“Off the Track” Special Event Classes

9 years ago, celebrating her 50th birthday, Helen chose to offer an “off the track” retreat experience. Not a Nia Belt training, instead a retreat for upper Nia Belts, an experience that includes an excellent review into Nia theory, fabulous opportunities for practice and plenty of time for community, creativity and fun.

We’ll be providing special event classes, (IN PERSON, ONLINE and via 24HR replay) plus the invite to hang at Soma after Saturday Feb 3 class, with the option to join us for lunch.

  • Choose options to pay by class ($15-20)

  • Save with “All Class” Combo Option ($60-70)

  • 30 Day Challengers + Annual Unlimited passes select “COMBO Challengers” for all events ($30)

1. IN PERSON (here at Soma Ranch),

2. ONLINE (via zoom) or

3. 24HR REPLAY (request)

Here's individual classes + events:

2/01 10:00am Helen Simple Kata (Class)

2/02 08:00am Helen Blue Monkey LOVE Fun Friday (Class)

2/03 08:45am Helen: 5 Stages Heart (Class)

2/03 10:00am Helen: Flounce (Class)

2/03 05:00pm Beyond Team Soma JAM!! (Event)

2/04 10:00am Helen ??? Mystery Class (Event)

2/04 05:00pm Kaleidoscope Soma Faith (Event)

2/05 10:00am Birthday (Class)

"Off The Track" Special Event Classes
from $15.00

An annual special retreat where upper Nia Belt graduates get together, dance, play, laugh, learn and get inspired. You’re invited to join us for special event classes in person, online, or via 24HR replay.

You’re invited to “hang” at the ranch after the 10am Saturday class. Please consider extending your visit by joining us for lunch. Be sure to book Saturday lunch by noon on Friday (limited to 6 guests)

Saturday Morning Heart with Helen

Saturday 2/3/24 Helen Terry is teaching both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class and the 10:00am class.

Introducing our February Challenge of Love. We will focus on The Heart, specifically exploring how to move fluidly through dynamic ease. After 5 stages lesson Helen will continue the focus into the 10:00am movement experience to the music of Sade “Lovers Rock”


FOCUS: Heart (Lesson D06)

10am Class: FLOUNCE

FOCUS: Heart Flounce = Bounce and Flow

INTENT: To connect with our flow sense of dynamic ease.

ROUTINE: Helen Terry Adapted Experience “Flounce”

MUSIC: Sade, Lovers Rock

The four chambers of the heart
are actually one hollow
tube twisted origami-like into four parts.
— 5 Stages

Helen Terry 8:45am + 10:00am (CT)

Triple HYBRID classes = 3 great choices:

  1. In person at Soma Ranch

  2. Online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge 30 classes, 30 days $99 and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

Though we’re taught the heart is a pump, it actually doesn’t pump; rather, it responds to pressure. The pressure the heart responds isn’t from one thing – the pressure comes from what is outside the body and what is inside the whole body - barometric pressure outside, emotional pressure from the outside, internal angst and pressure from the inside, physical pressure from plaque or cholesterol narrowing the amount of space in the arteries.
— Nia 5 Stages

In the Nia 5 Stages, you are invited to a place of sensitivity that enables you to observe and release the sensation of stress and embrace the sensations of Dynamic Ease, Pleasure, and comfort. Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class. You can also find links for class at the top of our private Facebook Group, in “Featured": https://www.facebook.com/groups/helenterry

You are welcome to attend either class. And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more

We look at anatomy
to see how the body or body part is positioned,
then we sense it in our own bodies.
— Nia 5 Stages

Soma Faith Kaleidoscope

Sunday 02/04/24 Soma Ranch Co-Owner, Helen Terry, is leading a special Soma Faith Dance at 5pm Helen’s latest “work in progress”, Kaleidoscope.

A fabulous class where we explore the relationship between the many parts of us (Body, Mind, Emotion, Spirit), with the many parts of our body (Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, Skin) to express movement from the inside out, heart to hands, earth to heaven, with the intent to feel relaxed, expressive and fulfilled.

a constantly changing pattern
or sequence of objects or elements.
”the dancers moved
in a kaleidoscope of color”
— Oxford Dictionary

This classes are Triple HYBRID, where you can choose:

  1. In Person at Soma Ranch

  2. LIVE Online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

Each time you look at a kaleidoscope, new beautiful arrangements appear magically. This figuratively suggests that one should approach the most difficult situations in life by changing one’s attitude to the circumstances because life is truly amazing. It also means there is so much to look forward to, regardless of the worst lows you might encounter. Things fall apart sometimes, but they can always be put back together even if in a different pattern, much like the stunning art in a kaleidoscope.

Sir David Brewster, the Scottish scientist, invented this wonderful instrument in 1816 when he experimented with light polarization. He mixed up a few Greek words that meant “observer of beautiful shapes” and succinctly came up with the word “kaleidoscope”.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

Monday Cuppa, 11am FEBRUARY 5

Our “Monthly Monday Community Cuppa” event is extra special for 2 reasons

  1. celebrate Helen’s Birthday

  2. last Cuppa before Helen runs for St Jude.

These “meet ups” are a fun and nourishing part of our “2024 race Fundraiser for St Jude”

We get together, celebrate, connect and boost each other as we also boost our fundraiser. both in a GRAND way.

Next “Cuppa” is Monday, February 5th.

Yes! our “Monthly Monday Cuppa” connections are WONDERFUL…

Every month, (most often) the first Monday, we meet up after 10am Nia class to connect, enjoy a cuppa and have a grand time.

Coffee, tea, kombucha, snacks and time to hang, get to know each other better, help and support.

This is one of our community events where 100% donations collected go towards St Jude, our “Soma Selected” charity of choice.

Our goal is to raise $8000 for St. Jude. We collect donations at our monthly “Monday Coffee Connection”, Soma Faith classes and Special Events throughout the year.

On Monday entertain 10am Nia Class, then connect with our lovely community with coffee, teas and snacks. We hope you can join us.

We have a great time listening to each other’s thoughts, challenges and successes. We provide support and offer prayers.

Consider enjoying a “double play” with

  • 10:00am Nia

  • 11:00am Monthly Monday Cuppa

Soma News

Team Soma Rock Star Teachers.

Howdy! This week Soma Ranch Co-Owners Joe and Helen Terry hosted our annual Rock Star Retreat. with teachers flying in from Canada and around the US to get together. Our classes were a wonderful way to connect, support/encourage each other and the opportunity to share with all y’all, our community, both ONLINE and In PERSON, was certainly the icing on the cake.

This coming week we are hosting the Soma “off the track” Black retreat experience, open to all Nia Brown Belts and above, (last call) one private room and two beds in the dorm are still available.

We have several special events including extra classes with Helen and some community JAMS.

Monday Feb 3 is Monthly Cuppa AND we’re celebrating Helen’s Birthday, there will be cake (thank you Emily S!)

Now’s a perfect time to sign up for February challenge (the month of LOVE) where you can bring a friend for free when you sign up today and complete our new simple form. Save the date February 18th is our Rock Star Jam. To give you a taste of our challenge we’re providing you with 2 free samples of classes with Helen

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from fabulous time together…

24 Hour Replay

Here’s a complimentary 24HR replay of Helen teaching Nia 5 stages and movement. Enjoy this taster to get a feel for what these classes bring and a feel for our style and community.

This is a sample of the daily email that is sent out to our Monthly Challenge. Each day your update includes focus, intent, music, 24HR replay link, comments and the daily natural time calendar affirmation:

2 Free SAMPLE 24hr replay:

RECORDING DAY 27, Joy - Choosing to be with the felt sense of aliveness

1. Nia 5 Stages CLASS



RECORDING: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/5WiAGfCNNIAbrOV34vso0Lk9QSp06l_te4N60hLk51SCSUfVwDazY0ckDLb1aaDu.npoJoQ5Qi9vB-7BS

2. 10am Movement CLASS

FOCUS: Breath 

INTENT: To sense expansion, increase life force (Joy) and also become more present, relaxed and grounded.

ROUTINE:  Helen ADAPTS… Playing Passion moves with Joy

MUSIC: Joy: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/nr-a-joy/pl.u-XkD06N0U90D5X


RECORDING:  https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/lzyshxealgDhh0Ep9-7Q8NlHVD-jd5GJ8Ancekcp1QO5vOH5lbKC8kUaA2cUjuqz.EMNrWyxacGcvtDTT

COMMENTS: Please consider joining us for February and bring a friend for free :-) 


Daily Galactic Signature

Kin 99: Blue Galactic Storm

Your Galactic Affirmation is:
I Harmonize in order to Catalyze
Modeling Energy
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Abundance

February Challenge of LOVE 2024

30 Day “Journey with Movement”
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Welcome to the “Challenge of LOVE”. All month long our next challenge will focus on love. How to Love your Body, Love your Life, and how to Love moving, feeling vibrant, healthy and well.

Would you like to join us? Gain support and encouragement from a lovely welcoming community? Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement. https://www.somaranch.com/booking/nia-challenge

When you sign up for the February 29 day challenge by January 28th you can bring a friend for FREE!

Receive 29 classes that include: 30 mins, 60 mins, Nia, Nia 5 Stages, Feldenkrais, Fabulous Rock Stars and Saturday Special guests.

Program includes Support, Coaching, Education, Community, Connection and lots of laughs along the way.

All for $99.

Focus: Love 

Intent: Explore how to Love your Body, Love Your Life

Welcome to the “Challenge of LOVE”. How to Love your Body, Love your Life, and how to Love moving, feeling vibrant, healthy and well. We are here to support you and provide encouragement from a lovely welcoming community. Be inspired to develop a daily practice of self care through movement.

All 29 classes are provided online via Zoom.

We’ll be covering:

  • 5 principles of the Body’s Way.

  • Exploring how to love our body’s and life.

  • Enjoying support and encouragement as we navigate dancing on and off the dance floor with love. 

The February Challenge “LOVE!” is all about choice and action, personalizing according to “your body’s way” (the current design and function of you). Providing you with classes that provide exploration of

  • What does “love” mean for you?

  • What is the felt sense of love in your body

  • How can we connect, sustain and even increase the somatic experience of love

  • Some class Foci will explore the essentials of the Body's Way for example

  • Sense the dynamic ease of being alive

  • In the name of love the body demands balance

  • Explore how the body is balanced in yin and yang and how to personalize this in a way that brings meaning to you and the ability to apply this in your life.

  • Invite the Body Itself to Reveal the Body's way

  • Consciously ride the waves of the body's simultaneous mobility and stability.

Other classes will explore duality and contrast between core principles, for example.

  • Celebrating Your Body's way is like None other

  • The Body's way is a direction not a destination.

  • Explore making choices out of love and choices out of fear.

A month to help

  • improve your competence and confidence in your body’s way of moving.

  • explore the choice of living in a body through sensation

  • entertain where and how to bring more joy to our experience and life

  • feed your brain with new novel and fascinating information and experiences

  • stimulate health and well being throughout your body and life

  • provide balance and a holistic approach to fitness and movement

  • enhance your dance with safety, comfort and pleasure

The “challenge” will provide a variety of modalities including Nia, Moving to Heal, Feldenkrais, Ageless Grace, 52 Moves, Move IT, offered by a stellar team of teachers, Helen Terry + Rock Stars and Special Guests. How to give gratitude for being able to move, feel vibrant, healthy and well, from an abundance of choice and variety. 

Read more about your teachers here: https://www.somaranch.com/rock-star-teachers

30 Day “Journey with Movement”
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $120.00

Join our ONLINE 30 day Soma class “Journey with Movement” for only $99

  • Receive a gift; 30 Day “Journey with Movement” with Helen & Friends, to give to anyone new to the program. (WHEN YOU REGISTER BY 28th of the PREVIOUS MONTH)

  • Receive LIVE classes + Enjoy 24 hour replays

  • 30 classes (Nia, 52 Moves, Feldenkrais, Moving to Heal, Ageless Grace)

  • 3 x 30 min 8am Classes + 3 x 60 min 10am classes a week (US Central Time)

  • 1 Weekly Nia 5 stages healing class

  • Great Beginners Introduction to Nia

  • Feel supported and stay motivated

  • Learn more about Nia

  • Learn the 52 moves of Nia

  • Learn about Nia 5 stages

  • Experience Feldenkrais Method

  • Experience Ageless Grace

  • Receive information about anatomy

  • Develop a healthy regular practice

  • Meet people from all over the world!

  • Be part of a fabulous community

  • Connect, cheer and encourage

  • Supportive Private Facebook Group.

  • Adapt to Your Body’s Way and Life

  • Learn about The Body’s Way

  • Combine LIVE class + 24 hour replays

  • Sustain Fantastic Somatic Movement every day for 30 days!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the 365 day journey with movement.


Change of plan: This Sunday at 10am enjoy “Team Rock Star Bloom”. Unfortunately, due to weather, Kellie Chambers was unable to attend our Rock Star Retreat. We hope she’ll be traveling to Soma and offering this experience soon.

In the mean time please enjoy the TEAM BLOOM experience, where 7 of us will each lead 2 songs each.

Below enjoy some photos of our first day together. Really wonderful to witness these kind people, who have got to know each other well through zoom, on close to a daily basis, for the past year, meet in person, the hugs, the squeals, the smiles, the tears…

Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

An annual epic retreat where our Soma Rock Star teachers get together, dance, play, laugh, learn and get inspired. You’re invited to join us for special event classes in person, online, or via 24HR replay.

You’re invited to “hang” with the team, after the 10am Saturday class. Please consider extending your visit by joining us for lunch. Be sure to book Saturday lunch by noon on Friday (limited to 6 guests)

Soma News

Soma Owners Joe, Helen + Donkeys survived freeze

Howdy! This week Soma Ranch Co-Owners Joe and Helen Terry survived yet another “Texas Artic Freeze”. We, our trees and four legged friends are not accustomed to these temperatures, yet, we survived and we’re ready for sunshine..

Here at Soma Ranch we are preparing for our fabulous upcoming annual Rock Star Retreat. This is where our teaching team flies in from Canada and around the US to get together AND to share some special public events with you. All classes are triple hybrid, this means you can (1) come to Soma and enjoy the class (2) attend LIVE ONLINE via Zoom (3) receive a 24HR replay.

We’ve provided options to select individual events or sign up for the COMBO to save and receive all class options (create a mini retreat for yourself next weekend ;-)

The Soma “off the track” Black retreat experience, open to all Nia Brown Belts and above, is coming up Feb 1 - 7, 2024. Let Helen know if you’d like more information.

Click here for details and full schedule for Rock Star Special Events

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from our freeze survival week…

Saturday 10am Dance "Enigma"

This Saturday 10am, as part of our special Rock Star weekend retreat (following 5 stages “Psoas and Sound” we will dance “Enigma”

The music is by Enigma, their second CD “Cross of Change” from beginning to end.

One of the cool things about this music is how most of the songs weave seamlessly from one to the next. This continuity brings a beautiful building energetic quality to both the music and the moves for a magical experience.


a person or thing
that is mysterious, puzzling,
or difficult to understand.
— Oxford Dictionary

Focus: Seamless Continuity Celebration with 5H’s: Heals, Hara, Heart, Head & Hands

Intent: to feel more Grounded, Relaxed, Aware, Centered with Energy.

Usual class rates apply

24 hour replay available upon request.

The words of these songs feel so relevant for today….

Lyrics for “Return To Innocence”

Love - Devotion

Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak

Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

If you want, then start to laugh

If you must, then start to cry

Be yourself don't hide

Just believe in destiny.

Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don't give up and use the chance

To return to innocence.

That's not the beginning of the end

That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

Lyrics for Cross of Change (the last song)

If you understand or if you don'tIf you believe or if you doubt

There's a universal justice

And the eyes of truthAre always watching you

Here’s a video clip with more information about adapting and creating choreography and also more about the creation/focus of Enigma. FYI tomorrow we dance the ORIGINAL MOVES TO ORIGINAL ENIGMA MUSIC (disregard my chat at the end about options LOL).

COUR RAGE... Inspiration for Rock Star Retreat

As I sit here preparing for our special annual rock star retreat I’m flooded with feelings, fueled by thoughts/ideas, nudged by experience and influenced by my inbox.

For our time together I’m inspired to find balance between freedom and form, structure and play, loose and tight, wanting the best experience with the highest possible ease.

Each participant will be invited to find/choose their own word

Courage is my word for the weekend, and the theme through our time together.

  • Ability to do something that frightens us.

  • Strength in the face of pain or grief.

  • Strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger or difficulty.

  • "the heart as a source of feelings, spirit, confidence” Etymology. Middle English corage

The word Courage can be seen as a combo of Heart (Cour) and Rage. I choose to regard the rage as a healthy fire energy fueled by a state of “ferociously determined”.

Although we plan to not be in any danger during the retreat, no tigers jumping out, no earthquakes or house on fire! when we’re on retreat guests are invited to explore their edges, to seek safe risks. Where participants sustain comfort, ease and pleasure, having a GRAND time, yet stretch some boundaries a little. Like dipping a toe in the water, to explore new possibilities, while submersed in a peaceful get away from home, surrounded by like minded caring individuals, who are walking a similar path, with each person honoring the uniqueness of each person attending the retreat. This is a difference between a vacation and a retreat. Ideally a retreat feels like a vacation AND MORE… something is sustainable is stirred, stimulated, revealed from within, while surrounded by nature, comfort, beauty, dance and joy.

Here’s a poem to inspire the environment and experience we’ll co-create this weekend.

In the heart of stillness and serenity,
We gather to explore our edges,
To seek safe risks and venture beyond,
While embracing comfort, ease, and pleasure.
Amidst the grand time we share,
We gently stretch our boundaries,
Like dipping a toe in the water,
We embrace new possibilities.
Immersed in this peaceful getaway,
We find solace in each other's company,
Surrounded by caring souls,
Walking similar paths of self-discovery.
Let us honor the uniqueness of all,
As we journey together on this retreat,
Embracing the warmth of like-minded souls,
And the endless possibilities that await.

Although, as a seasoned teacher and trainer, folks may look at me and describe me as fearless, the reality is I live and experience fear every day. I assess the situations, remind myself there are no tigers and ask key questions like

  • what is the worse thing to happen?

  • what is the truth here?

  • what is the cost vs benefit of this choice/action?

  • what do I know from the past, that can help me now in the present, to launch me towards my dreams in the future?

Nature loves courage.
You make the commitment
and nature will respond to that commitment
by removing impossible obstacles.
Dream the impossible dream
and the world will not grind you under,
it will lift you up.
This is the trick.
This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted,
who really touched the alchemical gold,
this is what they understood.
This is how magic is done.
By hurling yourself into the abyss
and discovering it’s a feather bed
— Source: Ethnobotanist and mystic Terence McKenna: Unfolding the Stone, edited lightly for clarity, received from James Clear. www.jamesclear.com
Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

Rock Star Special Event Classes

Our Rock Star team of teachers are flying in for our annual retreat January 19 - 22. We’ll be providing special event classes, plus the invite to hang after class, with the option to join us for lunch, on Saturday January 20th.

  • Choose options to pay by class ($15-20)

  • Save with “All Class” Combo Option ($60-70)

  • 30 Day Challengers + Annual Unlimited passes select “COMBO Challengers” for all ($30)

1. IN PERSON (here at Soma Ranch),

2. ONLINE (via zoom) or

3. 24HR REPLAY (request)

Here's individual classes and links:

1/19 08:00am Helen Blue Monkey Fun Friday

1/20 08:45am Helen: 5 Stages Psoas and Sound


1/20 10:00am Helen: Enigma

1/20 05:00pm Rock Star Team Soma JAM!!


1/21 10:00am TEAM: Bloom


1/21 05:00pm Helen: Look up


1/22 10:00am Helen: Inno


1/23 08:00am Helen Simple Kata

Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

An annual epic retreat where our Soma Rock Star teachers get together, dance, play, laugh, learn and get inspired. You’re invited to join us for special event classes in person, online, or via 24HR replay.

You’re invited to “hang” with the team, after the 10am Saturday class. Please consider extending your visit by joining us for lunch. Be sure to book Saturday lunch by noon on Friday (limited to 6 guests)

Psoas and Sound Jan 20th

This Saturday, January 20th, we will delve deep into Psoas and Sound in both the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages and then into the Enigma experience with Helen at 10am (US Central Time)


Nia 5 Stages at 8:45am

Enjoy a Slide show during the 8:45am Nia 5 Stages class to help you

The psoas muscle can dramatically change the sound of your voice.
The more relaxed your body
– and thus the more relaxed your psoas
– the deeper the resonance and tone of your voice.
— Nia 5 Stages
  • understand where your Psoas muscle is,

  • how Psoas affects the rest of your body

  • how you move/dance with your Psoas

  • how to hydrate/heal this curious muscle/messenger

Enigma with Helen at 10:00am

Then dance your psoas with sound in Helen Terry’s Enigma experience at 10am.

These classes are triple hybrid. You have 3 different ways to experience these classes:

  1. IN PERSON at Soma Ranch

  2. ON LINE via Zoom

  3. RECORDING through 24HR replay


Enjoy these video clips and photos to give you more a feel for your psoas and get ready for classes.

So I think I’ve found it. 
How to have a home in my
Intellectually, I know it’s the next step.... 
Knowing I need to find my home in my body.
(Which I can so easily feel betrayed by). 
There has been no answers. 

Then - to find the psoas -
the instruction to put my hands at the bottom of my rib cage
“as if they were like little wings”
and I wrapped my hands at my mid-back and instantly started sobbing.
I fell to my knees. 

The next cue
- the image and instruction to
place the hands at the inner thigh/groin area -
and a wave of relief. 
And then
- both hands at the neck-
“Like a triangle”. 
And I repeated those three gestures
over and over and over again.
As if I was remembering something. 
Finding what felt like
it might be
— Nia Green Belt Participant/Teacher

Rock Star JAM: Saturday Jan 20, 5pm

We will be ROCKING our teaching team JAM on Saturday, January 20, 5pm. Come experience a joyful class where you get to taste all the different styles and meet all the personalities of our fabulous rock star team.

Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

An annual epic retreat where our Soma Rock Star teachers get together, dance, play, laugh, learn and get inspired. You’re invited to join us for special event classes in person, online, or via 24HR replay.

You’re invited to “hang” with the team, after the 10am Saturday class. Please consider extending your visit by joining us for lunch. Be sure to book Saturday lunch by noon on Friday (limited to 6 guests)

Kellie teaches Bloom, Sunday, Jan 21, 10am.

Kelly Chambers, Choreographer of Bloom


Kellie Chambers was unable to travel due to weather. Instead the TEAM is team teaching BLOOM. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION


During our Annual Rock Star Retreat, Kellie Chambers, Nia trainer and the original co-choreographer of the Nia experience Bloom leads a special event class, Sunday, January 21, 10:00am (Central US Time).

Focus: Connect, Sustain, Increase Universal Joy (the felt sense of aliveness)

Intent: to celebrate the evolution of growth

Routine: Bloom

“We will move to connect with joy
as a powerful, dynamic and grounded source sensation
to experience life-force energy
through our whole body”
— Kellie Chambers
Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

An annual epic retreat where our Soma Rock Star teachers get together, dance, play, laugh, learn and get inspired. You’re invited to join us for special event classes in person, online, or via 24HR replay.

You’re invited to “hang” with the team, after the 10am Saturday class. Please consider extending your visit by joining us for lunch. Be sure to book Saturday lunch by noon on Friday (limited to 6 guests)

Select the Sunday 10am option below or Choose COMBO to save and enjoy ALL Rock Star Experiences.

Inno: Mon Jan 22, 10am

10am Monday, January 22, during the annual Rock Star Retreat we are offering special classes ( In PERSON at Soma Ranch. ONLINE via zoom and with 24HR Replay option). Pay drop in rate for this class or choose COMBO package to save and enjoy all public classes during the Rock Star Retreat.

Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

INNO is a movement experience created by Helen Terry, adapted from the Nia Routine Bloom.

An Adapted Movement experience is where Helen plays with the choreography from an Original Nia Routine (Bloom) and adapts the moves to the new music. The new music in the INNO experience is a playlist that evolved from Helen’s quest to find music for the “Return to Innocence” Archetype experience, one of the sessions/features in the Soma Ranch, Authentic Healing Retreat.

Thank you fellow Nia Teachers for your fabulous suggestions for “return to innocence” songs. I hope you like this playlist.
— Helen Terry ~ Soma Ranch

Nia teachers out there, are encouraged to replicate/play with the experience.

  1. Let the choreography from the first 2 songs of Bloom blend into the first song of “Inno”,

  2. The rest of the tunes adapt well, song for song, all the way through Warm up, Get Moving and Cool Down

  3. In the Floorplay cycle, improvise your way to stepping out ~ “take it home”!

In Nia Technique we have a wonderful system called 8BCs where we can decode music with a system of counting, noting and distinguishing patterns in the music. Here’s some examples of the bars to this movement experience.


FYI The app Helen uses to decode the song, and structure these bars, was created by her daughter, Liliana Terry. It’s an excellent brain training and music app called “Map My Song” that can be used to decode music and create “bars”.

Available for download at the apple store: https://apps.apple.com/bg/app/map-my-song/id1448811230

Look Up Special Event Jan 21, 5:00pm

Sunday Jan 21, 5pm enjoy the “Look Up” special event with Helen Terry during our Rock Star retreat.

Dance your body mind and soul to the fabulous music of Lauren Daigle.

There will be joyful praise, celebration and we will begin and end with prayer.

Rock Star Special Event Classes
from $15.00

I’m in LOVE with Lauren Daigle Album “Look Up Child”. Here’s a warm up I choreographed to the first track “Still Rolling Stone”.

In Nia technique we have a process of matching moves to the music. Through an 8 stage process called FreeDance, we have a systematic guided approach of dancing freely to the music to allows “clicks” to settle.

These clicks are magical moments where, from a somatic (body centered) place, movements match the music, revealed in way that feels like coming from an unknown place. These clicks don’t come from habit, mental thoughts or logic, instead they feel vibrantly “alive”, new and are habit breaking.

Dancing, and riding this Nia 8 stages process, with music like Lauren Daigle, is a most delicious journey. Her lyrics, the soul of the music, the quality, details and structure of each song all contribute to an effortless, most rewarding and enjoyable ride!

There’s also some great modern/interpretive dances out on the internet. They passionately and creatively share and communicate this soul searching music through the body in a most inspiring way. Here’s one of my favorites:

Nia Mantra Routine

At 10am Monday we’re playing with the classic Nia routine Mantra, one of the first routines I ever learned, designed by Carlos Aya Rosas.

Focus: Joy of movement as mantra and a metaphor for self, community, life.

Intent: Seamless continuity with life force energy.

Beginning with sensing the belly (our core) notice how this “moma cell” can contract/extend, bend/lean, figure 8. The Belly is a substance with strength (resilience), elasticity (the ability to bounce back), and fluidity (go with the flow). After embodying the focus in the Belly we expand awareness to the belly of the 700 muscles in our body, then to each piece of connective tissue, the 7000+ cells. All the same mantra of movement.

We sense inward (Body, Belly, Muscles, Connective Tissue, Cell)
We can also sense outwards (Body, Self, Others, Class, Community, Global) and realize it (and we) are one.

The Mantra, our lives, the community continues. We are strong, we bounce back, we go with the flow, we celebrate, there is much love.

I’m inspired by the words of David Foster Wallace, This Is Water

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, “Morning, boys. How’s the water?”

And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, “What the hell is water?”….

….the immediate point of the fish story is merely that the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about.

this first track is super for before and after class…

Glass Mantra 21:24 Silvia Nakkach Ah The Healing Voice

here’s the playlist for Nia Routine Mantra ~ it’s a classic :-)

  • Mantra (Organics) 4:43

  • Michael Stearns

  • Power of Love 5:42 Celine Dion

  • Father Figure 5:37 George Michael

  • Turn The Page 6:07 Terrence Trent D’Arby

  • SkinThieves 6:08 Moodswings

  • Conga Te 3:35 CoublePlusGood

  • Tied Up 6:11 Yello

  • Fractal Zoom 6:24 Brian Eno

  • When I Fall in love 4:20 Nat King Cole

  • With This Love 3:39 Peter Gabrial

  • With this Love - Choir 3:18 Choir

  • Wall of Breath 2:29 Peter Gabriel

Soma News

Monthly Cuppa full of JOY, Laughter and Depth.

Howdy! This week Soma Ranch Co-Owners Joe and Helen Terry travelled to Hoodsport WA for a “working vacation” at their new Cabin retreat. Click here for more photos and information. We’d love to share the beautiful gem with you.

Thank you monthly cuppa attendees, we raised $68 towards our annual St Jude Fundraiser and, as usual, thoroughly enjoyed nourishing conversations. From laughter to deep shares, these monthly meet ups are becoming cherished community moments. Welcome Lynda, who attend both class and cuppa for the first time.

Tomorrow, Sunday, Irene is offering a fabulous ONLINE Feldenkrais workshop from 12 - 3pm. Early bird rate available through 10am tomorrow. You’ll receive the link for the workshop as soon as you register, the experience includes a luxurious 3 day replay.

Here at Soma Ranch we are preparing for our fabulous upcoming annual Rock Star Retreat. This is where our teaching team flies in from Canada and around the US to get together AND to share some special public events with you. All classes are triple hybrid, this means you can (1) come to Soma and enjoy the class (2) attend LIVE ONLINE via Zoom (3) receive a 24HR replay.

We’ve provided options to select individual events or sign up for the COMBO to save and receive all class options (create a mini retreat for yourself next weekend ;-)

The Soma “off the track” Black retreat experience, open to all Nia Brown Belts and above, is coming up Feb 1 - 7, 2024. Let Helen know if you’d like more information.

As always please let us know how we may help more. Here's some helpful links:

Off the track Black Retreat


EASE Retreat


Nia immersive Training retreats


Keep updates - subscribe to newsletter


Click here for details and full schedule for January Classes.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from our Hoodsport trip…

January Feldenkrais Workshop

In every Feldenkrais class and workshop we work on preventing injury and moving with more grace and power.
This workshop will focus on the stability and mobility required to manage taking care of pets.
So if you walk a dog or bend over to feed or clean up after a pet, or want to feel more stable on your feet and able to respond to whatever situation comes up in your life, this is a great way to start the year more powerfully and safely.
— Irene Pasternack


Get up and down from the floor with ease and joy

It’s a new year, and the world is opening up! Make yourself more nimble so you can respond to the

possibilities! We’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.

Both December and January 30 day Challengers and ALL 2024 365 day Challengers receive 50% off this workshop when they sign up by January 8th, 2024.

Feldenkrais® Workshop Jan 14
from $60.00

It’s a new year, and the world is opening up!

Make yourself more nimble so you can respond to the possibilities! We’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.