Nia Routine

Jungle Moon

My Nia “Jungle Moon” experience was received very well at the recent NiaYogaDans Festival.

Jungle Moon: Site of the Sacred Drum is the most powerful drum album ever created. It is a magical tapestry of rhythms and melodic drumming that will delight the hearts of everyone. You will want to dance in a trance when you hear the Cave Witch chant. This album is the ultimate house cleaning extravaganza. Read routine notes here.

List of Nia Routines

I’m so WHOPPING excited about a “new skill to me” I discovered on my own website! Some one asked for my Whitney Houston Play list. I knew I’d listed lots of play lists and information about Adapted Nia Routines on my blog and have wanted to create some easy way for folks to find them rather than flipping through the many blog entries. This evening I discovered the way! my search button on the front page. DAH! Simply entered “routine” and 30 references popped up. I think this link takes you there directly - enjoy /display/Search?moduleId=12236317&searchQuery=routine