“In every Feldenkrais class and workshop we work on preventing injury and moving with more grace and power.
This workshop will focus on the stability and mobility required to manage taking care of pets.
So if you walk a dog or bend over to feed or clean up after a pet, or want to feel more stable on your feet and able to respond to whatever situation comes up in your life, this is a great way to start the year more powerfully and safely.”
Get up and down from the floor with ease and joy
It’s a new year, and the world is opening up! Make yourself more nimble so you can respond to the
possibilities! We’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.
Both December and January 30 day Challengers and ALL 2024 365 day Challengers receive 50% off this workshop when they sign up by January 8th, 2024.
It’s a new year, and the world is opening up!
Make yourself more nimble so you can respond to the possibilities! We’ll use gentle and playful Feldenkrais® explorations to improve your movement so that your bones support you and you counterbalance yourself to feel graceful and light as a feather as you transition.