Happy November

Nia and Yoga Faith Classes continue to grow at Soma Ranch. Kudos to YogaFaith instructor Chris, who has been loyal, consistent and faithful. Prayers are being answered and the class is flourishing.

Welcome Glenda and Susan who invested in the year unlimited. Welcome back for another year Kris!

This week we begin a Nia Green Belt at Soma Ranch. Enjoy 10am classes on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday with Helen, and 5am express (30 min Nia) team taught classes Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and special celebration JAM 11:15am Monday.

Thank you to the 18 who attended our 1st Monday St Jude class and coffee. We raised $63 and had a grand time.

Congratulations Nia Blue Belts, Happy Birthday Terra and thank you October 30 day Challengers.

Wishing you all the best as we step into November.


Helen + Joe