As we wrap up this year, I recently asked the 30 day Nia Challengers for feedback/reviews with regards our program. Wow! I’m amazed and deeply touched by the response. Thank you everybody who’s been on this year long “trip”. Little did I/we know in January what a journey we’d be on, what healing would occur, what wonderful friendships would be fostered and what creativity would raise the roof of perceived limitation! off the charts. I’m thrilled y’all want to keep going and am excited to see how our “Buy One Gift One” incentive goes and delighted by the small group of “365 day Challengers” that’s forming.
“That is a very generous deal. I would love to continue this journey. Even if I cannot do every day, I know it is there and everyone is there, rooting all of us on in our journey of health and healing. I thoroughly enjoyed this past year. It not only provided an opportunity for movement but was a touchstone when the rest of the world feels uncertain.”
“What a fabulous ride this 30 day challenge has been ! Knowing a Nia class is available every Single day! If “life happens” and cannot participate live, I always had the playback available to dance when i was free. I also so enjoyed making very dear new friends through this year ! Thanks Helen, I’ve learned so much with these classes and enjoyed dancing every day! What a bargain this 30 day challenge has turned out to be!!!!”
“Receiving daily wisdom & inspiration from Helen has given me much more confidence & creativity in teaching my Nia classes. Access to recordings means I can practise daily when I have to miss live class. Days when my energy has been low after having covid, I gain much healing from watching class or in floorplay. Connection to friends old & new has been very uplifting to me especially on days when I felt low with covid. Camera set up & sound quality is fantastic giving me the feeling of dancing at Soma Ranch! I’ve danced 11/12 months this year & will be back in January. Thank you Helen for all you give to us 🙏 & to your amazing back up Teachers & to Irene for the wonderful Feldenkrais lessons 💞 💖 💞”
“Helen’s 30 Day Challenge has been such a blessing through this challenging year. My mom died during the first month I signed up and while I lost my focus and have stepped in and out rather sporadically throughout the year, the Challenge has been a place to ground, a place of healing , an inclusive community where there is no judgement and I have felt only ongoing support that always brings me profound joy and renewal.”
“I enjoy dancing live with Helen and her girls. It has brought me much joy in my body my heart and soul. Give it a try I think you will love it!”
“Looking to deepen your Nia practice as a student or teacher? Interested in trying Nia for the first time? This is a perfect opportunity for YOU at your whatever level!
I have been a Nia student for nearly 20 years. It is a cherished staple of my life for healing, community, conditioning and so much more. As a daily practice, 30 minutes fits perfectly into my lifestyle. The format and opportunity to dance with Helen Terry drew me to the 30 Day Nia Challenge in January 2021. In addition to Helen’s masterful and creative teaching of the Nia foundations and techniques and her constant invitation for feedback, the surprise bonuses have included the wonderful community of students from all parts of the globe fostered by the before and after Zoom chats and Facebook group, the flexibility to attend live or do the recorded classes, the opportunity to dance with truly excellent guest teachers and to delve deeper into Feldenkrais. ***And, I have been thrilled to develop a Nia 5 Stages practice with the Saturday classes offered in the package!*** Thank you Helen! Thank you to my new friends! Looking forward to the 365 Challenge in 2022!❤️💃”
“30-30-30 this year has been a lifesaver, both spiritually and physically. The connection we have built via Zoom with this amazing positive group of international women has been unexpected and wonderful. My chiropractor noticed the difference in my hips and other achey parts of my body. She asked me what I’d been doing as she could feel an improvement and I told her 30mins NIA everyday. If I get busy or tired and miss a few days my body feels so sluggish. NiA makes me feel so good physically and always makes me feel better mentally by the end of 30mins. You can easily waste 30mins scrolling through social media but the time is much better spent doing NIA. It’s amazing what a difference just 30mins a day makes! I also love the knowledge about our body that Helen throws in to the class. I love knowing how many bones or how many muscles my body has & how they all work together. Whether I dance live or do the replay, I always feel so much better afterwards. It’s a good daily habit to have 🙂”
“It’s been comforting knowing I was part of this magical group - even though I’ve been absent in person.”
“Helen has been such an inspiration in this 30 -30-30 day challenge. I have loved every minute of it. I joined back last January and didn’t know what to expect. This has exceeded my hopes and dreams in many areas.
During the past year the online courses have proved to be highly interactive, educational and differentiated. We are encouraged to move at our own levels while Helen presents skillfully choreographed dance routines peppered with an element of improvisation!
Her knowledge of Nia and the body are second -to - none. We give feedback on musical choices and moves. Helen has taught us so much about the Nia stages and the concept of dynamic ease. She encourages us to set monthly Goals. She reminds us to smile and let go of tension as we dance and Learn. The sense of community is phenomenal.
Thank you for a wonderful 365 days throughout the pandemic. We have all faced challenges both personally and collectively and have learned to rise above them them through our Nia 30 day course . 💜😇”
“The last 12 months of the 30-30-30 Challenge were easily the best thing I’ve done for myself in 2021. Through the whirlwind of the last year, the consistency of Nia with an amazing group of people has been just what I needed to energize my body and soothe my soul. Though I don’t consider myself a “morning person”, I happily wake up meet my friends first thing in the morning, dodging dogs and cats as I go. I’ve take Helen’s lessons into my Nia practice and my everyday life, and I’ve been inspired to follow through with actually starting my own classes in my community. I am so grateful to soak up a bit of Helen’s wisdom, grace, and sense of fun most days, and I can’t wait to continue on in 2022. ❤️❤️”
“Since I finished Green Belt Training with Helen started this 30 day Challenge. I joined and all year was in the group.
What I love? The permanent teaching with little pieces my knowledge improving day by day and I have never better choice to stay as long as possible. I am not worried as a Teacher how can I move forward and love the freshness, the adaptation, the vulnerability which turn to our strength. Thank you so much you Helen and even I am mostly dancing from Replay nothing broken my open heart towards everybody in this group.”
“Great reviews! I couldn’t agree more with all of them! I love everything about the challenge! the only “problem” is that I can not stop coming again and again every month.. 😍”