At our recent “beyond the beyond” retreat at Soma Ranch. We included our monthly community Cuppa event. As ladies introduced each other, shared, supported and laughed, an unfolding occurred like none other!..
Sitting close to each other was Emily Jane and (until this day) the person I knew as Emily.
Emily then shared “my middle name is Jane and I recently have decided to refer to myself as Emily Jane!”
CLICK!! WOW!! our gaggle of gals exclaimed
And then, as I’m looking at these 2 awesome women, who i’ve know in 2 different circles, watching how this is the first time they have met each other, I witness how more layers revealed themselves. They both recently experienced the death of a parent, they are both poets, I could go on and on, yet choose to let this new friendship unfold and for them to discover the many other interesting connections, likes, similarities and more they share…
Here’s the poem Emily Jane shared….
“Emily Janes
How can it be there are two?
Two Emily Janes who meet
Within a poem and a dance?
As if we each wrote ourselves
Into the same story, following
Our fingers through the lines
One from the beginning
One starting from the end
Word by word
Until our fingers touch on Jane
The spark of connection rising
With a prayer off our fingertips
A birthday surprise
Like none other
To greet an old friend
We have yet to meet within
Our choices and chances
Our Poetry and Prayers
Twin Ordinations
Looking up at the same sky
Our Mothers who named us—emilyjane
Orphan us now
Our Mothers birthdays
Both arriving on wings
of heaven this week
As if their birthday wish
Blown over cakes of clouds
Were to have us meet
I speak of living in skin, Wild gratitude
You speak of helping, Thank-yous
Like two ribbons of words, wrapping
Around the moment to form a bow
A divine connection
Appearing right here, SOMA style
From nothing & everything
How can it be in one moment
There was one,
and now we see two?
Two Emily Janes