This year, 9.9.20 was a unique celebration of Soma Ranch’s Birthday; Joe and Helen, solo at Soma, sitting on the porch enjoying some delicious carrot cake!
We’ve enjoyed the Soma Ranch lap pool more than any previous year.
We’re appreciative of our lovely and loyal participants who have continued to attend Nia classes and events (in person and via Zoom). Thank you! Your ability to adapt, and willingness to continue investing in our services, has supported us financially, helping to sustain our business through a most challenging time.
We recently had a couple from Houston, with a 7 week old baby, come enjoy a private 7 day retreat rental at Soma Ranch. They restored our faith in rentals through AirBNB.
We look forward to when we can “welcome you home” to Soma Ranch. To return to hosting more in person events (Retreats and Nia trainings). Oh WHAT a fabulous celebration we are anticipating!
For now our fabulous OnLine Zoom classes, Nia Trainings and the upcoming Special Sunday Series allow us us continue to serve our community (near and far) and sustain the Soma Ranch Small Business.
The local In Person classes give us a taste of “normal” and we cherish the human heart connection.
Our private “ 50% occupancy” rentals, for up to 10 guests, are proving to be delightful, a lower “foot print”on Soma and a lovely way to get to share the joys of Soma Ranch.