot tub in the top right hand corner (still functioning great 11 years later!)
Helen's Galactic Birthday
This is me!
Kin 159: Blue Electric Storm
Your Galactic Affirmation is:
I Activate in order to Catalyze
Bonding Energy
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Abundance
Since 1995 I have tracked, connected with, and thoroughly enjoyed, the Natural Time Calendar.
I was first introduced to this during my Nia Brown Belt and to be honest I had a “freak out moment” of “holy cow is Nia Technique a cult”. With time I have come to love this calendar and what it brings to my daily routine and outlook on life. I’ve been challenged along the way, even had a church I was attending question if I was dancing with the devil! For me, the Mayans, who my understanding are the origin of the calendar, didn’t create the sun, moon, earth, stars and more. Instead they were so in touch with their environment around them, they were able to construct this wonderful mathematical/mythical calendar around what I believe God created.
Here’s some simple things I’ve integrated into my lifestyle through the calendar
rotate the clothes I wear (cycle of Red, White, Blue, Yellow as the theme of the day)
meditate and pray facing a different direction each day (North, East, South, West)
clear and sort my desk every 20 days (on Blue Hand Day)
create class themes and foci around the signature of the day
celebrate my galactic birthday every 260 days (feel like the Queen with 2 birthdays LOL)
I’ve made a note in my Gregorian calendar that my next Galactic birthday is August 30, 2025. A great excuse to plan a party or a trip! I love my life :-)
365 Journey with Movement 2025
Are you keen to receive support and motivation to keep on movin’ in 2025? Please consider joining us for the whole year and receive great savings on the 365 day journey with movement.
Our popular schedule: 8am Tu, We, Fr, 10am Mo, Th, Sa and 5 stages 8:45 Sat. continues.
Fun Fridays (our most popular event!) includes Blue Monkeys, 52 Moves shuffles and more.
New additional class: candle light Nia (restorative PM class with Elaine)
New Spectacular Special Guests coming to the 10am Saturday Class.
More Nia!! (Michele Kaye, 2nd degree Nia black belt from the UK, is joining the team!)
$838 thru December 16 (save $350) only $16 a week!
3x$300 payments (Dec, Jan, Feb) thru December 15 (save $288)
$938 thru December 20 (save $250)
$988 thru December 30 (save $200)
Welcome Dani Eastman and Maria Skinner
Join our ONLINE 365 day Soma “Journey with Movement”
3x$320 payments (Dec, Jan, Feb) thru December 15 (save $288)
$938 thru December 20 (save $250)
$988 thru December 31 (save $200)
$1089 after December 31 (save $99)
Every month receive a gift; 30 Day “Journey with Movement” with Helen & Friends, to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)
Receive 365 LIVE classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace, FreeDancing, Improv’)
Enjoy 24 hour replays
3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)
1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class
1 monthly 365 group check in with Helen
Great Beginners Introduction to Nia
Feel supported and stay motivated
Learn more about Nia
Learn the 52 moves of Nia
Learn about Nia 5 stages
Experience Feldenkrais Method
Experience Ageless Grace
Receive information about anatomy
Develop a healthy regular practice
Meet people from all over the world!
Be part of a fabulous community
Connect, cheer and encourage
Supportive Private Facebook Group.
Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life
Learn about The Body’s Way
Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays
Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 365 days!
Introducing Dani Eastman
I am getting “reDONKEYlously” excited about the New Year and our “journey with movement” for 2025.
We are continuing our 30 classes in 30 days program each month (for a 5th year!). We are also offering the opportunity to sign up for the year, 365 classes in 365 days, with lots of joy, support, variety, encouragement, connections, community and more.
Here’s one of several FABULOUS new teachers to our program, a great friend of mine, Dani Eastman. Although we haven’t danced together for quite a while, we have a shared “kindred Spirit” connection that goes deep, wide and transcends time. I hope you’ll consider joining us, whether it be
drop in for a Saturday morning class with Dani (and other fab teachers) at 10am
sign up for a month and enjoy Dani, and a fabulous team of teachers
jump on in for the 365 day journey with movement
Dani Eastman, founder of Aya Dance Meditation, is an ever-curious seeker, joyful dancer, homeschooling mama, and firefighter wife.
When not dancing, you’ll find her hiking in the woods, playing Legos with her son, traveling on a family adventure, or reading a book with her cat on her lap.
With a deep passion for movement, Dani holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Exercise Science and Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa, where she began leading fitness, dance, and yoga classes in 1998.
In 2012, she stepped away from all formal modalities to explore where her body and dance might intuitively and authentically lead. This journey led to the founding of Aya, a holistic dance meditation practice devoted to connecting participants with their body, joy, freedom, and inner wisdom, all within the warm embrace of supportive community.
With over 25 years of teaching experience, Dani is passionate about dance as an empowering pathway for self-discovery, joyful aliveness, and experiencing oneness in community. She would love nothing more than to meet you on the dance floor and share in the journey together.
Join our ONLINE 365 day Soma “Journey with Movement”
3x$320 payments (Dec, Jan, Feb) thru December 15 (save $288)
$938 thru December 20 (save $250)
$988 thru December 31 (save $200)
$1089 after December 31 (save $99)
Every month receive a gift; 30 Day “Journey with Movement” with Helen & Friends, to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)
Receive 365 LIVE classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace, FreeDancing, Improv’)
Enjoy 24 hour replays
3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)
1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class
1 monthly 365 group check in with Helen
Great Beginners Introduction to Nia
Feel supported and stay motivated
Learn more about Nia
Learn the 52 moves of Nia
Learn about Nia 5 stages
Experience Feldenkrais Method
Experience Ageless Grace
Receive information about anatomy
Develop a healthy regular practice
Meet people from all over the world!
Be part of a fabulous community
Connect, cheer and encourage
Supportive Private Facebook Group.
Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life
Learn about The Body’s Way
Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays
Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 365 days!
$20 | 1 class
$75 | 5 class pass (3 month expiration) ($15 per class)
$130 | 10 class pass (3 month expiration) ($13 per class)
$99 | 30 Day Challenge, 30 Classes, ALL 8am + 10am ($3.30 per class)
$25 | Lunch or Dinner
$96 | 60 min massage
$145 | 90 min massage
30 Day Challenge Benefits:
unlimited 10am + 8am Nia Classes for 30 days
bring a “new to the challenge” friend to class for a month
enjoy before and after class conversations and nuggets
receive automatic 24HR replays via email
To learn more about Dani check out her beautiful website
Train with Helen in 2025
Here are training opportunities with Helen in 2025. Consider registering NOW to save.
Promotion Dates: December 2 - 8, 2024
Save $200
05/01 - 05/07 | Nia Blue Belt: Soma Ranch, Montgomery, Texas, USA
06/11 - 06/16 | Nia White Belt: Glous UK with Geri Timmins
06/21 - 06/26 | Nia Blue Belt: Shift Studio, Budapest, HUNGARY
08/08 - 08/13 | Nia Blue Belt: Studio Om Lila, Claresholm, CANADA
11/15 - 11/20 | Nia Brown Belt: Shift Studio, Budapest HUNGARY
and use code: BF2024AOS for 299.50 USD discount on the registration fee for:
10/17 - 10/23 | Nia White Belt: Just Move Studio, Stay at Bloom, Pleasant Hill, Oregon, USA
06/11 - 06/16 | Nia White Belt: Glous UK with Geri Timmins.

Soma News
Howdy from Soma Ranch!
Greetings from Soma, yes! still enjoying monthly Cuppa outside in December.
Happy December! Huge thank you to all who showed up for our amazing Thanksgiving Jam and also for completing our survey. We learned
Folks love our monthly challenges and want to return in 2025
Fun Fridays are the most popular class!
Both 30 and 60 min classes are preferred
Those who attend LIVE classes feel it is different/special and those who take mostly recordings really appreciate the option.
Helen is teaching both Saturday classes with “Nerves” 5 stages class followed by “Bloom” movement experience. On Monday we will dance “Inno” the adapted version of Bloom with songs all about Joy!
Thank you to both Thanksgiving Jam attendees and our Monthly Cuppa ladies, we raised funds for our Soma Ranch St Jude Fundraiser and are more than 20% towards our goal for February ($8888.88)
Now’s a great time to sign up for the December “yes we can” Challenge and Nia trainings for 2025 are ON SALE (save $200!)
Please consider our 2025 365 day Journey with Movement (hope you like the name change). At the moment you can save $350, and we have a 3 payment option.
Joe and I thank you for how you are part of the Soma Ranch community, whether you simply keep in touch through this newsletter, have visited Soma for a retreat and/or training, occasionally pop into class online or attend classes on a regular basis, please know we appreciate you deeply and are glad you’re here.
Hope to dance with you soon,
Helen, (and Joe, Horses: Zephyr & Roger and of course Da Donkeys ;-)

Saturday 12/07/24 Helen Terry is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.
Continuing our December 30 day Challenge “Yes we CAN” We will focus on Nerves for both 5 Stages and the 10am Nia class “Bloom”
5S Nerves: sensitive communicators, every part of you speaks
Nia Bloom: Listen, Receive, Relax, Dance.
Intent YES! Thank you nerves!
In this class we are getting on our nerves in the best sense ;) diving into the inner world of fiber optic communication systems who are at work day and night, 24/7, within our bodies.
“Your sensory nerves give you a language of sight,
hearing, taste, smell and touch.
The sensory nerves
influence the beat of your heart and your lungs
functioning, awake or asleep.”
These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:
Online via Zoom and/or
Enjoy a 24 hour replay
Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!
This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.
“From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body. ”
In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort.
Key concepts
Anatomy: Nerves, Electricity, Brain, Neuron, Dendrite, Autonomic, Central Nervous System (CNS), Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
YBW: Your Body’s Way “the current design and function of your body” (always changing/new)
Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.
“To educate the body somatically,
we first become curious,
not through the mind
but by exploring sensation
for the sheer stimulation of it.
We notice and learn through the senses.”
“The body is coded to keep us aware and safe.
Sensory information feeds that awareness”
When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.
You are welcome to attend either class.
And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.
In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience
your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus
your mind can learn new and novel information,
your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down
your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more
“We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.”
Community JAM Feedback
Thank you for your wonderful feedback. These reviews and references fill up our LOVE bank and encourage us for 2025.
I love 30-day challenges, My amazing trainer, Helen and her fantastic team provide great classes, bring fun and inspiration. Thank you.
Ildiko Miklos
Julie Wilson
Yes What a wonderful way to bring a daily Nia practice to your community, Helen.
Mona Lisa Beatty
I’ve enjoyed the NIA online classes with Helen and the Soma Ranch team, appreciating the variety of teachers and their unique styles. Each month’s theme deepens the experience, combining physical movement with personal growth. Helen’s leadership and the team’s supportive energy create a welcoming space for self-expression. The sense of community is strong, leaving me feeling rejuvenated and connected. These holistic movement classes are a great opportunity for anyone seeking growth and connection.
Sarah Brown
My Challenge experience was some time ago now (in the first half of, WOW, 47 months!) but its value has never waned for me. No wonder such an inspiring offering has had sustainability and resilience in trying times.
Leigh Leigh Lambert
Natasha invited me. Attended mostly c/o replays.
Tzipporah Eisent
Your work and energy are simply divine ❤️
Erna Ference
It was very nice. I am quite an active person and I enjoyed the stretching and focus that soma gave me.
Dorita Beh-Egerbeheger
The challenge was a wonderful opportunity to experience Nia from a variety of terrific teachers, to connect with dedicated Niaphiles from all over the world!
Thank you, Helen for creating this space for us to dance, heal, move & groove together! 🙏🏻💃🤗
Natasha Villeneuve
peggy renfroe
Fabulous! loved all the teachers.
Kathy Hoben
The SOMA Ranch teachers are exceptional and they each bring their own special gifts. When you sign up for the challenge, you get much more than a 30 day NIA experience, which in itself would be great. You get Feldenkrais, authentic movement and Ageless Grace. If you don't know what those are, you should join!
Kathleen Williamson
Love getting my Nia fix from Helen and the other amazing teachers!
Sarah Geisler
The 30 Day Challenged and 365 Day Challenge are an investment in yourself - body, mind, spirit, and emotions! Wonderful Rock Star teachers offering different types of classes superbly! And a wonderful community of students invited to share and connect with each other! Wonderful gift for yourself or a friend!
Anne Robinson
I think I participated in January - I enjoyed a few live classes and then some replays when I could. Always wonderful.
Etelka Kacso
I was invited by Mathe Kriszta from Romania to a 30 day participation, but technically I couldn't do it.
Az I participated on the Blue belt in Budapest two weeks ago, I would like to participate in january.
Mona Lisa Beatty
It was an amazing experience. So much knowledge and so many classes. Such awesome instructors.
Thank you Monthly Cuppas for St Jude
Our monthly “Community Cuppa” was a wonderful time for connection, conversation and support. Thank you Peggy, Chris, JoAnn, Kay, Megan and Sabrina.
This event is a fundraiser for our ““Soma Charity Partner”. All donations collected go towards St. Jude. We raised $32 for our 2024 fundraiser and we are 22% towards our $8888.88 goal with a total of $1938.88!
2024 Fundraiser Campaign
We truly appreciate these wonderful women and the community connection…
Our next “Monthly Cuppa” is Monday, January 6th.
Every dollar donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital counts! Take a look at some of the possibilities that your effort could provide to the kids and families of St. Jude.
Infant Care Supplies for 10 Babies: $50
These supplies help parents and nurses care for babies in treatment and include items like diapers, baby bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, footies and heel warmers.Wagon: $70
Wagons can make traveling through the halls of St. Jude easier for parents and more fun for a young child.Parties to celebrate birthdays, holidays and "coming off chemo": $75
St. Jude provides parties, decorations, cakes and more to keep spirits high during the holidays and to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and a child's completion of chemotherapy treatment.Creative Toys: $100
Play is an essential part of every child's life, and it's important for the children to have fun as often as possible. At St. Jude, colorful, toy-filled play areas are just as plentiful as exam rooms.Delicious Meals: $210
St. Jude provides meal cards so that patients and families can enjoy the comfort and convenience of good, nutritious meals in the Kay Kafe, our cafeteria.One Day of Oxygen: $447
Oxygen is key to keeping the immune system strong. A gift of oxygen can help a young body thrive and help fight cancer at the cellular level.Child-sized Wheelchairs: $700
These special wheelchairs help children move easily through St. Jude.Airfare for a parent and child: $1,000 Average
For a patient referred to St. Jude, the hospital covers the cost of airfare for a child and one parent or guardian.
2023 Fundraiser Campaign
Thanksgiving Sunday Jam, 1pm Sunday 12/01/24
Thanksgiving Sunday Jam, 1pm Sunday 12/01/24
We are offering a Thanksgiving Sunday JAM gift for EveryBody who has participated in any of our 30 day Monthly Soma Challenges over the past 47 months!
All you need do is complete the following form to receive the link for class TODAY Sunday 12/01/24.
If you have not participated in a 30 day challenge simply complete the form below and make a donation here:
No strings or attachments. We simply would LOVE to connect with you and say thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Form must be completed by 11am TODAY December 1.
All participants of the 30 day challenge for the past 3 years (47 months!) are invited to join us for Free.
The first 100 people to sign up can enjoy the class LIVE.
EveryBody who registers will receive the 24HR replay.
AnyOne who signs up for December, by November 25, can also join the jam.
Complete form by November 30 to receive the link for LIVE class.
DECEMBER Challenge of YES Movement
Each month for 2024 we feature a New Fun Challenge (See full list below).
For the month of December welcome to our focus of "Yes! We can!" (the final month of the year)
Yes we can, Evaluation, Celebration, “We get To Do This!”
Focus: Evaluation + Celebration
Intent: Recognize & Acknowledge
Sign up:
When you sign up for the December Challenge you are also invited to join us for our Community Thanksgiving JAM.
All 30 classes are provided online via Zoom.
Do you believe in the power of a "Yes We Can" attitude? At Soma Ranch, we certainly do! With each passing day, we witness the incredible transformation that can occur when we approach life with a positive and determined mindset. Embracing the "Yes We Can" mentality opens doors to endless possibilities, propelling us towards greatness and allowing us to overcome even the most daunting challenges. With this attitude, we can conquer our fears, reach for our dreams, and achieve remarkable personal growth. So take a deep breath, embrace the power of "Yes We Can," and prepare to unlock a world of opportunities with 30 classes in 30 days. Together, let’s explore what we can accomplish.
The December Challenge “Yes! We Can!” is all about the choice, celebrating and evaluating to feel inspired, motivated, great about what we achieved in 2024 and ready to step into 2025 with confidence, clarity and joy. Providing you with classes that provide exploration of
What does “yes we can” mean?
Evaluate in an uplifting, meaningful, beneficial way
Celebrate, recognizing and acknowledge the miles stones and achievements both big and small
Some class Foci will explore the essentials of a “Yes we Can!” attitude, for example
Sense the joy of a “yes we can” attitude
Sense and express your greatness and achievement
Sense how to bring ferociously determined into our movement class
Other classes will explore duality and contrast between core principles, for example.
“Dynamic Flow” Sense guts and grace
“Contrast” Sense ups and downs with body mind emotion and spirit.
“Spirals” Sense contrast between deep personal embrace and wide sharing celebration.
A month to help
improve your competence and confidence of your body’s way of moving.
explore more about the choice of positive attitude and yes I can do..
feed your brain with new novel and fascinating information and experiences
stimulate health and well being throughout your body and life
provide balance and a holistic approach to fitness and movement
enhance your dance with safety, comfort and pleasure
The “challenge” will provide a variety of modalities including Nia, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, 52 Moves, Move IT, offered by a stellar team of teachers, Helen Terry + Rock Stars and Special Guests. How to give gratitude for being able to move, feel vibrant, healthy and well, from an abundance of choice and variety.
Would you like to join us? Gain support and encouragement from a lovely welcoming community? Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement.
When you sign up for the December 30 day challenge by November 28th you can bring a friend for FREE! AND come to our Thanksgiving Sunday JAM for FREE!!
Receive 30 classes that include: 30 mins, 60 mins, Nia, Nia 5 Stages, Feldenkrais, Fabulous Rock Stars and Saturday Special guests.
Program includes Support, Coaching, Education, Community, Connection and lots of laughs along the way.
All for $99.
Class lessons will include:
Deep into Embryonic
Brain Reflexive Voluntary
Psoas and Sound
FreeDance - Stimulate Movement Creativity
fConnect the dots: Ligaments and Tendons
When bringing a guest for free for the month thank you for completing this simple form.
Thank you from Helen & Joe
Helen and Joe would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported Soma Ranch by attending classes, events, monthly community Cuppa, St Jude Donations, trainings and retreats. Also big gratitude to the teachers who have diligently shared their gifts and talents throughout the year with our 365 and 30 day challenge programs.
Soma News
Howdy from Soma Ranch!
I’m back from Budapest, super grateful for the Soma Teaching team who taught with excellence while I was gone.
Joe and I would like to wish you a most special Thanksgiving. Whatever you choose to do we hope you find peace, joy and gratitude. I love how research continues to show how folks who practice gratitude on a regular basis live longer and happier.
Helen and Kinga celebrate 16 years of friendship, collaboration and many joyful moments experienced in Budapest, especially at the Shift Studio.
Natasha is teaching a fun 30 min Thanksgiving class at 10am Thursday (Central). Hope you can hop ONLINE for a great way to boost the start to your day.
Helen is teaching both Saturday classes with Sacred Lifestyle 5 stages class followed by “Sounding” movement experience with music from Tim Wheater.
This Sunday we have our annual ONLINE Thanksgiving Jam at 1pm. This event is free to everyone who has participated in the 30 day challenge program. And anyone else may attend with a donation made to our Soma Ranch St Jude Fundraiser.
Everyone who has attended a 30 day challenge we would really appreciate your feedback, please complete this short survey and have a chance to win some fabulous prizes.
Now’s a great time to sign up for the December “yes we can” Challenge and Cuppa is this Monday at Soma Ranch.
Joe and I thank you for how you are part of the Soma Ranch community, whether you simply keep in touch through this newsletter, have visited Soma for a retreat and/or training, occasionally pop into class online or attend classes on a regular basis, please know we appreciate you deeply and are glad you’re here.
Hope to dance with you soon,
Helen, (and Joe, Horses: Zephyr & Roger and of course Da Donkeys ;-)

Sarah travelled from Houston to attend Budapest Blue Belt
One very special detail in the recent Budapest Nia Training was Sarah Veenhuyzen, who travelled from Houston to attend the training. Sarah was my desk-guide (greeting participants and checking folks in) at the Nia Moves studio in Houston for YEARS.
Next year I will be offering 2 trainings in Budapest (a blue in June and a brown in November) and hope to develop this concept where folks coming over to
enjoy 1 or 2 public Nia classes a day,
get to connect with the lovely local community and
experience a fabulous vacation in Budapest
Helen's back from Budapest
Hi! I’m back from Budapest, feeling inspired by the community and deeply grateful to the Soma Teaching team who covered all classes with excellence while I was out of town.
Here’s a slide show of the trip. I hope it gives you a taste of the joys. I love my morning runs around the “island park”, lovely coffee shops, cafes and bistros, fabulous local community, the classes are electric, the trainees are awesome, Kinga (the host) is amazing… what’s not to love!
Special 30 min Thanksgiving Thursday class with Natasha Villeneuve
Would you like a lovely booster start to your Thanksgiving?
Thursday 11/28/24 Soma Rock Star Nia teacher Natasha Villeneuve is teaching a special 30 Min class at 10am.
This classes is via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:
Online via Zoom and/or
Enjoy a 24 hour replay
Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $20 or buy a class pass and receive the class as part of your package!
Usual link for LIVE Online class (and receive 24HR replay)
This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.
When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.
Help us flourish in 2025
As a participant in the 30 day challenge program, you have been an important and integral part of our flourishing community around the globe. You have also helped encourage, develop and improve the members of our Soma teaching team. We appreciate you deeply.
Thank you for dancing with us in the 30 day challenge program.
Enter to win some great prizes when you complete our survey.
You’re invited to a FREE jam this Sunday; Celebrate with Gratitude
We value you and your feedback. Can you help us flourish in 2025?
Please complete the following survey by Dec 4th to help us plan for classes in 2025.
You will be entered into a draw with the chance to win one of the following giveaways:
1 x Annual Pass (Value $999)
1 x Three Month Pass (Value $297)
1 x Five Class Pass (Value $75)
Soma News
Howdy from Soma Ranch!
Have you enjoyed this week’s Full Moon? We have been mesmerized here at Soma Ranch. Also a reminder that the last time I posted a newsletter update was a month ago!
My trip to our Soma Cabin retreat was very special with daily yoga, meditation, walks, hikes and run. I felt a wonderful reset and am inspired to share this place and wonderful activities with others. Watch this space (I hope to share more next time…). For now check out a slide show below that shares photos that tell stories well. Lake Cushman and the Olympic National Forest and Park are truly magical.
Susannah Roland was a lovely regular attendee at our monthly cuppas at Soma, she met Helen soon after she moved to the area around 2009. They’ve been friends ever since.
Sad to share Susannah Roland died peacefully in her reading chair earlier in October. She is missed.
Thank you to monthly cuppa attendess for your support, connection and the wonderful words you shared about Susannah.
Natasha is teaching both Saturday Morning classes: Brain: Reflex + Voluntary in Nia 5 Stages, followed by an awesome adaptation of the latest Nia Routine Alchemy. Click the link to check out the great playlist of songs from 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s
We continue our November challenge with the Focus on Gratitude; 30 days, 30 classes,
I’m on my way to Budapest to provide the “Art of Communication” Nia Blue Belt.
Hope to dance with you soon,
Helen, (and Joe, Horses: Zephyr & Roger and of course Da Donkeys ;-)

Special Saturday Instructor, Natasha Villeneuve
Saturday 11/16/23 Soma Rock Star Nia teacher Natasha Villeneuve is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.
Continuing our November month, where our focus is gratitude. We will focus on Brain, nerves, reflexive, voluntary and dance to Natasha’s adaptation to the latest Nia Routine Alchemy.
Nia 5 Stages
FOCUS: Brain: Reflexive, Voluntary
10am Nia
FOCUS: Brain and Nervous System
INTENT: Engage movement patterns that stimulate both voluntary and reflexive actions and create new neural pathways
ROUTINE: Alchemy Adaptation
MUSIC: Groovy mix from 70's-2000's
COMMENTS: Consider doing something novel and new to feed your brain and stimulate new neural pathways this weekend!
Playful Nia this week as we dance a 60 minute Alchemy Adaptation (moves of Alchemy to a mix of music from 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's)!
“We danced it this week and students are singing and grooving along. They love it! I'd love to have you join me for this adaptation adventure online or in person” Natasha
Sat 10am CST Online via Soma Ranch
Let me know if you have questions.
Everybody Welcome!
There are some slightly "risky" songs but they have a light and playful vibe... Spirit in Sky Get Lucky Sexy Thing... I think our community is pretty chill….. Plus the "clicks" are amazing! So easy to teach Alchemy to this list.
“We danced it this week and students are singing and grooving along. They love it!
There are some slightly “risky” songs but they have a light and playful vibe... Spirit in Sky Get Lucky Sexy Thing... I think our community is pretty chill….. Plus the “clicks” are amazing! So easy to teach Alchemy to this list.”
“We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.”
These classes are HYBRID via Zoom and 24HR replay upon request. = 2 great choices:
Online via Zoom and/or
Enjoy a 24 hour replay
Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!
This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.
“From looking, listening, learning
and gaining an understanding of anatomy,
we can then sense
to re-align all parts of our body. ”
Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.
When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.
You are welcome to attend either class.
And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.
In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience
your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus
your mind can learn new and novel information,
your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down
your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more