Happy New Year! Welcome to the new Soma Ranch email service, where we want to inspire, motivate and help you through relevant, timely and attractive information… ultimately this new and entertaining communication attracts you to come visit Soma Ranch or at least thoroughly enjoy the news from afar!
Please provide feedback. How we may help you best?
For 10 years one of our main goals has been 10!
10+ trainees in each Nia training
10+ people attending retreats
10+ people dancing in each public class
2020 has kicked off with all 3 goals being met!
10 years in the making, we deeply appreciate everyone who’s stepped into Soma Ranch thank you for being part of the magic and for helping dreams come true.
We hope you join us in celebrating prayers being answered. And if you are a “pre-Soma” guest, perhaps one of many who say “Soma Ranch is on my bucket list”, let us know how we can help you dream come true.
Tomorrow we kick off the year with our traditional January Nia White Belt with lots of special events, classes and opportunities.
Helen then “skips” over to Budapest (dropping in on the UK to see parents and teach a class on the way!) to offer a Nia Brown Belt. Then back home to share a special coaching 7 day retreat with Nia Brown+ Teachers, this where there’s a public 10am Nia class every day with Helen and a JAM with the participants "TEAM” teaching. In between time the team is receiving personalized coaching on their teaching, technique and more, balanced with a lovely dose of local field trips.
Here’s the main links on our website that you can use to keep up to date with whats happening: