Celebrate Natural Time New Year

Over the last 14 years we’ve celebrated the Natural Time New Year in many ways through the “Blue Electric Storm” Retreat.

  • massive events at the Houston Grand Opera with 13 Nia Black belts team teaching a Nia Jam

  • a weekend of events at NiaMoves (where Joe fed 52 participants for the weekend)

  • weekend retreats at Soma Ranch with swimming, dancing, meditating, walking the labyrinth, laughing, eating and enjoying each other's company.

This year we are “going simple”. We’re inviting Soma friends to come out to Lake Conroe where we can paddle board, boat, Kayak, maybe even water ski or surf!

In the afternoon Helen is offering 2 fabulous events at Soma Ranch and we’d love you to join us.

Natural Time Saturday PlayShop + Monday Class
from $15.00

Happy Natural Time New Year!! Experiential Natural Time Playshop (with a little dance at the end!) and/or DOOT (Day Out Of Time) Dance.

The Saturday PLAYSHOP is available ONLINE LIVE via zoom and via a 3 day REPLAY.

The Monday DOOT Dance is HYBRID, attend In Person at Soma Ranch OR ONLINE/24Hr REPLAY

Natural Time Playshop

Saturday, July 22, 12:00 - 2:00 pm (Central Time) $40 ($30 early bird when you sign up by THURSDAY)

Enjoy an ONLINE LIVE and/or 3 Day Replay Playshop with Helen Terry.

Let's connect and celebrate Natural Time and all the joys of living an alive, fully vibrant life!

Natural Time is a great opportunity to simplify, relieve stress, encourage creativity and flow into your day.

Learn about the 13 moon natural time calendar and how to follow the Natural Time Calendar

  • read/follow the calendar

  • apply the calendar in your life

  • decode your galactic signature

  • create a 260 day, daily meditation

Natural Time Class

Monday, July 24, 10:00 - 11:00am $15

Dance to celebrate time, with a fun filled playlist and community inspired choreography. The movement experience will include

  • honoring the 4 directions

  • celebrating uniqueness

  • recognizing connections

  • jubilating unity

  • choosing, sustaining and increasing joy individually and collectively

More information available and buy a calendar at www.13moon.com

Fabulous Soma BES 2018 retreat.

This year we celebrated 25 years of marriage and 25 years of teaching Nia. Yes Helen and Joe married so Helen could take the Nia white belt training, the beginning of a wonderful journey!  A super week to enjoy friends in a most relaxed atmosphere at and around Soma Ranch...

Enjoying baby donkey Conrad during our retreat was like icing on the cake

We were blessed with water as smooth as glass on Lake Conroe. Boating, tubing and Paddleboarding were so much fun. Especially with folks jumping on for the first time!

Swimming, dancing, meditating, walking the labyrinth, laughing, eating and enjoying each other's company was most delightful during our retreat...

Our final class, our delicious nap/meditation and seeing relaxed faces as guests departed, all added up to a retreat I'll cherish for a long time. Soma Ranch has blossomed into a wonderful Haven for relaxation, fun and friendships....

Nia Cycle 4 ~ Get Moving

Cycle 4: Get Moving 

In the Nia Technique Class Get Moving involves moving your whole body through space, varying the movement and energy dynamics to condition the whole body and nervous system while reaching your greatest physical intensity and target heart rate. 

In the New Year "Get moving" involves moving your whole body system, addressing the needs of your body, mind, emotion and spirit. Often when we begin to practice healthier habits we can feel worse before we feel better. The reason behind this is we likely have "bad bugs" living in our body and healthy habits (Cardio workouts, eliminating sugar and wheat) help "Kill" these bad bugs. Unfortunately the bugs are more toxic dead than they are alive, the body will do it's best to eliminate them, through mucus, vomit and/or sweats! oh yes! we can feel like we're going down with the flu, have an upset stomach and more. In Body Ecology this is called "cleansing".

The 3 laws of cleansing are:

  1. Expect to cleanse
  2. Prepare to cleanse
  3. Celebrate the cleanse

In preparation to cleanse be ready with

  1. apple cider vinegar (dilute in water),
  2. broccoli water (boil the broccoli and save/sip the water)
  3. cultured/fermented vegetables (and/or cocobiotic)

I've also sustained wellness through fabulous aromatherapy oils, even when surrounded by sniffling friends! Here's some information about some great basic oils to help you through the winter in sickness and in health LOL.

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Essential Oils Can

help alleviate discomfort brought on by the changing seasons! Winter brings the darkest, coldest, and gloomiest days of the year. Here's 10 top essential oils for wintertime.

Using essential oils can help alleviate much of the discomfort brought on by the changing seasons! Winter brings some of the darkest, coldest, and gloomiest days of the year. Here are our top 10 essential oils for wintertime.

Uplifting and Motivating: doTERRA Cheer , doTERRA Motivate , and Neroli Touch

Any oil in the doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy™ System can be used to help alleviate negative emotions that arise during the winter, but two oils in particular can help bolster your mood when you are unhappy or discouraged. doTERRA Cheer Uplifting Blend combines citrus and spice oils to provide a boost when you need cheering up. doTERRA Motivate Encouraging Blend utilizes the calming and uplifting benefits of citrus and mint oils to energize you, give you courage to face pessimism and doubts, and help create feelings of self-assurance. Another great oil for relieving occasional anxious or unsettled feelings is doTERRA Neroli Touch. Apply Neroli Touch to your palms and cup your hands over your nose, breathing deeply, to feel more relaxed and at peace. Use Neroli Touch, doTERRA Cheer, or doTERRA Motivate (or combinations of the three) on your wrists or the back of your neck to help lift your spirits and bring a little sunshine back into your day.

Smooth Skin: Rose Touch and Lavender

Cold, dry, and windy weather leaves skin dry and irritated. Rose oil is known to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and has a calming and reassuring aroma.* Use Lavender oil and doTERRA Rose Touch oil with your moisturizer to soothe, moisturize, and ease occasional irritation and dryness, bringing back a balance of moisture to your skin.* Together these oils can be especially useful for soothing chapped knuckles, elbows and knees. Well-being and

Clear Breathing:

doTERRA On Guard , Eucalyptus, and Peppermint The changing seasons brings an onslaught of environmental threats. To help protect against seasonal threats and support healthy immune function, diffuse doTERRA On Guard in your home.* There are many great doTERRA On Guard products to aid in supporting healthy immune function.* A few oils to use to help promote clear breathing include Eucalyptus and Peppermint oil. Apply over the chest, add to steamy bathwater, or diffuse at night to aid in promoting feelings of open airways. Be careful to dilute both Eucalyptus and Peppermint for skin sensitivity. (For young or particularly sensitive essential oil users, consider using Melaleuca and Spearmint oil in place of Eucalyptus and Peppermint. Both are gentler oils that can assist in feelings of clear breathing.)

Digestion and Appetite: DigestZen and Slim & Sassy

Whether you have a New Year’s resolution to eat smarter, you are recovering from poor holiday eating, or you just want to give extra care to your digestive system, these two oils can help alleviate discomfort and support healthy digestive function. Fennel, Peppermint, and Ginger are just a few of the oils starring in DigestZen, the “tummy tamer” blend. Put a few drops of DigestZen in your water or rub on your stomach or the bottom of your feet to help relieve occasional stomach discomfort.* Slim & Sassy blend not only helps to curb cravings and manage your appetite, but also helps support a healthy metabolism when taken internally.* The aromas of Grapefruit and Cinnamon, along with Lemon, Peppermint, and Ginger, are also uplifting and comforting. A few drops of Slim & Sassy in a glass of cold water can help you manage cravings and ease discomfort.


* Which oils help you get through the hardest parts of winter? Let us know in the comments! ® ® ® *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Nia Cycle 3 ~ Warm Up

Cycle 3: Warm Up 

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In a Nia Class the Warm Up activates the 13 main joints, slowly increases range of motion and heart rate to prepare you for moving more fully and intensely. 

Warming up into the New Year is the skill of taking action, creating new healthy habits, yet not so drastic that at the first hint of failure or temptation we drop off the band wagon back into self destruction. It's like the story of the frog, put him in boiling water (a drastic change) and the frog will jump out quickly. Put the frog in cool water and slowing increase the temperature and he never jumps out. The moral of the story, warm up into 2018, take baby steps, like the phrase I love "you can't eat an elephant in one day!"

(and for the assurance of a happy ending for the frog, rest assured I'd be monitoring the water temperature at all times to be sure to scoop the frog out at the optimum time, with no harm caused, and for the frog to live happily ever after!)

Helpful hints for warming up

  • write down your desires and intentions
  • tell a friend, build accountability into your action plan
  • expect, prepare and celebrate set backs! it's all part of the path
  • learn and be motivated by your failures and slips, 
  • every day is a new day
  • get up early!