
What does that shirt cost?

Thank you to Kenny, the man who asked for my shirt, and warmed my heart, today 🙂

At the end of teaching Nia at Deer Lake Lodge today, I mentioned our annual fundraiser, St Jude.

Today is the last day for our annual Annual Fundraiser St. Jude and I was wearing my 1/2 marathon race shirt with joy.

Kenny said “I’ll donate $50 if you’ll give me that shirt”.

Oh the joy, and the giggles, as my spirit soared and I ripped off my St. Jude Race shirt without hesitation (fortunately having a jog bra underneath!].

Kenny handed me $70 and enquired “how much does that shirt actually cost?”.

My reply,

“a year of training, 2021 miles of running/ and fundraising,
a trip to vegas, $5,000 minimum,
hundreds of Friend’s support with encouragement and donations,
12 x 1st Monday Coffee events,
a clothing “giveaway”,
several classes and special events at Soma Ranch,
my husband’s support and devotion, particularly for the whole weekend the before/during/after race care (super high maintenance) and
13.1 continuous running miles”

… and then this all dissolves into

what does this shirt cost?
and what an incredible gift
to be able to give
— Helen, inspired by Kenny :-)

Thank you Kenny (and April), thank you St Jude, thank you family/friends/donors, thank you Joe and thank you God. how blessed we are to share….

Today is the last day if you’d like to share/give…

Thank you for being part of this grand adventure. Look! as I type we are above 150% of our goal.

As I noodle this “LOVE” I realize there are many, including:


Community LOVE

Altruist LOVE


Love for health

Love for healing

Love for children

Love for killing cancer

Love for helping

Love for supporting

Love for community

Love for having and giving hope

Love for others

Love for sharing

Love for goals (dreams with destinations)

Love for Goodness in the world

Love for God

….. LOVE


Evolutionary MM Conversation

Denise Simpson
and Helen Terry are excited, collaborating to bring the Come to the Mystical Body Retreat featuring Nia Dance and Courageous Heart / Evolutionary Mystic Meditation. September 24 - 26, 2021.

Learn why it is important to get into your body and live through your body to stop the chatter and spinning thoughts in the mind, to balance both masculine and feminine energies, to experience a community of soul seekers for enlightenment and evolution...and mostly to have a FUN, JOYOUS, Sacred self-care experience to rejuvenate your energy and strengthen your connection to True Self.

Register for this life-changing transformation opportunity at #somaranch 1 hour outside of Houston.

Wonderful Weekend Retreat for Fall

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Denise Simpson
and Helen Terry are excited, collaborating to bring the Come to the Mystical Body Retreat featuring Nia Dance and Courageous Heart / Evolutionary Mystic Meditation. September 24 - 26, 2021.

Learn why it is important to get into your body and live through your body to stop the chatter and spinning thoughts in the mind, to balance both masculine and feminine energies, to experience a community of soul seekers for enlightenment and evolution...and mostly to have a FUN, JOYOUS, Sacred self-care experience to rejuvenate your energy and strengthen your connection to True Self.

Early Bird pricing is extended through September 18. ONLY 6 spots remain for this life-changing transformation at #somaranch 1 hour outside of Houston.