Let's give THANKS

We have many Canadians in our 30 day challenge group. Even 2 of our Rock Star teachers, Elaine and Natasha are from Canada!

Check out more fun photos below of these 2 fabulous teachers who have become fast friends.

This Monday, 10/14/24 10am, at Soma Ranch, we are aligning with the Canadian thanksgiving weekend. Helen will lead an experience (in person and ONLINE) to give Thanks and gratitude with the fabulous music by Karen Drucker (FYI this is the music used in the Nia routine “Selfless”)


Helen has adapted the playlist and put moves inspired from a Nia classic called AO into the experience. Here’s some more information about the process of selecting music…

Often great Nia playlists will have a selection of several different artists to provide a balanced landscape of sound from the variety of genres, keys and more. I enjoy how the Karen Drucker playlist is an exception to this rule.

Even though most of her music is “spiritual, faith based and uplifting” based, Karen Drucker provides excellent variations in tempo, style and genre. Karen’s splash of humor, with lines like “I’m am perfect even with wrinkles and cellulite thighs” in the jazzy song “Lighten up” provide surprise and delight to the sonic journey.

With the original playlist, from fellow Trainer Casey Bernstein, being a grand 16 song 1 hour and 11 minutes composition, to create a 60 minute Nia class some tracks needed to be eliminated and the playlist edited. Here’s my process:

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 9.37.45 AM.png
  1. eliminate some songs (I play with 3 strikes you’re out!) - after listening/dancing/playing with Trigger 3 times I choose to take it out. AND I hear from fellow Nia teachers some find this to be their favorite.

  2. identify strong YES! songs (Breath, Thank you, Lighten Up, Power of Women)

  3. mix up the playlist several classes in a row identify the “clicks” (Gifts, Healed, Blessing)

  4. leave the ones who didn’t make the “A list”, play them at them before and after classes (as participants arrive and leave, keep them unclicked yet available for special occasions (“Ho’oponopono” - a visiting Nia Belt’s favorite word, “Dropping Down” when facilitating a Nia Brown Belt training etc.)

Technical NOTES:

Know the length of selected songs within a long playlist:

  • Highlight the tracks within a playlist to get the length of selected songs

Playlist organization:

  • Folders NR = Nia Routine G=Group HT at end for a HT edited list:

Examples of playlist organization:

  1. NR/G/SelflessHT = Nia Routine, Group, Selfless HT version

  2. NR/D/Opal = Nia Routine, Debbie, Opal

  3. NR/C/ZAliveAO = Nia Routine, Carlos, “ZMix” Alive + AO

  4. NR/J/1910Blue = Nia Routine, Jam, Nia Blue Belts October 2019