Joyful sprinkle of feedback and photos

Something rewarding about being a somatic teacher is witnessing the joy in participants in class. Then, to receive their lovely feedback, is like sweet icing on the cake. Our community, both in person, and online via zoom, is a beautiful knit of people from all different parts of the world, various fitness levels, backgrounds and interests. Here’s a joyful sprinkle of photos and feedback from this week.

Gentle and relaxing way to end a busy day, thank-you Elaine! I have to remember tense and release to relax.
— Linda
Thanks Irene. I enjoy your classes. Lots to think about as I head off to bed. In all the SOMA classes I am reminded to CONNECT with body (muscle and bones) and self/soul. For me, Feldenkrais is slow, thoughtful and looking at the “micro” of muscle and bones. I remember a class where you demonstrated how the L shoulder is connected to the R hip and that stayed with me. I’m going to listen again to what you said about (something like) SELF body alignment. So important to do this on a regular basis and not end up at an emergency Physio, Chiro, or Massage appointment.
— Paula
I’m not used to doing Nia 7 days in a row and was noticing some cricks developing. The slow, contemplative pace, rolling in 8 different ways, noticing small details did result in some self correcting “deliciousness”. Thanks, Irene!
— Connie

Helen Terry, I recognize the brilliance of your program design - and - benefiting in so many ways. Thank you SOMA team for all that you bring.
— Paula
Dear Paul Duff! I really enjoyed this class replay. I loved your stories, images and how creativily you put two different moves together. I had a feeling of playing with marbles.
And by the end of the class I was constantly, “fluidly” smiling. Thank you for the great step into the weekend.
— Eva