Senior Pictures Photo Shoot at Soma Ranch

We recently had the honor to host a photo shoot for a student wanting something "different" for her Senior Photos. Yes! a beautiful young lady, with a most talented photographer, AND Soma Ranch really shines too! especially Mr. ChaCha (of all our donkeys we love how it is Cha Cha who most often is the super star!)  FYI ChaCha is very "special" he can barely see or hear, he moves and functions a tad slower than the rest of the tribe and he's the best for many roles, like letting little children pet the donkey and now staring in a photo shoot! 

Lisa Shortino, Ayda Avenue Photography

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Here's a fun photo showing how our donkeys always want to know what anyone is doing out in the pastures.

Lisa shared "Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to get that perfect shot!!!

 #likefullonsurrounding #jacksinafield"


Lisa Shortino, Ayda Avenue Photography

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Thank you Lisa Shortino for visiting Soma Ranch and capturing some wonderful shots.

We thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and hope you'll come back and visit soon.

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