How to Embody "I'm fully IN"

I'm FOMCL (falling off my chair laughing) with this clip Lesa Walker, member of our Nia challenge club, shared in our facebook group. I simply HAD to share it with you.

Over the past year our Fun Friday 30 minute class has evolved into this lovely collective experience where participants call out their song requests (in the 15 mins before our 30 min class begins) and I create a playlist LIVE = under pressure search, select and add to playlist. No matter what is happening, at the top of the hour, hit play and we dance, on shuffle, for 30 minutes.

I set the focus, sustain the 7 cycles of Nia, we laugh a lot, sometimes there are amazing clicks (like when one song moves smoothly into the next as if we planned it!).

Participants bring the songs, I whisk up the moves, we co-create magical moments in this mysterious "on the fly" improve class experience.

And yes (back to Lesa’s reason for posting the clip) - when folks request a song there are usually more songs than there is minutes, i.e. not everybody’s song makes the 30 minute playlist. The lack of guarantee that the song will make the playlist, combined with the unpredictability of when the song will show up, brings forth a delightful response when someones’s song DOES comes up. Lesa’s suggestion, which I fully 100% support, is let us each cheer and celebrate when OUR song comes on!! yeah!!! LIKE THIS GUY…. bring it on Friday! can’t wait…


Joe and I’s intention of COMMITMENT for 2022 is where we are ferociously determined to refuse to cancel, give up or change our plans due to low numbers. Similarly this guy EMBODIES full commitment to GOING FOR IT! and look at the results, people all around him are smiling, dancing, expressing, laughing, connecting and all in all having a GRAND time…


  • the regular weekly commitment of improv has really improved my creativity

  • 30 minutes is like the perfect length of time without freaking out or fatiguing

  • every week i relax more and trust the process deeper

  • I’m humbled and humored all at the same time on a weekly basis

  • my regular classes are improving from the regular improv

  • participants LOVE this class - one of the top feedback comments

  • as on the dance floor, so “it” is in life, I seem to be lightening up, caring about the small stuff less, living with less concern and higher curiosity

  • my skills and techniques for searching and adding songs to playlists have rapidly improved