Over the evolution of our 30 day movement challenge, Fun Fridays have become a “thing”. Some folks have signed up for the 30 day program simply to gain access to the Fun Friday experiences! Like many fun creative successes, this began as a simple “one off” idea one Friday. The group then asked if we could do it again. And the rest is history.
This Friday was Helen Terry’s 48th Fun Friday class. This is where the class participants bring their song requests, and the playlist is collated, within the 15 minutes before the 8am 30 minute class begins:
participants bring the song requests (MUSIC)
Helen makes up the choreography on the fly (MOVES)
together we co-create a wonderful time (MAGIC)
Today Helen continued the Sanjana theme, she played with moves from the original choreography adapted to the new music.
Although the tunes were unprepared, some songs unknown and the entire list put on shuffle = no control over what speed songs goes where, there was a lovely flow from one song to the next.
“Knowing the original choreography well.
Having an embodied sense of the structure,
including the 7 cycles of a Nia class.
Setting the focus and intent well,
and then sustaining this throughout the experience.
All adds up to a fun, grounded, stimulating and inspiring workout
for our body, mind, emotions and soul.
This truly has become a remarkable COLLECTIVE experience.”
Here’s the playlist