Soma News

Monthly Cuppa full of JOY, Laughter and Depth.

Howdy! This week Soma Ranch Co-Owners Joe and Helen Terry travelled to Hoodsport WA for a “working vacation” at their new Cabin retreat. Click here for more photos and information. We’d love to share the beautiful gem with you.

Thank you monthly cuppa attendees, we raised $68 towards our annual St Jude Fundraiser and, as usual, thoroughly enjoyed nourishing conversations. From laughter to deep shares, these monthly meet ups are becoming cherished community moments. Welcome Lynda, who attend both class and cuppa for the first time.

Tomorrow, Sunday, Irene is offering a fabulous ONLINE Feldenkrais workshop from 12 - 3pm. Early bird rate available through 10am tomorrow. You’ll receive the link for the workshop as soon as you register, the experience includes a luxurious 3 day replay.

Here at Soma Ranch we are preparing for our fabulous upcoming annual Rock Star Retreat. This is where our teaching team flies in from Canada and around the US to get together AND to share some special public events with you. All classes are triple hybrid, this means you can (1) come to Soma and enjoy the class (2) attend LIVE ONLINE via Zoom (3) receive a 24HR replay.

We’ve provided options to select individual events or sign up for the COMBO to save and receive all class options (create a mini retreat for yourself next weekend ;-)

The Soma “off the track” Black retreat experience, open to all Nia Brown Belts and above, is coming up Feb 1 - 7, 2024. Let Helen know if you’d like more information.

As always please let us know how we may help more. Here's some helpful links:

Off the track Black Retreat

EASE Retreat

Nia immersive Training retreats

Keep updates - subscribe to newsletter

Click here for details and full schedule for January Classes.

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.

And here’s some photos from our Hoodsport trip…