Saturday Morning Chakra Energy Centers Bowls and Bloom

Enjoy a movement healing experience, lead by Helen Terry. A journey through the 5 stages of healing in relationship with the 7 chakras of the body. Followed by an experience of the Nia Routine Bloom with the focus energy Centers.

FOCUS: Energy Centers

INTENT: Receive a felt sense of the beautiful combination of form and freedom both in the body and through our energy system.

As we begin our month of Movement form and freedom we will explore the Chakra System, how there is a grid that has more structure and a grid that is more fluid. 

We will explore how this is sensed in the body - a beautiful combination of form and freedom, structure and fluidity. the 7 main Chakras, or energy centers, that align vertically along the spine. the interface with seven layers of the human energy field located outside of our physical body (oftentimes called an “aura”). 

The connective tissue between our physical body and the energy fields outside it.

Energy vortex like a mouth, or a nose, where we can move breath in and out, or our eyes, where we can move energy in and out, or our ears.

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge and receive the class as part of your package!

This movement experience is suitable for beginners and people of all different fitness backgrounds.

This class is HYBRID = 3 great choices:

  1. Attend the class at Soma Ranch in person 

  2. Join us online via Zoom and/or

  3. Enjoy a 24 hour replay

Usual Class Rates apply: Drop in for $15, buy a class pass or consider signing up for the 30 Day Challenge and receive the class as part of your package!

Energy vortex are like a mouth, or a nose,
where we can move breath in and out,
or our eyes, where we can move energy in and out, or our ears.
— Nia 5 Stages

Energy Chakra CentersExploring the Energy Chakra Centers

At the core of yoga, Nia or body centered practice is the understanding of energy that flows through the body, also known as prana. This energy is said to flow through seven energy centers, or chakras, that run along the spine, each with its unique purpose and energy.

Energy chakra centers are an integral part of the human body's energy system. There are seven major chakras that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head, each with its unique energy and corresponding body systems.

The first chakra, known as the root chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It represents our sense of safety and security, grounding us to the earth. When this chakra is balanced, we feel stable and secure.

The second chakra, the sacral chakra, is located in the lower abdomen. It represents our creativity and sexuality. A balanced sacral chakra allows us to express ourselves creatively and embrace pleasure and joy.

The third chakra, known as the solar plexus chakra, is located in the upper abdomen. It represents our personal power and confidence. A balanced solar plexus chakra allows us to take action and make decisions with clarity and confidence.

The fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is located in the center of the chest. It represents love, compassion, and connection. A balanced heart chakra allows us to experience love and compassion for ourselves and others.

The fifth chakra, the throat….

In the chakra system, the solar plexus is the seat of personal power. Power is not about exerting our will over others, it is about being in complete truth with yourself.
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.

Beginning with the Nia 5 Stages class, which most often is described as a luxurious healing hour of setting the focus for the 10am movement experience that follows.

When you sign up for a class you are automatically sent the Zoom link for class.

You are welcome to attend either class.

And, when you’re able to attend both classes, something magic happens! The entire Nia 5 stages class is like a rich 60 minute introduction to the 10am Nia class, a beautiful compliment and super preparation.

In this gentle, self discovering, potentially healing Nia 5 stages experience

  • your body gets to settle into and taste the Nia class focus

  • your mind can learn new and novel information,

  • your heart may open to receive more with fascination up and frustration down

  • your spirit could be tickled and curious to experience more