
What does that shirt cost?

Thank you to Kenny, the man who asked for my shirt, and warmed my heart, today 🙂

At the end of teaching Nia at Deer Lake Lodge today, I mentioned our annual fundraiser, St Jude.

Today is the last day for our annual Annual Fundraiser St. Jude and I was wearing my 1/2 marathon race shirt with joy.

Kenny said “I’ll donate $50 if you’ll give me that shirt”.

Oh the joy, and the giggles, as my spirit soared and I ripped off my St. Jude Race shirt without hesitation (fortunately having a jog bra underneath!].

Kenny handed me $70 and enquired “how much does that shirt actually cost?”.

My reply,

“a year of training, 2021 miles of running/ and fundraising,
a trip to vegas, $5,000 minimum,
hundreds of Friend’s support with encouragement and donations,
12 x 1st Monday Coffee events,
a clothing “giveaway”,
several classes and special events at Soma Ranch,
my husband’s support and devotion, particularly for the whole weekend the before/during/after race care (super high maintenance) and
13.1 continuous running miles”

… and then this all dissolves into

what does this shirt cost?
and what an incredible gift
to be able to give
— Helen, inspired by Kenny :-)

Thank you Kenny (and April), thank you St Jude, thank you family/friends/donors, thank you Joe and thank you God. how blessed we are to share….

Today is the last day if you’d like to share/give…

Thank you for being part of this grand adventure. Look! as I type we are above 150% of our goal.

As I noodle this “LOVE” I realize there are many, including:


Community LOVE

Altruist LOVE


Love for health

Love for healing

Love for children

Love for killing cancer

Love for helping

Love for supporting

Love for community

Love for having and giving hope

Love for others

Love for sharing

Love for goals (dreams with destinations)

Love for Goodness in the world

Love for God

….. LOVE


Evolutionary MM Conversation

Denise Simpson
and Helen Terry are excited, collaborating to bring the Come to the Mystical Body Retreat featuring Nia Dance and Courageous Heart / Evolutionary Mystic Meditation. September 24 - 26, 2021.

Learn why it is important to get into your body and live through your body to stop the chatter and spinning thoughts in the mind, to balance both masculine and feminine energies, to experience a community of soul seekers for enlightenment and evolution...and mostly to have a FUN, JOYOUS, Sacred self-care experience to rejuvenate your energy and strengthen your connection to True Self.

Register for this life-changing transformation opportunity at #somaranch 1 hour outside of Houston.

Wonderful Weekend Retreat for Fall

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Denise Simpson
and Helen Terry are excited, collaborating to bring the Come to the Mystical Body Retreat featuring Nia Dance and Courageous Heart / Evolutionary Mystic Meditation. September 24 - 26, 2021.

Learn why it is important to get into your body and live through your body to stop the chatter and spinning thoughts in the mind, to balance both masculine and feminine energies, to experience a community of soul seekers for enlightenment and evolution...and mostly to have a FUN, JOYOUS, Sacred self-care experience to rejuvenate your energy and strengthen your connection to True Self.

Early Bird pricing is extended through September 18. ONLY 6 spots remain for this life-changing transformation at #somaranch 1 hour outside of Houston.

Live Stream Classes

Nia’s catchphrase is “Through Movement We Find Health”. In such a time as this, getting up and moving on a daily basis is most important. Helen, Joe and Soma Ranch are here to help! 

Please enjoy daily classes with Helen Terry via Live Stream, and invite your friends. EveryBody is welcome. 

We have a private group of 500+ people from around the around the globe all dancing together, flowing hearts, leaving comments, supporting each other. The community outreach and connection has been amazing.

Helen teaches from the Soma Ranch Deck by the pool. We bring you sunshine, waterfall sounds, birds singing and lots of joy to the experience.

Payment is not expected. If you have the resources and usually take classes with a local teacher, please pay them, otherwise you can pay via venmo (Helen-Terry-2) or as usual (BELOW). THE CHOICE IS YOURS, Enjoy a FREE Class if it warms your heart.

We’re enjoying delightful chats after class via a ZOOM Call, the number is 6254952665 is also an excellent option with 24/7 Nia Routines and a 30 day free offer.

Soma Class Rates
from $20.00
  • $20 | 1 class

  • $75 | 5 class pass (3 month expiration) ($15 per class)

  • $130 | 10 class pass (3 month expiration) ($13 per class)

  • $99 | 30 Day Challenge, 30 Classes, ALL 8am + 10am ($3.30 per class)

  • $60 | Day Retreat (click for more Info)

  • $25 | Lunch or Dinner

  • $96 | 60 min massage

  • $145 | 90 min massage

30 Day Challenge Benefits:

  1. unlimited 10am + 8am Nia Classes for 30 days

  2. bring a “new to the challenge” friend to class for a month

  3. enjoy before and after class conversations and nuggets

  4. receive automatic 24HR replays via email

Congratulations Asheville Nia 5 Stages Graduates

Wow! What a weekend, sharing the healing joys of Nia 5 stages, at the intimate home studio of Elizabeth Cole, Asheville, North Carolina.



  • Sandra Meyer

  • Anne Shelton

  • Angela Mucci

  • Carolyn Teeple-Pauly

  • Elizabeth Cole

  • Dianne Lancaster

  • Lisa Mandle


Special thanks to the producer/host: 2nd Degree Nia Black Belt, Elizabeth Cole.

One of the beauties, when a “cluster” of Nia belts, from the same area, get together, to attend a training, is the possibilities for encouragement, group practice, accountability, sharing of ideas and support.

The future is bright and the collaborative potential is fabulous for this group!

I’m looking forward to staying in touch with the group, hope to return to provide some continuing education and they seem super keen to manifest an “Asheville Nia Retreat” at Soma Ranch.

Yay! can I hear anyone say “Road Trip!”


This intimate home studio was a lovely location for the training.

Elizabeth Cole brought extensive experience as a host and producer to the experience, having already hosted several Nia Trainers, including Nia founder Debbie Rosas, and even a 7 day Nia White Belt training!

The sound and light was state of the art, it was fun when the light shone a “heart” above my head when teaching at the White Board in the corner.

Having the opportunity to share some public classes added extra joy to the experience and a lovely opportunity to connect with other local Nia Belts and participants.

I saw a bear and exclaimed “I see a bear and I’m not at the zoo!”. How magical to be leading the group in the 3rd stage of Nia 5 stages (crawling), providing the cues, “soft paws, soft belly, crawl like a bear” to look up and, through the high studio windows see wow! a big black Moma bear leading three cute baby cubs across the lawn.

The next day I saw a Kyote who I’m sure looked more like a wolf! Like all good trainings we found time for balance, including delicious tea breaks, beneficial group discussions/coaching and time for journaling/reflecting.

Waking up each morning to the crisp air, glorious sun rising and amazing spectacle of an abundance of trees with leaves turning color, truly was a delight.


An added bonus was to have the opportunity to meet up with our daughter’s boyfriends mother. We met up for a walk and talk to the top of the hills behind Elizabeth’s home.

I was then honored when Barbara stayed to experience a Nia 5 stages class for the first time. She shared how much better she felt at the end, a big relief of tension and increased ease.

We’ve fondly now called ourselves “Paired Parent Pals” (thank you local Nia Belt Ferebe!). This phrase feels much more fun and appropriate ;-)

We have choice

Yesterday we enjoyed a fabulous “open house” playing with the latest Nia Routine “GO”. Thank you all who choose to come join us. With participants, who feel more like friends, some coming for 10+, 15+ and 20+ years to attend classes with Helen, it was a great day to be alive!

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Attitude is the most important choice we can make. We made an attitude choice yesterday, and we make another choice today.

Let’s make a choice: participate. be a contributor. be optimistic. be curious. be a learner. be an encourager. bring out the best in others. give people the benefit of the doubt. forgive. be hopeful instead of fearful.

For the most part, you are not able to choose what happens today. All you can choose is what your attitude will be. And the choice you make will determine what kind of day it will be.

Thank you Jim’s Daily Awakenings for this inspiration

Soma Wild Playshop

Today, at our "Play Shop" for the lastest Nia routine "Wild", I received so much joy, value and fun, I feel like I could run all the way to the bank of cosmic salary! What do I mean by this? It's a concept we introduce in the Nia White Belt, coined by fellow Nia Trainer Ann Christiansen.  In life we may choose to do things for money and then there are things we may do for free that are still extremely rewarding, the latter is what we call cosmic salary!

Today 11 participants showed up to dance and play. There were 3 brand new people (a lady who's been on my email list for 14 years!) and a couple who were friends of fellow teacher Peggy Renfroe, looking for something new. Congrats and thanks to all the teachers who lead songs (JoAnn, Peggy, Kristi, Lola, Helen)


In a circle I lead a gentle warm up to the first song, then we played with introductions (Where are you from, where do you live, something quirky and why are you here). It was lovely to hear the stories and giggles, like learning someone, as a child, had a pet squirrel! Then we got into a lovely flow:

  1. take the class - EveryBody dance to a song with Debbie on the big screen
  2. review moves - Helen highlight some of Nia 52 moves
  3. play leading - teacher volunteer to lead the group 
  4. brag - teacher share 3 things they did well
  5. boost - group share what they loved about the experience

The teaching was off the charts! Every very single teacher lead with joy, relaxation, fun, smiles, sticking with moves they'd picked up from the DVD, tweaking and creating moves on the fly as needed. This group of teachers were most "Loose but Tight". It's a concept we recommend in Nia teaching, meaning stay relaxed have a good time, don't get uptight about remembering the moves AND do your best to deliver the promise of Nia (technique, choreography, workout).

It was Kristi's birthday today and she choose to step in and teach Nia for the very first time! If this is what she's like having completed 75% of the white belt, look out world for when she's done a little practice LOL...

The group was super supportive and lots of fun. After going through the above 5 steps for the first 5 songs we took a break. I relished in the thought.. "where else on the planet can we break to sauna, hot tub, enjoy nature, chat, laugh, pet and feed donkeys!"

We learned a few more songs then finished with cool down, floor play and stepping out.  It was a great day, moving forwards we'd like to offer this free community PLAYSHOP event one Sunday afternoon a month! the next one will be to learn the newest Nia routine RIDE!

Debbie Rosas, founder of Nia, will be at Soma Ranch January 27 & 28, sharing more about Wild and also providing a full day "Festival of Nia" event.

Nia Cycle 4 ~ Get Moving

Cycle 4: Get Moving 

In the Nia Technique Class Get Moving involves moving your whole body through space, varying the movement and energy dynamics to condition the whole body and nervous system while reaching your greatest physical intensity and target heart rate. 

In the New Year "Get moving" involves moving your whole body system, addressing the needs of your body, mind, emotion and spirit. Often when we begin to practice healthier habits we can feel worse before we feel better. The reason behind this is we likely have "bad bugs" living in our body and healthy habits (Cardio workouts, eliminating sugar and wheat) help "Kill" these bad bugs. Unfortunately the bugs are more toxic dead than they are alive, the body will do it's best to eliminate them, through mucus, vomit and/or sweats! oh yes! we can feel like we're going down with the flu, have an upset stomach and more. In Body Ecology this is called "cleansing".

The 3 laws of cleansing are:

  1. Expect to cleanse
  2. Prepare to cleanse
  3. Celebrate the cleanse

In preparation to cleanse be ready with

  1. apple cider vinegar (dilute in water),
  2. broccoli water (boil the broccoli and save/sip the water)
  3. cultured/fermented vegetables (and/or cocobiotic)

I've also sustained wellness through fabulous aromatherapy oils, even when surrounded by sniffling friends! Here's some information about some great basic oils to help you through the winter in sickness and in health LOL.

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Essential Oils Can

help alleviate discomfort brought on by the changing seasons! Winter brings the darkest, coldest, and gloomiest days of the year. Here's 10 top essential oils for wintertime.

Using essential oils can help alleviate much of the discomfort brought on by the changing seasons! Winter brings some of the darkest, coldest, and gloomiest days of the year. Here are our top 10 essential oils for wintertime.

Uplifting and Motivating: doTERRA Cheer , doTERRA Motivate , and Neroli Touch

Any oil in the doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy™ System can be used to help alleviate negative emotions that arise during the winter, but two oils in particular can help bolster your mood when you are unhappy or discouraged. doTERRA Cheer Uplifting Blend combines citrus and spice oils to provide a boost when you need cheering up. doTERRA Motivate Encouraging Blend utilizes the calming and uplifting benefits of citrus and mint oils to energize you, give you courage to face pessimism and doubts, and help create feelings of self-assurance. Another great oil for relieving occasional anxious or unsettled feelings is doTERRA Neroli Touch. Apply Neroli Touch to your palms and cup your hands over your nose, breathing deeply, to feel more relaxed and at peace. Use Neroli Touch, doTERRA Cheer, or doTERRA Motivate (or combinations of the three) on your wrists or the back of your neck to help lift your spirits and bring a little sunshine back into your day.

Smooth Skin: Rose Touch and Lavender

Cold, dry, and windy weather leaves skin dry and irritated. Rose oil is known to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and has a calming and reassuring aroma.* Use Lavender oil and doTERRA Rose Touch oil with your moisturizer to soothe, moisturize, and ease occasional irritation and dryness, bringing back a balance of moisture to your skin.* Together these oils can be especially useful for soothing chapped knuckles, elbows and knees. Well-being and

Clear Breathing:

doTERRA On Guard , Eucalyptus, and Peppermint The changing seasons brings an onslaught of environmental threats. To help protect against seasonal threats and support healthy immune function, diffuse doTERRA On Guard in your home.* There are many great doTERRA On Guard products to aid in supporting healthy immune function.* A few oils to use to help promote clear breathing include Eucalyptus and Peppermint oil. Apply over the chest, add to steamy bathwater, or diffuse at night to aid in promoting feelings of open airways. Be careful to dilute both Eucalyptus and Peppermint for skin sensitivity. (For young or particularly sensitive essential oil users, consider using Melaleuca and Spearmint oil in place of Eucalyptus and Peppermint. Both are gentler oils that can assist in feelings of clear breathing.)

Digestion and Appetite: DigestZen and Slim & Sassy

Whether you have a New Year’s resolution to eat smarter, you are recovering from poor holiday eating, or you just want to give extra care to your digestive system, these two oils can help alleviate discomfort and support healthy digestive function. Fennel, Peppermint, and Ginger are just a few of the oils starring in DigestZen, the “tummy tamer” blend. Put a few drops of DigestZen in your water or rub on your stomach or the bottom of your feet to help relieve occasional stomach discomfort.* Slim & Sassy blend not only helps to curb cravings and manage your appetite, but also helps support a healthy metabolism when taken internally.* The aromas of Grapefruit and Cinnamon, along with Lemon, Peppermint, and Ginger, are also uplifting and comforting. A few drops of Slim & Sassy in a glass of cold water can help you manage cravings and ease discomfort.

* Which oils help you get through the hardest parts of winter? Let us know in the comments! ® ® ® *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Fun Family Idea for NYE

5 years ago, late one Saturday night my daughter, Liliana, lost her entire film footage collected for her weekly broadcast, deadline Sunday afternoon! Feeling panic creeping in, we quickly changed gears and, on the fly, created and captured this game on video. What began with disaster turned out to be magical BEYOND the original plan! I love having this funny exchange between us documented.

If you're with family or friends (either in person or even on Skype) entertain playing this simple 3 round "how well do you know me" contest with a loved one (or two!)

Here's how to prepare and play the game.

  1. Each person write down 3 sets of questions about yourself, 3 easy, 3 medium and 3 difficult (like levels 1, 2 & 3 in Nia Technique!)
  2. Set up 2 chairs or stools and take it in turns to ask a question.
  • Dressing up is not required - however we did have a lot of fun doing it!
  • An Audience is not essential- however it could certainly add to the entertainment.
  • Lights, Camera & stools are optional - and they enhance the dramatics of the experience!
  • Of course - it's a bonus if you have the opportunity to film the exchange
  • We'd love to see what you created, to learn more about you and your friends/family

Happy New Year!

love the Terry Family (Joe, Helen, Liliana, Phelps, the horses and all da donkeys!)

Don't quit your day dream

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This "don't quit your day dream" message outside the beautiful Just BE studio in Dubai struck a cord with me. Stepping into 2018 I want to be a dream weaver for myself and many others, including you! 

I love the image of being a fairy godmother where I help others dreams come true. 

I'm here to help encourage you ~  DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY DREAM, and let me help!  Big or small, dreams, the pursuit of dreams, the striving for dreams come true, the achievement of dreams and even our fallen dreams, are what brings sparkle to life. Without dreams I suggest we are bankrupt,  in the stagnant land of inertia. So, what moves you? what may I do to help your dreams come true?

  • Receive Personal Coaching with Helen (one on one, small groups and retreats)
  • Choose a Nia trainings and/or retreats to inspire you.
  • Classes, retreats and special events are available to you at Soma Ranch
  • Be part of a free, supportive, online 30 day Body Cleanse group
  • Speak up, connect, let me know what I haven't dreamed of yet that could be helpful to you!

Read more about Helen and coaching/guidance options.

This "daily awakenings with Jim" spoke to me this morning:

In physics, inertia means that objects tend to remain stationary until another object makes it move.  Once moving, it takes only a fraction of the energy required to move it in order to keep it moving.  Therefore, objects in motion tend to continue moving until something intervenes. If nothing stops the movement, it will eventually slow down and stop on its own.
In relationships, inertia means nothing changes until someone starts the process. Once action is initiated in the relationship, it takes a lot less action to keep it going.  But if there is no ongoing action to keep it moving, the relationship will revert to where it started. 
The same principle of inertia applies to the habits we need to break in the New Year.  It requires a new, positive habit to displace an old, destructive habit.  But if we don’t keep moving, we fall back into our old ways. 

Next: As we prepare for the New Year, you're invited to play with applying the concept of Cycle 1 of the Nia Class experience ~ "Setting the Focus and Intent"