Soma Faith: trust in Me and not in your understanding.

Jesus Calling: Aug 7

Understanding will never bring you Peace. That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, not in your understanding. Human beings have a voracious appetite for trying to figure things out, in order to gain a sense of mastery over their lives. But the world presents you with an endless series of problems.

As soon as you master one set, another pops up to challenge you. The relief you had anticipated is short-lived. Soon your mind is gearing up again; searching for understanding (mastery), instead of seeking Me (your Master).
The wisest of all men, Solomon, could never think his way through to Peace. His vast understanding resulted in feelings of futility, rather than in fulfillment. Finally, he lost his way and succumbed to the will of his wives by worshiping idols.

My Peace is not an elusive goal, hidden at the center of some complicated maze. Actually, you are always enveloped in Peace, which is inherent in My Presence. As you look to Me, you gain awareness of this precious Peace.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
— Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)5
Faith Brings Joy. Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
— Romans 5:1 (NLT)
Paul’s Final Greetings16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all.
— 2nd Thessalonians 3:16 (NLT)

Song selection includes “Peace be with you” “Precious” “trust in the lord” “with all your heart” “lord of peace” “faith brings joy” “done for us” “lord be with you all” “seek his will”

Here’s the current playlist for Trust in Me and not in your understanding” The playlist is 100 minutes long! Somehow I’ll shave 20 minutes by eliminating some tunes. What a fabulous problem to have the challenge of an abundance of wonderful Christian/Praise music. I hope these songs move you, touch your heart and inspire your spirit like they do me.

Additional insight regarding Proverbs 3:5-6: When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel that we can't trust anyone - not even God. But God knows what is best for us. He is a better judge of what we want than we are! We must trust him completely in every choice we make. We should not omit careful thinking or belittle our God-given ability to reason, but we should not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. We must not be wise in our own eyes but be willing to listen to and be corrected by God's Word and wise counselors. Bring your decisions to God in prayer; use the Bible as your guide; then follow God's leading. He will direct your paths by both guiding and protecting you.

Additional insight regarding Proverbs 3:6: To receive God's guidance, said Soloman, we must seek God's will in all we do. This means turning every area of life over to him. About a thousand years later, Jesus emphasized this same truth (Matthew 6:33). Examine your values and priorities. What is important to you? In what areas have you not acknowledged him? You may already acknowledge God in many areas of your life, but the areas where you attempt to restrict or ignore him will cause you grief. Make him a vital part of everything you do; then he will guide you because you will be working to accomplish his purposes.

Additional insight regarding Romans 5:1: We are now at peace with God, which may differ from peaceful feelings such as calmness and tranquility. Peace with God means that we have been reconciled with him. There is no more hostility between us, no sin blocking our relationship with him. Peace with God is possible only because Jesus paid the price for our sins through his death on the cross.