As we near the end of our first month in 2024, and prepare for February, our Soma “Love your Body, Love your LIFE” month, I am filled with gratitude.
Today was one of those classes that clicked. I’ve enjoyed almost every class I’ve taught for the past 30+ years. I often feel incredible joy as I dance to the music “leading people on”. And then there are days like today where everything clicks effortlessly together. I’m taken to a different time and space. Where I feel suspended in timeless, wrapped with joy, bathed in comfort, with incredible gratitude for my “job”, my class, our community, both ONLINE and in person here in the studio, at Soma Ranch.
Some of the dots that connected today:
more than 95% of the ladies who show up for class have been coming for YEARS, some of them DECADES!
more than 95% of the “Soma Ranch” regular attendees sign up for the year unlimited. They make a long term commitment. Their support, both financially and energetically, help sustain me.
Becki (one of our regular local participants) brought a friend
My Mum (in England) took the class ONLINE and I could see her on the wall of smiles dancing with us
Several fellow teachers, who have their own classes to teach, and a plethora of choices for where/how they can take a class, attended my class.
Folks online left sweet comments in the chat
Folks in the room shared fabulous complimentary feedback
We hovered in the waiting room, chatting, catching up, casting future get togethers = these women really care and connect :-)