Today I joyfully (and thankfully) was able to
1. teach my Nia class ONLINE with the 30 day movement challengers around the world
2. dance with my mum, in her kitchen and
3. teach/be with the local Montgomery ladies at Soma Ranch (through the big screen/sound system + fabulous technical help from my husband Joe Terry)
S I M U L T A N E O U S L Y!!!
I was using only my laptop (couldn't bring my "spaghetti" set up of mixers, wires, head set, remote mic, powered speakers with me). In advance settings I was able to share my music directly from the laptop into the zoom platform. Then, with one Airpod in my ear, and the other in Mum's, we were both able to dance to the music and I was able to use my (one) Airpod as my mic, bluetoothed into my lap top = great sound!! thanks zoom!