Thank you

I wanted to reach out and say Thank You. These past 2 months have been a whirl wind and I look forward to sharing more in our December Newsletter. For now, thank you for being on this email list, for showing an interest in Soma Ranch, for your support, for attending events at Soma Ranch (even if presently the experience is only in your dreams and future plans LOL).

Today we finished our November 30 day challenge and I felt like my heart was going to BURST! the love, support, care and kindness that has been kindled through this experience is beyond words. Connecting with folks from around the globe, making new friends and seeing my Mum every day has truly been a gift, and the gift keeps giving and expanding :-). I’d love to share todays 30 minute class with you as a thank you. Simply request the link and I’m happy to send you the class.