Special Guests Enhance Nia Weeks

1 Fellow Nia Trainer, Holly Nastasi, come to visit for lunch, during the training! After the many months of isolation and hundreds of hours on zoom for classes and trainings, having 3 trainers physically together at a training felt momentous.

2 girls (Peggy and Hananda) joined us for a weekend retreat. Sleeping in the dorm they both shared how wonderfully they slept! The rule of “no talking 24/7" in the Dorm” provided the peace and perfect environment for optimal sleep! Crazy how some of the biggest concern for folks coming is will they be able to sleep well in the dorm and they discover they actually sleep BETTER in the dorm than they do at home!

3 girls (Cece, Darlene and Kelly Marie) joined us for almost the whole training. They were re-taking the white belt, deepening their practice and expanding their understanding. Meanwhile their presence in the training was a marvelous extra layer for both trainees and trainers, their questions, comments and wonderful company were most appreciated both on and off the dance floor.