Soma Ranch Logo
Have you noticed how the symbol for 11 (2 bars and a dot) looks very similar to the Soma Ranch Logo? It’s a cool story; When we were creating the name, image and branding for Soma Ranch, my web designer requested I NOT be involved in the development. Instead he requested after the initial decision that Soma Ranch was the name and a few details like we wanted the ranch to be green, full of heart, balanced, vibrant, welcoming and fun.
Soma Ranch Studio Bell
6 weeks later the web site was presented. I exclaimed “why did you put symbol 11 in the logo?” The web designer) replied “what’s that?”
Jean Marie and Elaine (super duo designers) developed the logo from our studio bell. I love the shape of the bell. Look how it’s like someone dancing for joy (head, arms and legs), leaping over the “skirt” of the bell.
The logo represents
the head (dot) arms (first bar) and legs (second bar)
Soma “of the Body”
The dot + 2 bars represents
Joe, Helen and our daughter, Liliana = a small family business
my faith (Christian): the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The logo reflects
symmetry with 2 lines and 2 circles (one small inside, one big outside)
my love for simple, clean, Zen design.
2 circles (small and big) represent yin and yang.
The color green
represents our ranch (green, nature, do our best to recycle, reuse etc)
radiates the heart chakra (we have our heart and souls in this business)
happens to be Helen’s favorite color and the color of her eyes (personal)
Terry Family
The amazing design duo didn’t know 2 bars + a dot = 11. They didn’t intentionally select the number 11 to be the logo.
Principle #11 in the Nia White belt is “Creating a Sacred Livelihood”
Joe and I feel Soma Ranch is a physical manifestation of how we have created our sacred livelihood together.
How perfectly magical our logo is all of the above.
We LOVE it - and hope you do too.