3 Super Soma Retreats

We invite you to check out three upcoming Super Soma Retreats that cater to different interests and preferences.

1. Women's Wellness Retreat: Join us for a rejuvenating and empowering 5 day retreat designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. This retreat offers a variety of workshops, yoga sessions, boating, horse riding and activities tailored to promote holistic well-being.
2. Embodied Authentic Solar Eclipse Retreat: Immerse yourself in the joys of Soma Ranch while exploring embodied authenticity. This unique retreat invites participants to engage in movement, mindfulness practices, and self-exploration against the backdrop of a rare celestial event.
3. Readers Retreat: For those who seek tranquility and literary inspiration, our Readers Retreat provides the perfect opportunity to indulge in your love for books while surrounded by the serene landscape of Soma Ranch. Engage in meaningful discussions, readings, and quiet reflection.

We welcome you to join us for any or all of these exceptional retreats as we strive to create a nurturing space for personal growth and community connection.