The focus for Saturday 10am Nia class is the 8 Feet Techniques.
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There are 8 Foot Techniques of Nia. These techniques are what we do with our feet as we dance Nia, mostly in steps and sometimes stances, even kicks - when we get creative!
Heal Lead: The Body’s Way of traveling forwards
Whole Foot: The Body’s Way of traveling sideways
Ball of the Foot: The Body’s Way of traveling backwards
Releve: Derived from the Dance Arts movement form Duncan Dance
Rock around the clock: Excellent for massaging the feet through movement
Squish Walk: Strengthens ankles, calf muscles, core
Duck Walk: Strengthens fine muscles on the front of our shines
Toes In Out Parallel: Create by rotating thigh bone (Femur) in the ball and socket of the hip
(knees and feet follow, all aligned and happy)