Helen (Soma Ranch Co-Owner has returned from a fabulous hiking retreat with family at our “Soma Cabin” in Lake Cushman, near the Olympic National Park and Forest.
We are beginning to curate the best local hikes and experiences into bespoke small group hiking vacations. Please email cabins@somaranch.com if you are interested in signing up for a fabulous vacation with Helen, staying in the cabin, enjoying all these wonderful opportunities.

We’d love to share this wonderful “slice of heaven” with you. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, cabin Near Lake Cushman is a fabulous retreat location for relaxing, hiking and enjoying the beautiful scenery this part of the world has to offer. The good news for the Terry family is
The cabin is within easy driving distance of Seattle (where our Daughter and Son-in-Law live)
The area is Liliana’s “Happy Place” (and we now understand why)
If you are interested in booking please contact us at cabin@somaranch.com, let us help you book direct and save with our “family and friend’s” rate.