We are Committed

Thank you for staying connected via this newsletter, we hope we help inspire, educate and bring a little extra sparkle to your day, and or course encourage you to visit (whether simply in your imagination) or in person!

This year we are committed to trainings and retreats. Even if there is only one person attending all our events are on! We feel it’s the only way we can move forwards providing reliability, stability and reassurance for our guests. Good news is folks are enjoying booking in advance and having something they know they can look forward to!

Congratulations Mary, Janet and Diana! Nia White Belt training graduates. The immersive Nia retreat training was a delightful success.Special Events were well attended (lovely to see folks coming back to dance and connect). Special guest trainers joined us, Kellie Chambers for the entire training and Holly Nastasi popped in for lunch! We raised $250 towards St Jude and are now at 75% of our annual goal

Shine Your Light Retreat begins tomorrow (Thursday) at 5pm. Led by Helen and Medical Intuitive, Advanced Evolutionary Mystic Meditation Facilitator Jacqueline Kane. And the other 3 advanced Evolutionary Mystic Meditation facilitators will be in attendance. We’ve sustained the early bird pricing and added the option to experience the retreat virtually.

Did you see the full moon? it’s the moon of permanent endings, I’ve shared some thoughts and photos around my remarkable Moon Set, Sun Rise experience.

Wishing you all the best for this week. EnJoy..

Love, Helen & Joe xoxo