Saturday Morning Magic One by One with Natasha

Saturday 4/13/24 Natasha is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

With our April Challenge of Choices for Health + Happiness, Natasha has curated 2 lovely experiences…

DAY 13: Choices for Health + Happiness

8:45am Nia 5 STAGES

FOCUS: One by One: Refining Technique

COMMENTS:  Focus on the details of each of the Nia 5 stages.  Focusing on detail and technique invites you to make adjustments to your movement in order to experience greater alignment and relaxation allowing for a deeper, more magical experience of the overall sensation and energy in each stage.

10am Nia CLASS

FOCUS:  Creating Magic for your Health and Happiness

INTENT:  Choose to be present, in your body, by paying attention to and honoring sensations. Listen to the music, and allow the music to inspire and feed your movement experience.  This is where the magic truly happens!

ROUTINE: Magic by Ann Christiansen

MUSIC: Magic

COMMENTS:  I invite you to personalize your Nia class experience and "play magician" by choosing something you'd like to have appear or disappear for greater health and happiness.  Perhaps it's an ache or pain or something on your heart or mind.  When we are truly in our body, moving to the music, magical things can happen!  Simply believe in magic!

Kin 175: Blue Rhythmic Eagle

Your Galactic Affirmation is:
I Organize in order to Create
Balancing Mind
I seal the Output of Vision
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

The round shape of Embryonic tells us that energy spirals and moves in a circular flow.
— Nia 5 Stages

Natasha Villeneuve 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

A Double HYBRID classes = 2 great choices:

  1. Online via Zoom and/or

  2. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.


In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort. Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

In the linear shape of Creeping,
the body is split into quadrants:
left and right half;
upper and lower half.
— Nia 5 Stages

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. You can also find links for class at the top of our private Facebook Group, in “Featured":

You are welcome to attend either class. And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In Crawling, the hands and knees provide stability while the hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and spine are mobile.
— 5 Stages

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more