Happy New Year in July!!

Similar, yet different to “Christmas in July”, we LOVE celebrating the Natural Time New Year here at Soma Ranch.

In the Natural Time Calendar there are 13 moons (similar to months). This beautiful system of equal sections of time (28 days each moon) that divide naturally in to 4 x 7 days.

Each year is 13 moons of 28 day cycles = 364

With the cycle of 364 days, we then experience one “day out of time” to complete and compliment 365 days in a year.

This is a day where we can pause and celebrate what has been and cast into the future. A beautiful day that can be regarded as the space in between the past and the future year.

The Day Out Of Time, fondly phrased DOOT! is July 25. Celebrated in 92 different countries, Brazil have a National Holiday!

Although I am not a scholar, nor consider myself an expert on this calendar, I’ve been practicing the Natural Time calendar for 27 years…

  • rotating around the 4 colors and 4 directions (with clothes and prayer)

  • planning my monthly business schedule around the calendar

  • choosing a focus and intent for my day and classes around the days signature

Check out this touching video from Eden Sky I love how I’ve been with her since the first year she created a calendar! 27 years ago… I know this moment in time well as I was pregnant and can track my journey on the age of my daughter!

This year enjoy an ONLINE Playshop on Sunday, July 24 and a HYBRID class on Monday, July 25 (DOOT!)

On Sunday’s ONLINE playshop Helen will share how this calendar has changed her life and how it could help yours.

Learn about the 13 moon natural time calendar and how to follow the Natural Time Calendar

  • read/follow the calendar

  • apply the calendar in your life

  • decode your galactic signature

  • create a 260 day, daily meditation

Enjoy a LIVE class on Natural time with Helen Terry on Monday, July 25th at 10:00am.

every moment of every day we are participating in modeling in the potential of what it means to be a human being, illuminate the parts of ourselves, personal healing work contributes to our planetary healing
— Eden Sky www.13moon.com
Natural Time Saturday PlayShop + Monday Class
from $15.00

Happy Natural Time New Year!! Experiential Natural Time Playshop (with a little dance at the end!) and/or DOOT (Day Out Of Time) Dance.

The Saturday PLAYSHOP is available ONLINE LIVE via zoom and via a 3 day REPLAY.

The Monday DOOT Dance is HYBRID, attend In Person at Soma Ranch OR ONLINE/24Hr REPLAY

Natural Time Playshop

Saturday, July 22, 12:00 - 2:00 pm (Central Time) $40 ($30 early bird when you sign up by THURSDAY)

Enjoy an ONLINE LIVE and/or 3 Day Replay Playshop with Helen Terry.

Let's connect and celebrate Natural Time and all the joys of living an alive, fully vibrant life!

Natural Time is a great opportunity to simplify, relieve stress, encourage creativity and flow into your day.

Learn about the 13 moon natural time calendar and how to follow the Natural Time Calendar

  • read/follow the calendar

  • apply the calendar in your life

  • decode your galactic signature

  • create a 260 day, daily meditation

Natural Time Class

Monday, July 24, 10:00 - 11:00am $15

Dance to celebrate time, with a fun filled playlist and community inspired choreography. The movement experience will include

  • honoring the 4 directions

  • celebrating uniqueness

  • recognizing connections

  • jubilating unity

  • choosing, sustaining and increasing joy individually and collectively

More information available and buy a calendar at www.13moon.com

Buy Now

Day Out Of Time (DOOT) is Celebrated and Synchronized in over 90 countries. Brazil even has a national holiday for this day and it’s also international water day.

The Day Out Of Time invites us to take SACRED PAUSE and simply celebrate being alive.

Central focuses of The Day out of Time are:

  • "Time is Art!"

  • Planetary Peace through Culture

  • Universal Forgiveness

  • Atonement

  • Freeing of Debts

  • Purification

  • the Art of Peace

  • Galactic Freedom Day

On this day, we are invited to simply link our hearts and minds with the family of humanity, and all of Creation, and receive and transmit positive vibrations to bless and energize our One Web of Life.

To whatever extent we can, we are invited to "stop business as usual," and be as now-centered as possible, so we can experience the true timelessness of our nature as planetary creatures and cosmic children... breathing in, breathing out, at one with heartbeat of Creation...

Pausing to Remember who we are ~ in our multi-dimensional essence ~ beyond the mundane demands and distractions of the tick tock of the clock and the limitations of identifying only with linear time ... attuned to the sacred precious gift of our human adventure!

  1. stop business as usual and tune in

  2. take sacred pause and take stock of where are we personally and planetarily

  3. in such a time as this where are we at inside of ourselves?

  4. human culture, we are participating in consciously and unconsciously, what do you choose?

healing crisis in our planet

all mirroring to each other our greatness and our brokeness

life brings tragedy and majesty

life brings horror and miracles

the short cut is self love and self forgiveness

a journey to unconditionally love myself

the most valuable thing to invest in

accelerated avenue for our positive transformation

negative thoughts/behaviors come up - receive the message - accept, embrace, forgive - out of self love available to receive the lesson they have for me that allows me to grow