“What’s not to LOVE, as a teacher, when you receive beautiful feedback like this out of the blue. Warms my heart and inspires my spirit. Thank you Nana, hope you can return soon. ”
Dear Helen ,
I hope all is well with you and your family. I just had to share and thank you. I have been playing with the realms and pearls and yesterday and today prior to class asked the mental realm for pearls.. open ended no pressure. And they came. I noticed them, while describing movement options and quality. I felt the genuineness of them ( I have forced “pearls” in the past.)
Your insight and guidance were and are so valuable to me.
I will be using the “instant choreo” next weekend at a Nia Playshop for middle school girls that Courtney Stammler has invited me to co-teach at.. no idea when I am getting the playlist. I hope to be in a place of RAW rather than sheer panic, and observing your online classes really opened my eyes to what is possible.
Just checking in, letting you know how much I enjoyed, needed, and continue to learn from my week with you
Take care and I hope your trip to see your parents is/was wonderful
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