Joys of Nia White Belt

I recently received a Facebook post from Agnes, a Nia White Belt Graduate from Hungary, who took the 7 day course, 6 years ago.

I’m deeply touched to see how fabulously Agnes has set out to share her body’s way of teaching Nia.

  • Manifesting her local community,

  • building classes,

  • developing a website,

  • sharing the joy of movement and more.

Agnes’ Facebook page is

The link to her website is included below.

Here’s what Agnes shared.

“Facebook reminded me that it was 6 years ago that I received my 1st Nia belt, the white belt, from Helen Terry Seems like a lifetime ago Come a long way since then. It's been 4 years since I started this conversion. One thing is for sure I am not the same person anymore. 

All the learnings, self-growing, lessons, failures and gifts of these 4 years has been intense. Being an entrepreneur and selling your service requires a radical change.

Today I congratulate myself on my perseverance and thank you for your support 🙏💕

And I got some really nice gifts tonight: proof that this community is amazing with beautiful people and touching feedback from a participant about how she feels about Nia. Makes me want to continue spreading this little known technique.

Today has been a day of tears of tiredness, frustration, pain but also joy and gratitude. It ended well: the joy of dancing, being surrounded by a wonderful community, encouragement, touching comeback. Thank you 🥰”

Today has been a day of tears of tiredness, frustration, pain but also joy and gratitude. It ended well: the joy of dancing, being surrounded by a wonderful community, encouragement, touching comeback. Thank you 🥰
— Agnes, Hungarian Nia Teacher and Nia White Belt Graduate