Congratulations Nia Green Belts


Congratulations Nia Green Belts! wow! what a wonderful 12 week journey. We met 2 hours a week to learn more about smart practice, how to become more skillful, more confident and increase proficiency. Through the Nia Green Belt training participants develop the skill to do many things at the same time sustain a deep sense of peace and relaxation. A fabulous skill set for both on the dance floor and dancing through life!


There was a wide range of diversity and experience within the group, from total beginners (in fact one participant took this Nia Green Belt training, simultaneously WHILE attending her Nia White Belt training #SuperKeenToTeachNia ) Some people had never taught, others had learned a couple of Nia routines and some had been teaching for decades with HUNDREDs of Nia routines under their belt.

Good job everyBody!