Wonderful Retreat

Thank you Denise M. Simpson for traveling to co-facilitate our first of many Mystic Meditation with Nia retreats. Helen Terry and Alan Davidson first dreamed up the concept of these retreats a couple of years ago. What a delight to finally experience the dream put into action at last weekend’s retreat. This was also the first time loved ones of Alan (who died Easter Sunday) got together.

Amazing how this fusion of voice dialogue, tapping, meditation, Carl Jungian Psychology, Big Mind, Nia Technique, Authentic Movement, Body Centered movement, active listening and Systemic Somatic exploration come together for a wonderful healing experience. There were a couple of Nia participants who had never tapped or meditated before and some other participants who had decades of meditation experience with Alan. The collective support from the group created a wonderful safe space where, in a relatively short period of time (only a weekend retreat) some deep healing and amazing progress was made.

These retreats will be offered quarterly. The next will be with co-lead with Helen Terry and Jacqueline Kane in March: the Happy Healthy Wealthy Body and Life Retreat