Enigma GRACE

Nia Class_ Mask & Mirror (7).png

Enigma was the Nia Class my friend, Alan Davidson, would request most, I think it was his favorite. We dance to Enigma’s second CD (Cross of Change) from beginning to end. A cool thing about this music is how several of the songs weave seamlessly from one to the next. This continuity brings a beautiful building energetic quality to both the music and the moves for a magical experience.

Focus: 5H’s: Heals, Hara, Heart, Head & Hands

Intent: to feel more Grounded, Relaxed, Aware, Centered with Energy.


10:00am Saturday via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84188098716

08:00am Monday via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84188098716

10:00am Monday IN PERSON at Soma Ranch

Usual class rates apply

24 hour replay available upon request.

The words of these songs feel so relevant for today and for honoring Alan and is one an only most very special way.

Lyrics for “Return To Innocence”

Love - Devotion

Feeling - Emotion

Don't be afraid to be weak

Don't be too proud to be strong

Just look into your heart my friend

That will be the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

If you want, then start to laugh

If you must, then start to cry

Be yourself don't hide

Just believe in destiny.

Don't care what people say

Just follow your own way

Don't give up and use the chance

To return to innocence.

That's not the beginning of the end

That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence.

Lyrics for Cross of Change (the last song)

If you understand or if you don't
If you believe or if you doubt

There's a universal justice
And the eyes of truth
Are always watching you
